LOOK CRAYOLA just play me no shit talkn and mayb friend i dont want to talk crap to ppl i jus want to be respected but all it is is bad rep from before till now
everyone that thinks im bad and w/e play me and post how you did i dont care i kno i shouldnt even make this post due to ppl that r gay which is half of everyone on here but do it cause im not a bad guy like everyone think and dont start talkin bout droppin and all that cause everyones done it at least once and i dropped when i sucked or got mad but i have better control of my anger now and if i cant beat u on here ill destroy you on gow
I'll Play You Sir . I Think You Were On My Friends List At One Point And If I Remember Correctly ..... You're As Good In Gears As You Are In UMK3 . We Can Play Anytime You Want Sweetheart , And I Won't Film You Anymore :wink: