alright im on now if you want to trade or just whenever is good for you is fine tooI'll take a torchic.![]()
alright im on now if you want to trade or just whenever is good for you is fine tooI'll take a torchic.![]()
I'm at work right now, I'll be home around 4 PM EST. I'll hit you up whenever I'm free to do it. I can find somewhere with Wifi at lunch lol.alright im on now if you want to trade or just whenever is good for you is fine too
what do you want for the riolu? i have 4 iv gale wings adamant fletchlings, adamant speed boost torchics, adamant quick feet shroomish, adamant huge power marill, jolly mold breaker drillbur. just let me know what you want if anything at all.
Nooooo! Lol I had my 3DS with me too. Civil War was just too hype tho and I did a lot of commentary. I probably only played it for about 10 mins throughout the weekend lolHopefully I can get on for tomorrow to get that ditto XD
@xKhaoTik was too busy bodying me at civil war to trade and duplicate with me![]()
Oh man I thought you said you didn't need fletchling anymore, I have tons of them dude. Excadrill is amazing too so yeah lol.Dude what?! I'm killing myself for a Adamant Gale Wing Fletching. I have a Jolly one so that's the next best thing I guess.
I have Torchic too but its Blaze and Docile
I heard drillbur is pretty good too. Do you want anything for them?
I'm pretty much with you on all of this lol. Houndoom is underrated a tad in my book but isn't really going to destroy teams on his own. Kangaskhan will not even get a response out of me, Pinsir is godlike, and Tyranitar is probably one of my 3 favorite megas. It's like they wanted T-tar to sweep everything lol.My thoughts on them Mega Evos. Will Update from time to time.
Pros: Damn good speed, decent typing and surprisingly decent coverage with access to solar beam. Now Mega Houndoombawkz here has a suprising amount of bulk with his 75/90/90 defenses. Above average however is not reccommended to switch in. Ground/Water/Rock/Fighting will body this man. Fairy however only hits neutral do to the Fire portion of his typing.
Tested Practicality:
Faced a Mega Charizard Y on campus today.
"Oh Preon, what a nice Gliscor you have there. I'mma blast burn him for the easy 1hko."
However what he didn't know... was going to be his end. So I switched into my Flash Fire houndoom. Got the power up for my fire type moves. Then I mega evolved. New ability Solar Powered ups my SpAtk.
Now between Solar Beam / Fire Blast / Dark Pulse only one option would cut it here. Dark Pulse.... cue music and Fire Blast sweep the rest of the game.. Situation at best. But mega houndoom is no scrub. Just watch out for mach punch and Mega Gardevoir.
(Nasty Plot) If this thing leads and goes against some common foes like "Ferrothorn/Scizor" or basically any steel type that isn't Lucario/Heatran/Metagross or any non substitute build grass type.
Upon their switching out, you could set up a Nasty Plot and in some cases if you can tank it out a Sunny Day. Then get your sweep going from there. Granted I think this defeats the purpose of a Mega Evolution due to the fact I don't think any other competent Mega Evolution needs further set up upon the initial Evolving.
So Mr. Tyranitar's Mega evo is blessed with having sand stream. Now you may be thinking "Yeah, so does regular Tyranitar." But here's the thing. Let's say you have a Tank Tyranitar in play and you know its not going anywhere. So you sit on your Mega Evolution for 2 turns. Did you know that when you Mega Evolve it counts as resetting the weather? So you get a fresh weather turn counter? Now you may say that doesn't matter. Well try this. Someone comes in and uses rain dance. Then you mega evolve it'll go something like "Tyranitars Sand stream -> Foe's Rain Dance / Hail -> Mega Tyranitar's sand stream" Basically it'll allows you to attack and "use" sand storm in one turn. Also it definitely has the bulk to even outshine Goodra. 100/150/120. Only Fighting moves are real scares.
Its literally Tyranitar on Roids... Base 700 stat total. You do not need me to advertise this thing.
This guy here has a surprising amount of versatility. However there are a couple builds I haven't seen to many go for. For one. The thing can parafuse. With access to Thunder Wave and Confuse ray it can make this guy pretty tanky. For one you have to go through to 50/50's in order to get a hit. While it has access to two solid moves in Dragon Pulse and Volt Switch (For those critical get of dodge moments). However to add to its tank-like set you can drop Confuse Ray for Reflect or Light Screen depending on your team's various needs. Also it has access to Cotton Spore and Cotton Guard... by the way
Cotton Guard raises the user's Defense by three stages.
Practicality: Parafuse ray is a Rage Quit inducer. He just sits there looking like Fabio laughing at you since you can't move. Then the off chance you do move, you hit yourself. While he's just laughing himself into a coma with Dragon Pulses. Oh you switch to a fairy? Hopefully the Ampharos didn't make the read and volt switched... To a Heatran or steel type with stealth rock/spikes perhaps? Fairy then has a bad time.
Or it completely walls you with Cotton Guard. Physical Pokemon no longer need apply.
Mega Scizor
This guy is the epitome of being a "Scum Bug Steve". (Photoshop inbound) He is literally "What if Choice Band Scizor wasn't locked into one move" Not to mention he gains increased bulk and a face that a mother can't even love. You REALLY don't want to switch in on this thing unless you're a super tank. Why? This scizor sports a mediocre 75 base speed. It isn't Usain Bolt fast, but it is no longer Snorlax Slow either. Not to mention it keeps its Technician Ability so its Stab Bullet punch pretty much nullifies it being slower than you. If you manage to barely survive any of its attacks you'll be eating a bullet punch next turn. Also with its Bulk it can almost guaranteed get off a Swords Dance. However even though it has a 4x weakness to Fire, it is his ONLY weakness, that and will-o-wisp.
Choice Band Scizor is practical. So obviously Scizor with better defenses, speed, and choice-bandish attack boost is more than viable. Once again I do not have to sell this thing to you
Mega Pinsir
... .... ... Its like you guys don't even know ... ... ... No he's not getting a fancy write up. Nope.
His Ability Aerialte Turns all Normal type moves into flying type moves. . . It also gives all of his Flying moves a base 30% Boost... and then he gets the STAB from now being Bug/Flying. Lets take Return and quick attack.... without a swords dance you take Quick Attacks mediocre base 40. Multiply that by 1.5. Now we're at 60. Now take that 60 and multiply it by 1.3. So we're at 80... So quick attack has turned into Extreme Speed. Which we all know is a damn good move. Now... its time to discuss the big one.... Let's look at his RETURN. The base power of Return varies between 1 (minimum friendship) and 102 (maximum friendship). So 102 is what most people will be running it at. So 102*1.5*1.3=198.9 or basically lets just round to an even 200.........................With a base Atk Stat of... 155..... yeah fuck you bug... fuck you. Oh did I mention it has a great Coverage move in Earthquake? And that its decently fast with a base speed of 105? ...Enjoy your 4x weakness to steath rock... with your fecal matter eating grin....
Also once again with Mega Pinsirs base 155 Atk stat... its nothing to scoff at. You do not get to downplay this Mega in any way shape or form.
Mega Female Mother Cubone...Er Kangaskhan
Anyone whom I've used this thing against. I appologize. Seriously. Since it gets to attack twice per turn with its ability parental bond, the first hit does standard damage, however the second hit does half of the first hit. So basically it hits you for 1.5x damage every turn. If we disregard any stat boosting, it basically critical hits you with every move. However keep in mind each of these moves have a chance to critical hit in their own right. With a move like STAB Return this thing can sweep no problem, with Sucker Punch ghosts are held in check for the most part. However then there's its gimmick. It has access to Power-Up Punch. Now this may sound like a joke, but it isn't. Mega Kangaskhan gets to go +2 off Power Up Punch. It gets a stat boost when it hits you, then she gets another when the baby hits you. Now its return/sucker punch/Outrage (yes it can learn OUTRAGE) are basically going to One shot anything that doesn't resist it. Also did I mention that Mega Kangaskhan's lowest base stat is 100?
You know how many battles you could've won if you just had one more chance to attack? Yeah this woman doesn't have that problem. Little Mac seems to always deliver the bop in the crunch time. However Mega Kangaskhan is held in check by literally any faster Fighting Type. Mega Lucario comes to mind. Also if they lock themselves into Outrage, just switch into a fairy pokemon and stall them out.
That's all for now. i was bored between classes. Worth updating from time to time yay or nay?
I found a Jolly Gale Wing Fletchinder so I figured that would be the next best thing after Adamant due to speed. But if you have and Adamant one, then by all means, share lol.Oh man I thought you said you didn't need fletchling anymore, I have tons of them dude. Excadrill is amazing too so yeah lol.
