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Breakthrough - Buzz Saw Please pay your respects to Perfect Legend


Highschool, the forum.

Petty arguements insue and a challange gets accepted.
To nobodies surprise, A man gets publicly shamed and cracks under the pressure to a guy so far up his own ass its going to be hysterical when he falls out of his prime.

Tym shitposts for days. why anyone cared is beyond me. Its not just "lol pl shittalked nd get rekt, kek". But thats all its ever going to be remebered as.
Somtimes the internet is quite depressing.


That Welsh Guy
This is bar far my new favourite thread, I have a new one everyday atm, TYM is funny as fuck :')

Y'all who are saying "this shits mean oh no" stop... please just stop, it's all in good fun we all know that, no one hates Carl and plenty of people respect he is a good player, just no where near as good as he thinks he is... times change and this isn't 2011 anymore step up or get 13-0'd in a money match by a furry.


I agree with what KingKhrystopher said PL is good player he was the best in MK9 but things have changed and Sonic Fox is dominating but it won't be forever so let's not harass PL.