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Player Segregation

Miss Kanzuki

Yea I've experienced this too where people dismiss me for being an online player. If there are any online habits I have that would cost me offline, then I'm not aware of them and if offline I'm sure I'd find a way to adjust,..basic FG fundamentals known, if I can adjust to lag I can adjust to absence of lag.


Modest and humble genitalia destroyer
To me, it's simple. There's 2 spot. Player 1, player 2. During the sets nothing you claim will matter to me since all I care is on the screen.

However, if I'm not playing and you make ridiculous claim. Prepare yourself to see 2 chairs, and a lagless monitor and some money on the line. Online/offline/character don't matter to me. I want to see skill and there's only one way to prove it. You win? GG you outplayed me. I won? GG I outplayed you.


Forum General Emeritus
Happens all the time. Most offline players think they are above online players because online guys "can't hang with people who play without lag." Offline guys will rarely, if ever, play against online players ONLINE because they are afraid of getting beat because of lag. It's a crutch excuse, honestly. In the major MK2 tournaments in recent years, whenever myself or another prominent online player shows up, we always do well; often winning or placing top 3.


I'm guilty of this im not an "offline" player im just free online.

All it is, is a crutch, a defense mechanism for my ego.

Sent from my LG-LW690 using Tapatalk 2


Modest and humble genitalia destroyer
This is fact.
*This is an assumption.

Jimmy plays online and is a top player. He knows Reo sometimes plays online and is a top player.

Therefore, every top players plays online. (Assumption)

Here's with the top 20 players from the NFG list (lol). After asking if each of these players if they play online, we can see that x% of these players play online. However this information should be taken lightly and proves nothing. (Fact)


I have a dream that one day the mk community will rise up and live out the true meaning of its creed: 'We hold these truths to be self-evident; that all men are created equal. Except KUH-BAWL"

I have a dream that one day on the dark rooms of online warriors the sons of former top tier and the sons of former Kano tier characters will be able to sit together at the table of Noob Saibot.

I have a dream that one day even the state of Nevada, a state sweltering with the heat of injustice, sweltering with the heat of oppression, will put MK into it's line-up once more.

I have a dream that little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the tier position of their character.

I have a dream today.

STB Shujinkydink

Burning down in flames for kicks
*This is an assumption.

Jimmy plays online and is a top player. He knows Reo sometimes plays online and is a top player.

Therefore, every top players plays online. (Assumption)

Here's with the top 20 players from the NFG list (lol). After asking if each of these players if they play online, we can see that x% of these players play online. However this information should be taken lightly and proves nothing. (Fact)
what? no. im judgin this by experience. Online ive played Forever King, GGA 16 Bit Curbolicious, Pig of the hut, Reo, Krayzie, PL...list goes on.

fact of the matter is, its convienent, and useful, and believe it or not, can level you up.


Modest and humble genitalia destroyer
fact of the matter is, its convienent, and useful, and believe it or not, can level you up.
I totally agree with you on that. I'm not saying online is universally bad. However for me, personally, I feel I give in into 'lag-tactics' and it doesn't level me up anymore. However, I learned the basics because of online and it did level me up back then. I just don't feel the need or want to play online anymore

That being said if someone claims to be an online-warrior, I am not gonna laugh in his/her face. There are people online that will body me and I don't even doubt it.If you have fun online, go ahead my friend! Who am I to say what should be fun or not?


|| Seven ||
It's very simple really, if you lose online, it's because of lag. If you lose off-line, it's because you were too used to the lag.

STB Sgt Reed

Online Warrior
Hello there, completely different REO.

I totally agree with this post. It's one of the first things I argued about when I joined the site. lol


Alpha Tarkatan - Moderator
ive been told things like to "get off my offline high course" and most recently "a cunt" from members here because i say the online in MK is bad,
its not that there isnt good/smart players online because there are but its that the online itself is pretty poor,
i still play online with friends so im not all offline nazi about it but when people go on about thats theres no difference between off/online i dont think its out of line to correct them

Son ov Timett

Bork, No Jin
It seriously depends on the amount of lag present tbh. I played a set the other day where d1 was +20 on block, footsies non-existent, instant anything was instant death. It was worth it in the end though, as I managed to convince this guy to sign up for NEC as his first offline tourney. ;)

Going to try and keep online matchmaking this side of the Rockies henceforth.
I agree totally REO. I've had a few players over the last few days that I've ran into on ranked xbox who send me salty mail and tell me "I'm an offline player I don't ever play online and who are you? I'd rape you offline." It's like good for you. I never said I was good and besides this IS online and you're playing.

People like this make the online-only players like the one you're talking about feel less superior and so they find the need to say they are online players. To these people if you have gone to one offline tournament you are immediately several notches above everyone who hasn't and some even go so far as to talk like they are officially on a REO, CD jr, or Perfect Legend type level. We all just play MK dammit who cares?