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[Poll] What did you think about MK11's story?

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How do you like MK11's story?

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Fujin and Ermac for MK 11
Honestly, my biggest beef was cetrion helping raider then shortly after betraying him. And the ending did like everyone die except liu kang and raiden?

They should have had liu kang and raiden revive time as it was before kronika reminded it to that point. That being said it had its flaws but still eons better than other fighters and I would easily say this was better than mkx, about the same as mk 9 but the ending for this game just leaves a weird taste in my mouth. So liu and raiden have to recreate the realms? And I prefer raiden and liu fused over raiden being mortal while liu is stuck as a god.

Though cetrion didn’t lose to Jax or jacqui, they had the helmet which just gave cetrion a hard time but on end she got serious she could have killed them easily.

One of my biggest beefs has to be how the elder gods were killed so easily, this makes no sense to me. I guess j.kronika was a titan god above elder gods then you have regular gods and then Demi gods and everyone below that.

I wonder if here will be a God god to put everything the way it was a or have a new third timeline. I just consider everything canon at this point yet leading up to this new era timeline lol but it’s was fun.
Overall the story is for amateur story observers,some characters didnt make sense I can say e.g shao Kahn was brought back to be humiliated by kitana.the purpose of the actions confuse me e.g if kronika didnt bring back younger versions she could have won because Liu kang and raiden went dark,then she brought problems by her own hand.White raiden,jade,kitana,I cant find sense in this plot.


The Kollector wants your lunch money
I hated the ending at first because I was convinced that they just nuked the entire Mortal Kombat Universe and were going to reboot the series again, or worse change it entirely.

But then I understood that this story was mostly about exonerating Raiden from the stigma of Blunder God he kept ever since MK9's story mode, and for all intents and purposes, effectively retiring him. This story also gives Liu Kang a fitting and satisfying end, allowing the writers to give him a more passive role in future stories.


I'm a lover, not a fighter
I have been really excited about the MK11 storyline since the moment I saw the end of MKX.

I'm not usually one to criticise NRS - particularly their story telling (which is usually fantastic), but this was an absolute disaster.

It was dull, confusing, heavy handed and made little sense.

There was no point to bringing in Cetrion at all... she basically did nothing apart from getting her arse kicked. I thought she would be a really interesting character and perhaps get a chapter of her own, but instead, she was just dull. When she had a chance for character development at the end, they decided to not bother and have her continue as a lackey. The Kollector was not much better.

My thoughts is that they probably should have focused on Kitana / Liu Kang being the rulers of the Netherrealm for this one and introduced Kronika at the end (perhaps starting to ressurect some of the characters). The ending of the MKX storyline was so exciting with Shinnok's head being thrown at Kit/Liu. It seems like such a wasted storyline. After the events at the end of MKX, it was a shame to see these characters just be relegated to lackeys like Baraka / Reptile / Erron etc.

One of the only things I did like about it was that Jade finally got a personality and a background, but the whole Kotal Khan relationship was weird, very random and a little silly. You had no idea that they were lovers and it was never really explained. Johnny was fun as always, but there was not enough of him.

I really appreciate NRS for taking their story lines so seriously, but in saying that, MKX did such an amazing job with its storyline, it was disappointing that this one was such a let down.

Anyway.... I still have to thank NRS for making the effort.


After watching the whole thing (PC version isnt available til 1pm), once again MKs story just cannot leave the shadow of MK9s sublime story driven celebration of it's characters and just it's own legacy in general. A lot of the problem stems from Shang Tsung and Shao Kahn just being better asshole and imposing villains compared to Kronika and Shinnok. Hell, for the longest time you don't really understand what Kronika's motivation for her actions really is. And when it finally is spelled out for you, it just feels so hollow because Shao Khan was so much better at it than she was. Even Onaga would have been a better choice because he felt more like legit threat that could not be taken down without a concerted effort by the heroes and would have been a more satisfying "end" to this trilogy.

If this really is going to go anywhere with MK12 (whenever that is), the only stakes left are to add The One Being and Onaga. Those are really the only characters that could cause any actual upheavel and change like Shao Kahn did in MK9. Until then, MK9 will remain the definitive story for a fighting game, as well as the most exciting.
It's 6/10

Production value is off the charts, some of the facial expressions went overboard, several character deaths were completely unnecessary, Kotal Kahn is a complete and total bitch, the plotpoint about Past versions being hurt/killed = Present versions reflecting that was underused and didn't raise enough stakes, the entire story basically didn't happen since Kronika rewinded time itself to some pre-Big Bang shit, and omitted MKX characters were not explained as to why they're not present in MK11's story.

The entire MK universe reset at the end did not help either, and it just feels like NRS either didn't know where to go from MKX (instead of redoing the Deadly Alliance - Deception - Armageddon trilogy), or they're pulling an Armageddon 2.0 in the next game where literally any character can be added to the roster regardless if they died or survived as a result of the events in the New Timeline


So played MK11 all day at my friend's place, played through the Story Mode and got all the tower endings.

I absolutely LOVE to story in Story Mode... just up to the end. I am not a fan of the endings. I get it though, they're making it open for an all clean slate, but I don't think that was necessary. That said, everything up until that, I thought was awesome!

Good job, NRS! ^^


Mortal Kombat-phile
I hated the ending at first because I was convinced that they just nuked the entire Mortal Kombat Universe and were going to reboot the series again, or worse change it entirely.

But then I understood that this story was mostly about exonerating Raiden from the stigma of Blunder God he kept ever since MK9's story mode, and for all intents and purposes, effectively retiring him. This story also gives Liu Kang a fitting and satisfying end, allowing the writers to give him a more passive role in future stories.
I had a similar reaction, tbh.

I think we're going to see Mortal Kombat go on a lengthy hiatus while NRS tackles some new, original projects. At some point 6-8 years down the line, we'll see a revival of MK, but with a cast that is 90% new and only a dash of returning fighters. It's going to be an entirely new take on the series, maybe even with a entirely different lore since the universe is effectively restarting.

Dare I say, we won't even see the likes of Scorpion or Sub-Zero, with the only callbacks to the original timelines being Keepers of Time Liu and Kitana.

It's intriguing, even if part of me mourns the loss of the old timeline and all its characters. But, maybe that's what a series like this needs to do in order to survive and be fresh?


Best in the West
My problem wasn't characters having mediocre development or anything like that.

It's just that the whole story was so convoluted and ridiculous, and the ending was just the cherry on top to make me go "Alright, this is probably the worst story I've played in years."

The plot holes were just too big to even ignore. Shao Kahn and Kano's deaths were really bad. At the point the past character's were brought back from was pre-Kung Lao's death by Shao Kahn's hand. This means the following events would've never happened:
-Kung Lao dying
-Quan Chi resurrecting Sindel
-The Earthrealm invasion
-Motaro dying
-Shang Tsung dying
-Smoke, Kuai Liang, Nightwolf, Kitana, Jade, Jax, Stryker, and Kabal dying by the hands of Sindel
-Raiden killing Liu Kang
-Kabal + Stryker joining Earthrealm's forces
-Kabal being torched by Kintaro + Kano saving him

Also Liu Kang stealing his past self's soul? Are you joking?! He would've basically just offed himself right there, but no, plot holes are necessary and apparently so is shitty writing for when you feel like you need to start over with a new timeline.

I can't even begin to explain how much would've changed post MK9 because of this. For example, Kotal could've never become Kahn. Shinnok may have never been released from the Netherrealm. Drahmin + Moloch would've likely never died. Skarlet, Kintaro, Hsu Hao, Mavado, etc... may have never died. Ferra/Torr may have died. Mileena may have not died as well as Quan Chi, and SO much more.

It was careless and ridiculous, they straight up set their own rules for the whole past selves dying thing, and broke it multiple times.

Cetrion was also extremely pointless and possibly the worst character to ever be introduced into the series. Yes, even worse than Meat and Hsu Hao. At one point she tells Raiden he needs to stop Kronika, then the next she's helping Kronika? Not to mention she did nothing of importance until the very end when she was basically just there as a reason to allow Kronika to restart the timeline. 0/10 never want to see her in a future installment.

Kronika herself was just... stupid. "Let me bring people who will clearly not side with me. Also let me delete Raiden, but bring his past self back along with Liu Kang. The two people that can stop me."

If it weren't for some of the few good things this story brought in like actual development for Baraka, some good development for a handful of other characters, and some nice lore, I would've ranked this as a 0/10 story mode.

