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Pre-FR Interview w/ Perfect Legend - He gives us the latest and responds to Filipino Champ's remarks


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In the competitive world of Mortal Kombat, if you have to climb to the top to beat someone to be called the "best" it's Perfect Legend. Not only did he win Mortal Kombat 9 at Evolution once but twice. So what was it, was it the fact that he won once and held all of the trash talk in and used it for fuel? Many top players said they'd beat him and that he would not have a chance, yet he did the same thing two years in a row. One aspect of this came down to what events Perfect "Carl White" Legend attended, as it wasn't many.

Coming from a man who has no local scene and trains himself... and fears no one? Yes, that is correct... perhaps others should take notes because Perfect Legend is confirmed for Final Round this weekend. To enter this weekend we decided to ask Perfect Legend a few questions to get us up to date on the MK9 EVO Champ as he walks in to a hungry crowd of "Kombatants". On top of this... he responds to Filipino Champ's comments concerning the Mortal Kombat community.


1. Okay, let's be serious here... some might be surprised at "Perfect Legend" making it to a tournament that isn't next to his house or EVO. How come your able to go to Final Round in Atlanta, Ga. Don't get me wrong... this is awesome, but this has me curious. Care to elaborate and confirm your travels?

I will gladly elaborate. Yes I am confirmed for Final Round I arrive around 9 pm on Friday. I understand its not EVO or in close vicinity but I have the tournament itch and I feel like playing.
I've always wanted to go to Final Round but never had a real reason too and on top of me having the tournament itch they added extra incentive by giving Team Ninja the floor to add prize $ to the payout for Dead or Alive 5. I am going to use this as a ground for seeing where I am in both MK and DOA. Its been a while since I have had the fire to compete and really want to play. I am open to playing casuals with anyone in MK as well as DOA. I'm also just really in the mood to dominate.

2. You said recently in a TYM Status Update something about innovating with Kung Lao... with of course, not giving anything away... I take it you're still training pretty hard for Mortal Kombat or just the same as usual?

I am revisiting previous strategies finding the flaws in them (which are pretty well known right now) and fine tuning them making them harder to deal with as well as coming up with new stuff. I am finding strats based around my old philosophies and characters I have played in other games. I am not too much concerned with combos than I am with mindset and actual practical tournament strategies. My resolve is the same but with renewed motivation.


3. You've won Mortal Kombat at EVO two years in a row... TWO IN A ROW... and now that Mortal Kombat is heading in to EVO for a third year in a row... is there anyone in the community currently that you're concerned about or watch closely? You of course, are not expected to reveal their name(s)...

I am not worried about any players. I am more worried about characters so I brush up and try to find that extra edge to feel more comfortable. At the end of the day I don't think there is a player on the planet that can out think/play me in a match however they may be able to use a character or damage to make sure when they do happen to guess right their damage output will exceed mine making me work harder for the win. Every player is a threat at the end of the day so I try to stay ready. I watch everyones match videos seeing what they do picking apart their habits. If I lose to something I study up on how I lost so when the situation arises I know what to do the next time. My biggest pet peeve is losing because of my lack of knowledge which I feel like is my biggest flaw. Knowing your opponent is half the battle anyway. Everyone should be worried about ME!

4. To change it up a bit... are there any players in particular in the community that inspire or have inspired you? Any community, not just Mortal Kombat*

No I can't say that there are any. I am very self driven, inspired and motivated. I am also self taught

5. Do you think you winning Mortal Kombat at EVO has kept you playing the game even more now that you're kind of expected to put up a fight and take for a third year in a row?

It definitely has a bit to do with it but at the end of the day I really enjoy playing Mortal Kombat the community is a great bunch of competitors and I think I owe it to them and my fans to continue to put on a show whether I win or lose. I think Mr.Wizard coming out and saying MK's storyline is great because of me winning back to back they want to see if I can three peat so I owe it to EVO and the PEOPLE to come back another year and attempt it. It does make for great storyline afterall.

6. In your opinion, besides yourself, who will be the Top 5 players in the Mortal Kombat at Final Round with the best chances to go further than others and why?

Tyrant, Pig of The Hut, Mr. Mileena, Wound Cowboy for sure. Gross if he doesn't run into any players that know how to fight Sektor and Smoke. I heard Tommy Wafflez is going if he has been practicing like before he should easily make it since I feel he is the best Smoke and has a lot of match up experience. I am not much aware who else is going I think I heard Noobe or something. Everyone is a threat as I have said especially Cyrax players lol.

