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Combo Video - Summoner Post-patch corner bnbs + 41% unbreakable combo

@WhoIsYams I didn't have a chance to touch the game after the patch, can you combo stuff like : (with bat loaded) b2xxSkull, Bat fireball, f2122, 4xxtrance ...into whatever?!?!?


Resident Cynic
*wry laugh* the stuff coming on of the Quan Chi forums keeps getting better and better, I don't even think I'm bitter anymore I'm just waiting to see how crazy this can get.


That Game Store
@legion666 what damage were you getting with b32xxskull fireball? I'm getting less damage with combos using the bat fireball than I was before. It's like other projectiles and is unbreakable now so that's the trade-off I guess
@legion666 what damage were you getting with b32xxskull fireball? I'm getting less damage with combos using the bat fireball than I was before. It's like other projectiles and is unbreakable now so that's the trade-off I guess
I don't really remember I was able to do it like 2 or 3 times))) I think for 4 hits (b32xxSkull, Bat fireball) I got like 17 or 18%:/ so yeah the fireball itself does a lot less damage then the rising demon or other bat variations, but it keeps opponent standing that is why I was hoping to do as much damage as possible with as little gravity as possible) but yeah it turned out quite impractical.
So, are you getting less damage on all the old BnB which used the bat fireball?!?! Did they also make it unbreakable now????


That Game Store
Yeah it's unbreakable. Less damage. It's only 2-3% here and there though. Like if you change the mid bat to bat fireball in the unbreakable combo it drops to 39%. Also the ender in that video can be used midscreen if you wanna send them to the corner before they breaker


I upgrade this once to:

b2~exSkull, 4, L2, 4, 14~trance, db3, f212~skull, L2, 141 - 57% (1 bar)

b2~exSkull, 4, L2, 4, 14~ExtTance, db3, f212~skull, L2, 141 - 62% (2 bars)

b2~exSkull, 4, L2, 4, 14~ExTrance, db3, f212~ExSkull, L2, 141 - 64% (3 bars)

Better to meterbern first skull, becouse if u do simple one and enemy blocked it - u make high skull and it can miss him, so he can punish easy u
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I upgrade this once to:

b2~exSkull, 4, L2, 4, 14~trance, db2, f212~skull, L2, 141 - 57% (1 bar)

b2~exSkull, 4, L2, 4, 14~ExtTance, db2, f212~skull, L2, 141 - 62% (2 bars)

b2~exSkull, 4, L2, 4, 14~ExTrance, db2, f212~ExSkull, L2, 141 - 64% (3 bars)

Nice but you probably meant db3 right after the trance)
And the first one bar combo did 57% pre patch and still does if you use the same combo into trance:
b2~exSkull, 4, L2, 4, 14~trance, db3, f2122, L2, NJP, 141 - 57% (1 bar)
Edit: блин и что я опять все по-английски да по-английски))))
@ZorN слушай попробуй в свое комбо вставить NJP перед 141:
b2~exSkull, 4, L2, 4, 14~trance, db2, f212~skull, L2, NJP, 141 - думаю будет больше чем 57%


Oh, sure you right) there is db3, bat summon, i'll edit my post, thx! xD
Y, this:
b2~exSkull, 4, L2, 4, 14~trance, db3, f2122, L2, NJP, 141 - 57% (1 bar)
still viable, but i think, this one more harder to do (njp online sometimes doesnt connect to 141...)

Хороший тон, когда нас понимают все, даже несмотря на мой корявый английский))

Попробова с нжп - гравитация не позволяет. Тушка падает быстрее, чем я приземляюсь. Мб, конечно, я кривоват, но тут безумно большой шанс дропнуть будет, даже, если есть вероятность сконнектить...
Sorry if the title/thread is ugly, first TYM post
@STB Shujinkydink
@Quan bois

There's no gap to reversal between b2 and skull and if you confirm the block you can do the rising bat early to be ~neutral on block. Hella gaps in the low string as usual

Also I got a lot of Messenger alerts mid-video. My b
As a matter of fact, Yams, just like have just suggested in the above post (Sorry it was in Russian) can't you add an NJP to your BnBs right before the final 141?!?!
So that after trance it goes like db3, f212~skull, L2, NJP,141 , I think it will add some damage:/


Can't connect 141 after njp(
Only after second ExSkull, so 2 bars, but second 1 in 141 wiffs, and i have 59. So no need(

And there is a gap between b2~Skull (even Ex) and b32~skull (even Ex)
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Can't connect 141 after njp(
Only after second ExSkull, so 2 bars, but second 1 in 141 wiffs, and i have 59. So no need(

And there is a gap between b2~Skull (even Ex) and b32~skull (even Ex)
There is no gap in b2xxSkull according to frame data,(b2 cancel adv on block is -12+27=15 which is exactly the start up of a regular skul) but there is a gap in b2xxExSkull as it's start up is 21 frame, and of course b32 string canceled into anything has a gap in it)))


There is no gap in b2xxSkull according to frame data,(b2 cancel adv on block is -12+27=15 which is exactly the start up of a regular skul) but there is a gap in b2xxExSkull as it's start up is 21 frame, and of course b32 string canceled into anything has a gap in it)))
Y, u right, i tested again)

video for low corner: