These are the posts that truly understand the situation we face in Injustice right now. I see now why Fly sounds so smart on the KTF podcast, and Filipino Man is no slouch himself. These guys understand that there is a problem and they are trying to find a solution.
There are those that think I am doing this because I am a Doomsday main and I secretly want a buff to that character. Nothing could be further from the truth. I am an Aquaman main, and I am selflessly suggesting something to bring Aquaman (and others) in check for the good of the tournament scene. Others seem content to just say "lul" at the problem we are facing and shooting down intelligent posts on how to rectify the situation. Those same people are the ones that will be complaining about the unstoppable top tier next tournament! I now know why Tom Brady says "This Community!"
If you disagree with my solution please give me 1 hotfix that will fix as many things as my proposal and I will gladly listen!
Now to respond to the 2 deep thinkers of this thread.
AK L0rdoftheFLY your proposal on buffing Nightwing is very interesting. He could be one of those characters that could fix many of our problems we are currently facing. However with your vague response of "a slight buff" I am unable to fully back your idea until you come up with something specific.
Filipino Man you came up with two wonderful changes that could potentially save our scene. Unfortunately Paulo is an extremely busy man and asking him to implement two changes that have never even been play tested before, as well as one of the buffs being a FULL SCREEN projectile on a highly mobile character, the dangers of breaking Injustice are just too great of a threat to take that chance. If you could please just come up with one fix that could save our scene I would love to hear it.