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Planet Shive: Episode 2


Est In Harvey 1989
Hello Test Your Might. Bruce Parker here aka ThaShiveGeek. As of recently I've created a wordpress blog page, and started doing a Podcast. I'm putting alot of my time, energy, and resources into making both successful. The theme for both is just a peek into my world. Basically what I deem as relevant. Naturally me being a fan of the NRS community I speak on TYM, and the community as well.

My official website is

In my second Podcast I speak on E3, MKX, Yomi, Pig, Hip-Hop, The BET Awards, Bruce Jenner, & Why Black Lives Matter. I would love for you guys to take a listen if you have the time. Full warning though it's #NSFW or to be played around children. I do my fair share of cursing. I'm tagging people because I mentioned their name in the Podcast. And also I want to say that this is just MY opinion. I'm not a top player. I get that my opinion holds no weight.

@YOMI Reno_Racks
@Pig Of The Hut
@YOMI RM JagoBlake
@YOMI Trepound380
@EGP Wonder_Chef

#PlanetShive: Episode 2 - Stream Here

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