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EX Ovi should launch
BDMao88 I didnt mean it as bragging how it lived that long, i had no idea how to keep fish, and i am more shocked at how ignorant my parents were to allow me to just take a fish home, drive to the nearest pet store and fill the cheapest bucket there with water, just to keep me happy for 5 minutes.

10 years seemed a lot for a goldfish, they are very resilient creatures and i understand that they are very "easy" pets to take home and they will please you for a little while, but unless there is a passion there for caring for them or collecting/breeding/photographing etc, they are inevitably going to get forgotten about, and because they dont chase a stick or sleep on the bed with you they are very hard to take seriously as a child, and i do regret taking the fish home because i wasnt really interested in looking after it, it just caught my eye at the time!


Filthy Casual
smokey I understand, thanks for clarifying.

Goldfish are like little puppies to me haha, even though I can't stand real puppies.


BDMao88, i think photography is a cool hobby. I sometimes wish I would just invest in a decent camera rather than relying on my phone. Wildlife and cloud formations in particular I find incredible and want to take pictures to show other people.


Filthy Casual
ZAQ those pictures are great! You live in an amazing area! If that is your backyard area I would be out there all day and never touch mk haha. Do you ever get red winged blackbirds? I love them, but it's hard to get a picture of them at Huntley Meadows. What do you mean " I wish I had crazier animals around here than snakes, deer, turkey, ducks and turtles." ???? That's awesome stuff! I can never find a snake in my woods, it's all I ever want to find!

I bet those turtles are just waiting for a baby duck...


Filthy Casual
ZAQ yea those are red-winged blackbirds, i love seeing and hearing them. It's a shame people run them over, they should move them off the path.

BTW is that last picture a Greater Scaup? I know that's a Mallard in the 2nd pic.

Picture 1 and 2 are really amazing, I keep looking at them, the bridge one is my favorite.