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Post things to help make cyborg not the lamest character ever

Pig Of The Hut

Day 0 Phenomenal Dr. Fate and Darkseid player
I'm absolutely loving him right now in IGAU 1.

I build meter with fireballs and then use it to Mbb3 or mbf3 (they're already godlike moves, sometimes used as footsie normals) I think it's super fun that this is the core of his footsie game, or at least how I use him

I'm using hit box so everything is precise, I'm able to use every move easily

I know everyone has tried to make this character good, so I won't speak too soon, to be honest I really would like him to be some undiscovered potential, did balding ever play theo @Pig Of The Hut @Kinetic Balding1

I think recently my week 2 or 3 cyborg went 40-60 to a pretty good black adam player.

One last thought, power fist is like a crappier version of Batgirl's cartwheel, but it's still good for checking people just out of standing 2 reach
Not sure if balding used cyborg in these videos but to make up for it here's a video of theo getting bodied


Loud and Klear~
You know, if Zod isn't making the cut they should make Cyborg's blast similar to Zod's fireballs. Trait is beast boy shows up on the opponent just like Zod's trait.
Give him the eye lasers too, fuck it. If Kano can do it Cyborg can too. Call it Booyah Beam.

Or again the Pegasus transformer is good too.

I really hope they can make him less boring. A Cyborg character should have so much more potential and creativity in their moves, if fuckin Franky from One Piece can make Cyborgs look cool then "Cyborg" should easily be able to.
I have been brushing off IGAU 1 as well. I chose Cyborg and I like him. I am not saying he doesn't have bad MUs but he does have some dirt. Here is what I would do for Cyborg in Inj 2.

  • Too much of his budget was put into instant air fireballs. I would remove airborne fireballs so that we could massively buff him in other areas.
  • Extreme buff to d2. Give him some cyborg tool on his d2 and increase the distance it covers. Think Aquaman type d2.
  • Majorly decrease the recovery after a whiffed tackle. If the opponent is jumping and you whiff a tackle you should be able to block his following.
  • Remove healing trait and change it to his missiles. Except when you use trait all 3 types of missiles come out, the close one, the mid one and the far one. Let it have no startup animation and just come out immediately so you can use it during any string when you are attacking or immediately in the neutral. Give it a cooldown though.
  • Add a new special like a time bomb on the ground or something. This will fill in the gap where he used to have missiles. Let this be a setup move where you throw it on the ground on opponent knockdown.
My vision for him would be a person that forces you to come in due to his 8% MID fireball. Then they have to get past your amazing d2, tackle, and grapple hook get away guessing game. Not to mention armored b3's because you are building so much meter before they get in. Then on knockdown have setups with the time bomb special.

Yeah I guess I have thought about Cyborg a bit lately lol. I am excited to see what changes they make and if I like them he will be one of the characters I check out day 1 for Inj 2.


Worst Kitana ever?
If they redo some of his moveset im definitely gonna play him. I don't think they will so im going to Deadshot

Pig Of The Hut

Day 0 Phenomenal Dr. Fate and Darkseid player
I have been brushing off IGAU 1 as well. I chose Cyborg and I like him. I am not saying he doesn't have bad MUs but he does have some dirt. Here is what I would do for Cyborg in Inj 2.

  • Too much of his budget was put into instant air fireballs. I would remove airborne fireballs so that we could massively buff him in other areas.
@General M2Dave

Side note this is one of my favorite sketches ever. Stop it at 3:20, rest is BS award for a crew member

And if like that watch this
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The Aquatic Ace
When cyborg was very first shown in Injustice 1, I honestly thought his rockets that he shoots at the ground where going to OTG and then be able to continue combo.


If Cyborg combines his new diagonal fireball with his good ground fireball and a movement restricting trap type of projectile alongside his grapple and back dash for runaway. Good mids/ strings to go along with him keeping his forward 2,2(no mix up starters). I'll take Cyborg gear where he gets a beard too that buffs his coolness by at least 20% lol. Cyborg also needs to be bubbling with personality like he was in Teen Titans. Booyah is fine, but add some more of his hype personality that made people become a greater fan of him in recent times to majorly compliment that.

Lt. Boxy Angelman


After seeing this, maybe Cyborg has some hope, post things to help rehab cyborgs awful trash image.
This is one of the greatest things in the history of cartoons.
My daughter will back me up on that.

I'm definitely at least pocketing Cyborg.
And I have a reasonably decent feeling he's going to be better this time around.



i always thought cyborg should be able to hold and burst his projectiles on himself as a gtfo move against teleporters
@Pig Of The Hut

Here is what I mean by budget. Take Killer Frost as an example. To this day I feel that Killer Frost is the worst designed NRS character of all time. The main reason for me hating her is that slide. It launched for no meter, was safe, was a 50/50, and was a footsie tool. The refusal to nerf that move made it so nothing else on her could safely be buffed because she always had that broke move.

In my opinion too much of the budget of that character was put into slide. Now say they nerfed that slide and made it -22 on block and full combo punish. Now that frees up space to buff her elsewhere and make her a better character AND more fun to fight against.

Hopefully I wasn't rambling too much here.