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Player Segregation


Does anyone else get annoyed when players refer to themselves as stupid labels such as an "off-line player"? I hear people say the most irrelevant shit like "hi i'm billy and i'm and online player" all the time. Oh, you're a hitbox player? Thanks for telling me that along with your name as if it was your last name. Now let me go tell all the stick players, maybe they'll care. Why are MK players obsessed with all of these labels? What is the point of them? Do players call themselves "tournament players" so they can sound more intelligent and important when they write posts?

This is honestly the most retarded and pointless thing I have ever seen players become so attached to. I mean, think about if everyone would go around stating all their labels 24/7 because it's a part of "who they are" or whatever. Hi, I'm REO, and I'm a Kabal / Pad / New York / Online / Off-line (can i b both??) / Tournament / sometimesplaynoobonthesidesoyeahlol / player.

At the end of the day, you're an MK player. Please stop supporting all of this segregation that leads to arguments. Just because you can adapt to lag doesn't make you special. And just because you play in person doesn't make you better. I don't know if people do it to feel special or what, but this is the common traits I see people wanting to associate with - (online = underdog charisma) (offline = i know what i'm talking about mindset). I hope I'm not the only one who has been noticing all of this self-entitlement lately.


Great post. On a related note, what are your thoughts about the distinction between 'top players' and 'everyone else'?


Online Punching Bag
Great post. On a related note, what are your thoughts about the distinction between 'top players' and 'everyone else'?
Top players are better by tournament standards, but that doesn't mean everyone else can't get better and become one. I've run into some of the top players online when they weren't top players in the past and we've had some fun matches.


Does anyone else get annoyed when players refer to themselves as stupid labels such as an "off-line player"? I hear people say the most irrelevant shit like "hi i'm billy and i'm and online player" all the time. Oh, you're a hitbox player? Thanks for telling me that along with your name as if it was your last name. Now let me go tell all the stick players, maybe they'll care. Why are MK players obsessed with all of these labels? What is the point of them? Do players call themselves "tournament players" so they can sound more intelligent and important when they write posts?

This is honestly the most retarded and pointless thing I have ever seen players become so attached to. I mean, think about if everyone would go around stating all their labels 24/7 because it's a part of "who they are" or whatever. Hi, I'm REO, and I'm a Kabal / Pad / New York / Online / Off-line (can i b both??) / Tournament / sometimesplaynoobonthesidesoyeahlol / player.

At the end of the day, you're an MK player. Please stop supporting all of this segregation that leads to arguments. Just because you can adapt to lag doesn't make you special. And just because you play in person doesn't make you better. I don't know if people do it to feel special or what, but this is the common traits I see people wanting to associate with - (online = underdog charisma) (offline = i know what i'm talking about mindset). I hope I'm not the only one who has been noticing all of this self-entitlement lately.
Although I agree it's annoying, the majority of it started when people like Curbo and other "online players" were offering up ideas, tips, feedback, and theory fighting, and got totally crapped on for not ever going to an "offline" event. Online players are to blame for abusing lag tactics (LOL CROSSOVER X INFINITY) and offline players are to blame for assuming that anyone that plays online must be retarded.

We all play the same broken game, and the majority of us suck at it. Move on.


Joker waiting room
unless you're a very knowledgeable player online then you can't possibly expect people to take you as serious as an offline tourney player due to the sheer amount of bullshit that online is infested with
Hi, I'm REO, and I'm a Kabal / Pad / New York / Online / Off-line (can i b both??) / Tournament / sometimesplaynoobonthesidesoyeahlol / player.
I´m Mapusa and I´m a Sonya / Stick / Frankfurt / Online Only / Casual Player / Sometimes Dedicated Casual Player / Loves To Troll People Online-Even Close Friends Player / Teabag Every Time Before Fatality Player



Ayy Lmao
Hi, I'm Rampage, and I use to be a raging alcoholic and was arrested 3 times in the past year and a half, for beating my wife. I have also been fired from many jobs. I have been sober for 5 months now and have also been taking anger management classes. Also, I have recently been hired at UPS and I will try my best to not get fired from it.


Does anyone else get annoyed when players refer to themselves as stupid labels such as an "off-line player"? I hear people say the most irrelevant shit like "hi i'm billy and i'm and online player" all the time. Oh, you're a hitbox player? Thanks for telling me that along with your name as if it was your last name. Now let me go tell all the stick players, maybe they'll care. Why are MK players obsessed with all of these labels? What is the point of them? Do players call themselves "tournament players" so they can sound more intelligent and important when they write posts?

This is honestly the most retarded and pointless thing I have ever seen players become so attached to. I mean, think about if everyone would go around stating all their labels 24/7 because it's a part of "who they are" or whatever. Hi, I'm REO, and I'm a Kabal / Pad / New York / Online / Off-line (can i b both??) / Tournament / sometimesplaynoobonthesidesoyeahlol / player.

At the end of the day, you're an MK player. Please stop supporting all of this segregation that leads to arguments. Just because you can adapt to lag doesn't make you special. And just because you play in person doesn't make you better. I don't know if people do it to feel special or what, but this is the common traits I see people wanting to associate with - (online = underdog charisma) (offline = i know what i'm talking about mindset). I hope I'm not the only one who has been noticing all of this self-entitlement lately.
I actually agree with this.

There are mindsets in the MK community, for instance someone coming on here declaring themselves a "off-line player" and then deriding online players simply do it, for validation from other members, plain and simple. It's like saying "Being good at online means nothing". People are actually convinced that Kano and Reptile are a million times better online than off, when the reality is, someone good with Kano online is probably pretty decent offline as well. It's the argument used, usually when someone loses to a mid-low tier character, like online magically buffs Sheeva and Stryker to Shao Kahn levels, but top tier are suddenly worse? What a crock.

What I find the absolute worst, is someone that loses to someone in these online tournies and then declare "you would never beat me off-line".

Yes, the game is a but different online, but generally the same shenanigans and BS exist online as it does offline.

If it was feasible to bring EVERY SINGLE MK player together in one area, from every country, I wonder how well some of the offline "elite" would really do. Of course this will never happen, ces't le vie.


Do not touch me again.
I actually agree with this.

There are mindsets in the MK community, for instance someone coming on here declaring themselves a "off-line player" and then deriding online players simply do it, for validation from other members, plain and simple. It's like saying "Being good at online means nothing". People are actually convinced that Kano and Reptile are a million times better online than off, when the reality is, someone good with Kano online is probably pretty decent offline as well. It's the argument used, usually when someone loses to a mid-low tier character, like online magically buffs Sheeva and Stryker to Shao Kahn levels, but top tier are suddenly worse? What a crock.

What I find the absolute worst, is someone that loses to someone in these online tournies and then declare "you would never beat me off-line".

Yes, the game is a but different online, but generally the same shenanigans and BS exist online as it does offline.

If it was feasible to bring EVERY SINGLE MK player together in one area, from every country, I wonder how well some of the offline "elite" would really do. Of course this will never happen, ces't le vie.
I want to know what crack pipe you're smoking.