I love my Vita... and I agree with
Dark_Rob that it needs some more exclusive stuff. The problem with the Vita is that I'm never really away from my systems that much, and when I am, I'm busy so I can't be playing anyway. Why bother to play MK on the Vita when my PS3 and 360 are right in front of me, let me use a stick, and look better?
At one point I thought that the Vita would survive as a "satellite" PS3, basically just give me every game I play at home the ability to play on the go with cross save/cross play ability. I STILL think this is a great idea...and would definitely drive me to buy more bundled games(think pricing here: $60 for PS3 game alone, $40 for Vita game alone or $70 bundle for both) and take my Vita with me everywhere....
But ultimately what the Vita needs are quality exclusive titles that would make me purposely choose to play it INSTEAD of my console systems. This is PRECISELY what has made the Nintendo handhelds so successful.
Yeah, I'll buy Injustice on the Vita, and on the PC... and prob. at least one copy each of the GOTY Edition for PS3 and 360... but I won't play the Vita version unless I'm off on vacation or remember to bring the Vita with me and I have the time to play.