I found a Jolly Gale Wing Fletchinder so I figured that would be the next best thing after Adamant due to speed. But if you have and Adamant one, then by all means, share lol.
And I trust your input so if excadrill is good, send that my way too lol. I completely missed out on B/W so idk who's good or not anymore.
Nice write upMy thoughts on them Mega Evos. Will Update from time to time.
Pros: Damn good speed, decent typing and surprisingly decent coverage with access to solar beam. Now Mega Houndoombawkz here has a suprising amount of bulk with his 75/90/90 defenses. Above average however is not reccommended to switch in. Ground/Water/Rock/Fighting will body this man. Fairy however only hits neutral do to the Fire portion of his typing.
Tested Practicality:
Faced a Mega Charizard Y on campus today.
"Oh Preon, what a nice Gliscor you have there. I'mma blast burn him for the easy 1hko."
However what he didn't know... was going to be his end. So I switched into my Flash Fire houndoom. Got the power up for my fire type moves. Then I mega evolved. New ability Solar Powered ups my SpAtk.
Now between Solar Beam / Fire Blast / Dark Pulse only one option would cut it here. Dark Pulse.... cue music and Fire Blast sweep the rest of the game.. Situation at best. But mega houndoom is no scrub. Just watch out for mach punch and Mega Gardevoir.
(Nasty Plot) If this thing leads and goes against some common foes like "Ferrothorn/Scizor" or basically any steel type that isn't Lucario/Heatran/Metagross or any non substitute build grass type.
Upon their switching out, you could set up a Nasty Plot and in some cases if you can tank it out a Sunny Day. Then get your sweep going from there. Granted I think this defeats the purpose of a Mega Evolution due to the fact I don't think any other competent Mega Evolution needs further set up upon the initial Evolving.
So Mr. Tyranitar's Mega evo is blessed with having sand stream. Now you may be thinking "Yeah, so does regular Tyranitar." But here's the thing. Let's say you have a Tank Tyranitar in play and you know its not going anywhere. So you sit on your Mega Evolution for 2 turns. Did you know that when you Mega Evolve it counts as resetting the weather? So you get a fresh weather turn counter? Now you may say that doesn't matter. Well try this. Someone comes in and uses rain dance. Then you mega evolve it'll go something like "Tyranitars Sand stream -> Foe's Rain Dance / Hail -> Mega Tyranitar's sand stream" Basically it'll allows you to attack and "use" sand storm in one turn. Also it definitely has the bulk to even outshine Goodra. 100/150/120. Only Fighting moves are real scares.
Its literally Tyranitar on Roids... Base 700 stat total. You do not need me to advertise this thing.
This guy here has a surprising amount of versatility. However there are a couple builds I haven't seen to many go for. For one. The thing can parafuse. With access to Thunder Wave and Confuse ray it can make this guy pretty tanky. For one you have to go through to 50/50's in order to get a hit. While it has access to two solid moves in Dragon Pulse and Volt Switch (For those critical get of dodge moments). However to add to its tank-like set you can drop Confuse Ray for Reflect or Light Screen depending on your team's various needs. Also it has access to Cotton Spore and Cotton Guard... by the way
Cotton Guard raises the user's Defense by three stages.
Practicality: Parafuse ray is a Rage Quit inducer. He just sits there looking like Fabio laughing at you since you can't move. Then the off chance you do move, you hit yourself. While he's just laughing himself into a coma with Dragon Pulses. Oh you switch to a fairy? Hopefully the Ampharos didn't make the read and volt switched... To a Heatran or steel type with stealth rock/spikes perhaps? Fairy then has a bad time.
Or it completely walls you with Cotton Guard. Physical Pokemon no longer need apply.
Mega Scizor
This guy is the epitome of being a "Scum Bug Steve". (Photoshop inbound) He is literally "What if Choice Band Scizor wasn't locked into one move" Not to mention he gains increased bulk and a face that a mother can't even love. You REALLY don't want to switch in on this thing unless you're a super tank. Why? This scizor sports a mediocre 75 base speed. It isn't Usain Bolt fast, but it is no longer Snorlax Slow either. Not to mention it keeps its Technician Ability so its Stab Bullet punch pretty much nullifies it being slower than you. If you manage to barely survive any of its attacks you'll be eating a bullet punch next turn. Also with its Bulk it can almost guaranteed get off a Swords Dance. However even though it has a 4x weakness to Fire, it is his ONLY weakness, that and will-o-wisp.
