Hey man, thanks so much for taking the time to record/upload your play; looking good man. Just from an outside perspective to give you some constructive criticism, I'm not trying to be rude but we are all on here to level up and watching yourself sometimes it can hard to find the holes in your own play. (I would appreciate someone critiquing me so I'm just presuming you'd like the same, if not then just ignore this).
A few things that I noticed is that you throw out raw F3,4 too much; it's a great string, but it's so good that I've noticed that us Cage mains rely on it a little too much (myself included). When the person is stand blocking is the only time you should use the EX-forceball because you can be uppercutted or poked out fairly easily with the f**king stupid option select mechanism in this game, I use Jax too and his pressure stings into fireball are the same exact way :/. Also F3, 4 should only be thrown out if you are >80% sure you'll connect because you can eat a full combo if they block it.
You did an excellent job with F3, MC and applying pressure afterwards, something else you might use (sparingly because they will eventually catch on) is D4, MC. You looked VERY strong against Sonya but Mileena was giving you trouble so I'd work on that match up more (you have to pretty much punish every blocked special with F3, Nut because everything else is too slow or doesn't reach), because she is far worse of a character than Sonya. Your run full screen into D4 to apply pressure or to dodge projectiles was very on point sir. It is VERY difficult to tec throws in this game (online especially, but then again EVERYTHING is impossible online), so I would get that 12% damage for often, I rarely saw you throw.
Overall man you looked very solid, your spacing was on point, your combos (especially in the corner) looked very good, I certainly wouldn't want to face you in a tournament setting. Good job man, and again, thank you for taking the time to record/upload this; it helps out alot. Much appreciated.
EDIT: Also EX-Nut after a blocked F3, 4 is Godlike, definitely stealing that tec from you. I noticed you do 1,Nut afterwards and sometimes dropped. Have you tried 4, Nut? I find that it reaches so you don't need to dash/run and is more consistent.