Like sure, some plot holes and mediocre writing in a fighting game is acceptable, but MK11 just takes all of this to unacceptable and ridiculous levels. It feels like a really, really, really bad fan fiction.

But, maybe that's what a series like this needs to do in order to survive and be fresh?
Not at all. They just need to have creative story lines is all. They had all the potential to do this in MK11, without using Kronika and time travel. The endings of characters in MKX even showed they could've done some really interesting things like Raiden trying to conquer other realms starting with Outworld for example. They still had events from the original timeline to put twists on like the Deadly Alliance, the return of Onaga, etc...
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Fujin and Ermac for MK 11
There were flaw sure, but still eons better than every other fighting game story easily.

With time travel no matter the series, franchise, there's always convoluted plots that raises even more questions. Perhaps Liu Kang and Kitana (well LK is an immortal God now and new Protector of Earthrealm) and Kitana being Edenian is also immortal by the fact that they don't really grow old, old. Already 10,000 years old so yeah lol maybe they'll become the new Elder Gods. This was prob my biggest beef, how easily they seemingly "killed" the Elder Gods like what? Their feats are much more powerful and better than anything Kronika did, all she did was orchestrate time yet still feared a Demi God essentially in LK and Raiden, as to why she wanted them to fight in every timeline at some point. I feel ultimately it was pointless creating Kronika and Cetrion showed blind loyalty that goes against her purpose. Though she did demonstrate the powerhouse that she is except against LK and Raiden, but just shows how powerful they are combined.

My other biggest beef since I forgot earlier was they completely ignored Ermac, Sindel, Smoke, Fujin, Stryker, Reptile, Sareena, Li Mei, Nightwolf etc as if they didn't exist.


It had a good start and some good moments but overall it was bad.

I enjoyed the first 7 chapters even if some things didnt make sense. After that it went downhill pretty quick. From chapter 8 onward it looked like they tried their hardest to beat the badness of the previous chapter.

The whole story seems pointless when the last chapter starts. Whats the point of assembling everyone if Liu Kang solos everything anyway. And its a shame cuz i really liked the united peaceful outworld idea thats working together with earthrealm. Bad guys side is even worse. Cyber Lin Kuei and Black Dragon didnt really matter and even Shao Kahn would have been a waste without the outworld subplot. Kronika was portrayed so powerful that she didnt need to assemble an army. She could have just killed everyone who was a threat by herself. As for Raiden... he wouldnt be a match for her Cetrion and Geras combined either.

Ending was extremly bad. The reset is bs. Even more bs is that Liu and Kitana are the Timekeepers. Raiden should have been the new Timekeeper, Liu and Kitana should be in Outworld, Fujin should have taken over Raidens job. Whats the point in making Kitana Kahn for 10minutes? Reeeeeeeally lazy ending too.

Also why does Kronika bring Shao Kahn back with only half of his top. Why not call on Sindel. She already solod everyone before.

Dvorah sneaking up on 2 Scorpions and killing one of them after she got blown up just minutes before is beyond silly. Nothing against Dvorah, great character... but this feels like intentionally stupid.

Frost story sucks once again. Its a shame they went the same route with her. Her reasoning ist total bs too.

Cetrion is probably the most pathetic thing that happened in MK. An elder god jobber... facepalm

Erron, Skarlet, Dvorah and Kabal just disappear at some point. Why wouldnt they not be at the final fight? Skarlet and Erron should have had more development.

Overall they should have made a more narrow story instead of being all over the place trying to include every faction as a whole just for the sake of it. 12 chapter in this format is not enough for the bloat of stuff they put in.

I also dont like the whole revenant crap. I wish they never started with it...

Here some things i liked so its not all bad rant.... Loved Sheeva cameo and that Baraka is not just a punching bag this time around. Liked Sektor and Cyrax cameos as well. Enjoyed the Cage family stuff this time around. Liked Jax for the first time in ages. Liked the Jonnys and the Kanos. Jade was awesome. Outworld subplot was the best part of the story. Cassie was fine but she should have had more meaning to the story given MKX. Kollector is the best newcomer storywise, at least he fits and has some personality.
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The Kollector wants your lunch money
They basically just said that Raiden's blunders were due to Kronika. He is Shujinko 2.0.
Having a PO'd Time Titan mess up your plans at every corner without you understand it doesn't make you as naive as Shujinko.
I like how the story is now much more neatly done, but it still suffers the same shit that happened with mk 9 and mkx, the story starts great and then suddenly crashing downhill and now I'm confused as fuck as to the ending and what are they going to do for the next installment of the franchise or if there is going to be an mk 12 at all since the ending kinda make it like they're gonna stop at mk 11