Choice Band Scizor is practical. So obviously Scizor with better defenses, speed, and choice-bandish attack boost is more than viable. Once again I do not have to sell this thing to you
Mega Pinsir
... .... ... Its like you guys don't even know ... ... ... No he's not getting a fancy write up. Nope.
His Ability Aerialte Turns all Normal type moves into flying type moves. . . It also gives all of his Flying moves a base 30% Boost... and then he gets the STAB from now being Bug/Flying. Lets take Return and quick attack.... without a swords dance you take Quick Attacks mediocre base 40. Multiply that by 1.5. Now we're at 60. Now take that 60 and multiply it by 1.3. So we're at 80... So quick attack has turned into Extreme Speed. Which we all know is a damn good move. Now... its time to discuss the big one.... Let's look at his RETURN. The base power of Return varies between 1 (minimum friendship) and 102 (maximum friendship). So 102 is what most people will be running it at. So 102*1.5*1.3=198.9 or basically lets just round to an even 200.........................With a base Atk Stat of... 155..... yeah fuck you bug... fuck you. Oh did I mention it has a great Coverage move in Earthquake? And that its decently fast with a base speed of 105? ...Enjoy your 4x weakness to steath rock... with your fecal matter eating grin....
Also once again with Mega Pinsirs base 155 Atk stat... its nothing to scoff at. You do not get to downplay this Mega in any way shape or form.
Mega Female Mother Cubone...Er Kangaskhan
Anyone whom I've used this thing against. I appologize. Seriously. Since it gets to attack twice per turn with its ability parental bond, the first hit does standard damage, however the second hit does half of the first hit. So basically it hits you for 1.5x damage every turn. If we disregard any stat boosting, it basically critical hits you with every move. However keep in mind each of these moves have a chance to critical hit in their own right. With a move like STAB Return this thing can sweep no problem, with Sucker Punch ghosts are held in check for the most part. However then there's its gimmick. It has access to Power-Up Punch. Now this may sound like a joke, but it isn't. Mega Kangaskhan gets to go +2 off Power Up Punch. It gets a stat boost when it hits you, then she gets another when the baby hits you. Now its return/sucker punch/Outrage (yes it can learn OUTRAGE) are basically going to One shot anything that doesn't resist it. Also did I mention that Mega Kangaskhan's lowest base stat is 100?
You know how many battles you could've won if you just had one more chance to attack? Yeah this woman doesn't have that problem. Little Mac seems to always deliver the bop in the crunch time. However Mega Kangaskhan is held in check by literally any faster Fighting Type. Mega Lucario comes to mind. Also if they lock themselves into Outrage, just switch into a fairy pokemon and stall them out.
That's all for now. i was bored between classes. Worth updating from time to time yay or nay?
This was gdlk lol. Love me some Mega Kang! I use Mega Scizor too and gonna try Mega Pincer.My thoughts on them Mega Evos. Will Update from time to time.
Pros: Damn good speed, decent typing and surprisingly decent coverage with access to solar beam. Now Mega Houndoombawkz here has a suprising amount of bulk with his 75/90/90 defenses. Above average however is not reccommended to switch in. Ground/Water/Rock/Fighting will body this man. Fairy however only hits neutral do to the Fire portion of his typing.
Tested Practicality:
Faced a Mega Charizard Y on campus today.
"Oh Preon, what a nice Gliscor you have there. I'mma blast burn him for the easy 1hko."
However what he didn't know... was going to be his end. So I switched into my Flash Fire houndoom. Got the power up for my fire type moves. Then I mega evolved. New ability Solar Powered ups my SpAtk.
Now between Solar Beam / Fire Blast / Dark Pulse only one option would cut it here. Dark Pulse.... cue music and Fire Blast sweep the rest of the game.. Situation at best. But mega houndoom is no scrub. Just watch out for mach punch and Mega Gardevoir.
(Nasty Plot) If this thing leads and goes against some common foes like "Ferrothorn/Scizor" or basically any steel type that isn't Lucario/Heatran/Metagross or any non substitute build grass type.