7. Do you still play Kabal?

Yea I still play Kabal, but he sucks lol. Well I hope hes better now I'm not sure. I still feel like Kabal is overrated so any time I use him I feel his holes all over my hands when I use him. I kind of mentally guard break myself when I use Kabal because I'm thinking like "why isn't the opponent doing this and letting me get away with this?" whenever I use him. I do think he is the best char in the game but Kung Lao, Kitana, Human Cyrax, Subzero(ONLY ON SMALL STAGES) give him a good fight.

8. Changing to the topic of Injustice: Gods Among Us, how do you feel about Filipino Champ saying that you've got "no chance" at other games and that you're only good at Mortal Kombat?

Hmmm good question. I will answer by saying this: I'm not sure about this but me beating Justin Wong, Wolfkrone, Floe, Mike Ross, PR Rog, Arturo Sanchez, Alex Valle and Chris G all in SF4 as well as placing top 5 at majors and regionals in tournament in one version of the game at one time or another, and winning EVO in DOA as well as in MK and placing higher than him and others in tournaments we have been in is me not standing a chance at other games. Then I guess that means I have "no chance" at other games. FChamp is my boy and all but his claims are a bit off. I mean maybe if he was talking about other top MK players this MIGHT hold weight.

9. Do you think Filipino Champ would stand a chance against you in Mortal Kombat if he trained hard for it?

Hes a smart player so I don't doubt his skill, however its the same for me and Ultimate Marvel vs Capcom 3. I do think he would stand a chance as in be able to put up a good fight but it remains to be seen how he would perform. However let me stop bs'ing. No he would not beat me in Mortal Kombat he would get bodied and quit the game like everyone else in the past and say the game is broken or bad but continue to play UMVC3 lol. Capcom players try to put themselves in win/win situations. If they win its YOU ARE A BAD GAMER IM MORE GIFTED THAN YOU, if they lose its I DONT PLAY THIS GAME THIS GAME IS BAD ANYWAY. Capcom players need to get off of their high horse and realize their are gamers who don't play their games that are just as good or if not better than they are. Just because their games has the biggest amount of players cause of its cult following doesn't mean much besides that the games community has been around longer than everyone elses. Its annoying when they lose at a game they say its bad but if they win its great!

10. Give us some last words of wisdom from our two-time EVO Champ..?

This might be the last year for MK at EVO. I hope its not and it would be great for everyone to come out and produce a 1k man tournament or another 500 man bracket like for 2011. I hope you all don't drop MK when Injustice comes out but instead allow MK and Injustice to exist side by side one another as SF and Marvel does. MK needs a game to stand with it and of course Injustice will be the game. Injustice is MK's Marvel but more of a honest game and not so chaotic like Marvel is. Keep playing both games and I hope to see all of you at Final Round and whatever tournaments I attend. Try to make time to come out and play. I look forward to all old and new rivals.

TYM - Thank you, sir. Always good to give people a deeper inside look at Perfect Legend!

PL - Thank you for asking. Always a pleasure.

Check out Perfect Legend this weekend at Final Round! (stream info included)



Mechanical Engineering Bitch!
He'll definitely be one of the top players in Injustice. I don't see any Capcom players giving him any trouble aside from Chris G (assuming both him and PL decide to put time into Injustice.)


Saiyan Prince
Keep doin your thing dude *shrugs* can't hate on resolve and his resolve does bring results. If someone ain't hatin on you, you ain't doin it right.


.... they mostly come at night. Mostly.
good stuff .... PL is confident, but , realistic .... so he is one of the best and there is no doubt about that.

great interview, and I hope he does well in IGAU the same way he is insane good on MK9


What is going on guys, Ya Boi Zyphox here.
i should have tried to get PL for an interview too, oh well this is suffice, good interview PL always brings the hype. :)
I have a feeling there's no such thing as regretting restatements of facts.

First Evo win I was like "wow.. what a shock.. 24 hat won an event. great." Then his character got nerfed and he won anyway. Dude's legit.


Where the hell is Reiko's wheel kick
Well said, especially about Capcom-only players and the thing about Injustice, it serves as a change and gives more quality to MK mechanics


Cage ban wagon?
So true about the capcom players. If they lose its because its a bad game and the only reason they consider themselves the "real" players is because their game has been out longer and there are more players following it.