7/10 from me

it's gonna be TLDR brace yourselves
parts where I don't like,

1. some characters, mostly Kotal's main guards/advisors, are missing without any explanations

Takeda, Kung Jin, Fujin, Bo Rai Cho, future Erron Black, Reptile & Ermac (both past and future), Ferra Torr, where are they?
also where are the minor black dragon thugs like tremor, jarek, no face, tasia, etc during the black dragon fight club scene, at least a cameo in the story would be more... satisfying imo
at first I thought they're dead, but then I found Reptile alive and well when I explore the krypt, I mean like wtf? so then they're not all dead? where are they?

also imo, some like Reptile, Rain, Tanya and "maybe Motaro" could be used in the story mode like Cyrax and Sektor
For Reptile, either Kronika tempt him to restore his raptor race or Kitana recruit him to take revenge to one that responsible of his race extinction and offers him a seat in ruling outworld, kinda like what kitana offers to Baraka
Rain wants glory and ascension to Godhood, kinda like Daegon but with the black dragon helping Kronika I kinda understand why they didn't include the red dragon, and Kronika can offer him that,
Tanya basically wants Edenia to be restored, which again Kronika could help her with that they can make a nice cameo in the game
Motaro, Kitana could recruit his centaur race and again offers him a seat although since Centaur are OP as hell, that maybe the reason why no one seeks them out, idk thou

For me at least if those characters are in the story mode cameo during the Shao Kahn koliseum raid (reptile, ermac, future erron and "maybe" motaro and his centaur, and during the netherealm raid (reptile, future erron, takeda, kung jin and maybe Motaro and the Centaurs on Raiden's forces and both Tanya + Rain in Kronika's forces) and during the Black Dragon Raid and Netherealm raid, a cameo at least of their minor characters from 3D era that would be better even if they didn't make it into the roster imo

2. plot holes, started with Sonya's death
if Kronika restores the cathedral by reversing the time, shouldn't she be restored to life?
shouldn't past Kabal be dead or already damaged by Kintaro at that time? but he's alive and well
then past Kano's and Shao Kahn's death, they're not just a minor character imo, with their old self dead, I kinda expect there's some changing in the timeline event, and yet nothing seems to be happened except Future Kano disappeared into sands

3. they way they handle Geras and Cetrion, is just not right imo, Cetrion she informs Raiden what's going on, then defends Kronika to her death, I mean what? why bother telling Raiden what is going on then? also it'd make more sense if Cetrion came to her senses and merged with Liu Kang in the end to defeat Kronika instead of merging with Kronika, thou that's just my opinion
Geras, the dude is basically a slave, I think it'd be better if they somehow break him free from the enslavement but no, instead they chained him and throw him to the sea of blood

4. Kronika reverse time all the way until the dinosaur era then to the beginning of time, so does that means that everything, every death, every Mortal Kombat and every realm merging by Shao Kahn never happened now? I'm confused

5. the ending, looks like they restarted the world with Liu Kang as the "timekeeper"?
is this the end of Mortal Kombat? what's next for the franchise then?

6. lastly, not really that important, there's too much character face close up, IDK why they did that or it's just me, but I'm not really fond of it

other than those, I'm liking the story
how they handle Kollektor, Baraka, Sheeva, Cyrax and Sektor, I'm liking how Dvorah is basically a cockroach, how Raiden finally realized what's going on, Jax redeeming himself, Shao Kahn being strong as hell, etc, all is fine
I can't say anything about Frost, she feels okay ish but I kinda think they can do better with her
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I posted my thoughts in another thread. I liked the story. Definitely some time fuckery going on, but I don’t mind (I guess I’m just used to this from other time travel stories). I liked it better than X.

I gave it great because it was closer to great than “alright” to me, but would have voted good, or even pretty good if there was the option.

John Grizzly

The axe that clears the forest
Shao Kahn jobbing out to Kitana and dying from a single fan swipe to the face was ok.

Krippled Kotal is also not ok. My Kahn bois always jobbing out in story.

That Kotal horse, tho....