Upon their switching out, you could set up a Nasty Plot and in some cases if you can tank it out a Sunny Day. Then get your sweep going from there. Granted I think this defeats the purpose of a Mega Evolution due to the fact I don't think any other competent Mega Evolution needs further set up upon the initial Evolving.
So Mr. Tyranitar's Mega evo is blessed with having sand stream. Now you may be thinking "Yeah, so does regular Tyranitar." But here's the thing. Let's say you have a Tank Tyranitar in play and you know its not going anywhere. So you sit on your Mega Evolution for 2 turns. Did you know that when you Mega Evolve it counts as resetting the weather? So you get a fresh weather turn counter? Now you may say that doesn't matter. Well try this. Someone comes in and uses rain dance. Then you mega evolve it'll go something like "Tyranitars Sand stream -> Foe's Rain Dance / Hail -> Mega Tyranitar's sand stream" Basically it'll allows you to attack and "use" sand storm in one turn. Also it definitely has the bulk to even outshine Goodra. 100/150/120. Only Fighting moves are real scares.
Its literally Tyranitar on Roids... Base 700 stat total. You do not need me to advertise this thing.
This guy here has a surprising amount of versatility. However there are a couple builds I haven't seen to many go for. For one. The thing can parafuse. With access to Thunder Wave and Confuse ray it can make this guy pretty tanky. For one you have to go through to 50/50's in order to get a hit. While it has access to two solid moves in Dragon Pulse and Volt Switch (For those critical get of dodge moments). However to add to its tank-like set you can drop Confuse Ray for Reflect or Light Screen depending on your team's various needs. Also it has access to Cotton Spore and Cotton Guard... by the way
Cotton Guard raises the user's Defense by three stages.
Practicality: Parafuse ray is a Rage Quit inducer. He just sits there looking like Fabio laughing at you since you can't move. Then the off chance you do move, you hit yourself. While he's just laughing himself into a coma with Dragon Pulses. Oh you switch to a fairy? Hopefully the Ampharos didn't make the read and volt switched... To a Heatran or steel type with stealth rock/spikes perhaps? Fairy then has a bad time.
Or it completely walls you with Cotton Guard. Physical Pokemon no longer need apply.
Mega Scizor
This guy is the epitome of being a "Scum Bug Steve". (Photoshop inbound) He is literally "What if Choice Band Scizor wasn't locked into one move" Not to mention he gains increased bulk and a face that a mother can't even love. You REALLY don't want to switch in on this thing unless you're a super tank. Why? This scizor sports a mediocre 75 base speed. It isn't Usain Bolt fast, but it is no longer Snorlax Slow either. Not to mention it keeps its Technician Ability so its Stab Bullet punch pretty much nullifies it being slower than you. If you manage to barely survive any of its attacks you'll be eating a bullet punch next turn. Also with its Bulk it can almost guaranteed get off a Swords Dance. However even though it has a 4x weakness to Fire, it is his ONLY weakness, that and will-o-wisp.
Choice Band Scizor is practical. So obviously Scizor with better defenses, speed, and choice-bandish attack boost is more than viable. Once again I do not have to sell this thing to you
Mega Pinsir
... .... ... Its like you guys don't even know ... ... ... No he's not getting a fancy write up. Nope.
His Ability Aerialte Turns all Normal type moves into flying type moves. . . It also gives all of his Flying moves a base 30% Boost... and then he gets the STAB from now being Bug/Flying. Lets take Return and quick attack.... without a swords dance you take Quick Attacks mediocre base 40. Multiply that by 1.5. Now we're at 60. Now take that 60 and multiply it by 1.3. So we're at 80... So quick attack has turned into Extreme Speed. Which we all know is a damn good move. Now... its time to discuss the big one.... Let's look at his RETURN. The base power of Return varies between 1 (minimum friendship) and 102 (maximum friendship). So 102 is what most people will be running it at. So 102*1.5*1.3=198.9 or basically lets just round to an even 200.........................With a base Atk Stat of... 155..... yeah fuck you bug... fuck you. Oh did I mention it has a great Coverage move in Earthquake? And that its decently fast with a base speed of 105? ...Enjoy your 4x weakness to steath rock... with your fecal matter eating grin....
Also once again with Mega Pinsirs base 155 Atk stat... its nothing to scoff at. You do not get to downplay this Mega in any way shape or form.
Mega Female Mother Cubone...Er Kangaskhan
Anyone whom I've used this thing against. I appologize. Seriously. Since it gets to attack twice per turn with its ability parental bond, the first hit does standard damage, however the second hit does half of the first hit. So basically it hits you for 1.5x damage every turn. If we disregard any stat boosting, it basically critical hits you with every move. However keep in mind each of these moves have a chance to critical hit in their own right. With a move like STAB Return this thing can sweep no problem, with Sucker Punch ghosts are held in check for the most part. However then there's its gimmick. It has access to Power-Up Punch. Now this may sound like a joke, but it isn't. Mega Kangaskhan gets to go +2 off Power Up Punch. It gets a stat boost when it hits you, then she gets another when the baby hits you. Now its return/sucker punch/Outrage (yes it can learn OUTRAGE) are basically going to One shot anything that doesn't resist it. Also did I mention that Mega Kangaskhan's lowest base stat is 100?
You know how many battles you could've won if you just had one more chance to attack? Yeah this woman doesn't have that problem. Little Mac seems to always deliver the bop in the crunch time. However Mega Kangaskhan is held in check by literally any faster Fighting Type. Mega Lucario comes to mind. Also if they lock themselves into Outrage, just switch into a fairy pokemon and stall them out.
That's all for now. i was bored between classes. Worth updating from time to time yay or nay?
Mewtwo and gengar are broken as fuck. Charizard X is top tier and the rest are ok. I was surprised with Alakazam not being better, but his lack of priority really hurts him this gen. Aggron is great on a good enough team. I used Blastoise for a little bitand wasnt impressed, but I want to give him another shot because I feel there is hidden potential there. Manectric is great for pivoting, but isn't devastating by any means. Abomasnow I'm probably biased against but I think it's the worst mega. It's typing is the only thing that really hurts it imo. I havent used it yet though so I cant say too much. Bannette is pretty much ony used for support. It gets prankster destiny bomd and will-o-wisp, which is really nice, but it's just a very specific niche.This was gdlk lol. Love me some Mega Kang! I use Mega Scizor too and gonna try Mega Pincer.
I used Mega Mewtwo Y for a bit as well. I liked it.
I've pretty mych tried every mega form except Blastoise, Gengar, Banette, Alakazam, Aggron, Abomasnow, Manectric, Char X, and Mewtwo X. How good are they?
Mega Evolution #2
Mega Manectric or Mega Meh'Nectric
Volt Switch + Its Ability Intimidate. Every time he is hitting the field you go minus 1 in ATK. Also it has access to snarl. Which lowers your Sp. Atk. This guy hands out Nerfs like its nothing.
Practical Use: Imagine Raikou with a slight buff. SLIGHT. More or less a fun pokemon not really a good one. However his design is ASS
I really like this pokemon, but it just has a really hard time surviving long enough to OKHO you lol. You could always pass speed to it, but you could say that for anyone. However it helps him more than most. I am pretty sure he has the second highest base attack in the game.I think Mega Heracross is pretty damn broken too.
Smeargle says Hi. "Spore / Stealth Rock / Shell Smash / Baton Pass" Put you to sleep, drop rocks, (if no sleep clause) put your switch in to sleep. Shell smash... double base ATK and double Speed. (Held Item White herb so negatives are wiped out). Baton pass to Heracross..... Mega EvolveI really like this pokemon, but it just has a really hard time surviving long enough to OKHO you lol. You could always pass speed to it, but you could say that for anyone. However it helps him more than most. I am pretty sure he has the second highest base attack in the game.
Like I said passing is always possible, but that wouldn't work on my team. I run overcoat mandibuzz and I'm always sure to lead with it anytime I see smeargle so that I can whirwhind any shenanigans. You would either have to be running dark void instead of spore or ingrain.Smeargle says Hi. "Spore / Stealth Rock / Shell Smash / Baton Pass" Put you to sleep, drop rocks, (if no sleep clause) put your switch in to sleep. Shell smash... double base ATK and double Speed. (Held Item White herb so negatives are wiped out). Baton pass to Heracross..... Mega Evolve
Some bodies going in 100000% dry no condom
Forever afraid of Talonflame.His typing suuuucks. Not only is he slower when he mega evolves, but he gets countered so badly by flying types. Huge bill.