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Petition- Let Vogel, Greenberg and Barrentine be the main writers for Mortal Kombat again


Dojo Trainee

All I could say after watching the MK11 story was WHAT.THE.FUCK!!! NO WAY THEY DID THAT!

-Kitana kills Shao Kahn like he's nothing. The same Shao Kahn who literally just ripped Shang Tsung apart in one move. Pushed Johnny and Sonya at the end of MK9 like they were insects. Took 7 billion souls from Earthrealm in MK3!! And this Kitana is the one who lost to Sindel, empowered by Shao Kahn.

-Jacqui beats an Elder God!!! Plot device or not, that was MORONIC!! Why couldn't Cetrion just teleport the device from her hand?? Cetrion....The.Elder.God.Who.Killed.All.Other.Elder.Gods, you know?

-Kronika brings to the present only some people from the Arena, so she can choose who to bring cause there are no Mileena, Rain, Ermac, Reptile from the MK2 Tournament, but she also brings enemies who will work for Raiden and will be her doom!!!

-If they brought back the past characters from the MK2 time when Kung Lao had defeated Shang Tsung and Quan Chi (stated in game), how come Jax, who had just had his hands ripped off, is with Sonya and Cage at the SF base instead of being in a coma? Why is Cage there? What were they doing with this entire story?

-When young Kano dies, old Kano dies too, so everything that young Kano did from that moment on is erased from history, yet Sonya and Cassie are still in the same place and with the same memories, as if old Kano had really kidnapped Sonya and brought her there!!

-This game's approach is that only one timeline exists at a time. When there's a reboot, it erases and replaces the previous canon. Which means the OT characters don't exist for Kronika to pull

I'm sorry but MK9 and MKX were travesties as well. Ever since these new writers have taken over from John Vogel, Jon Greenberg and Alexander Barrentine, the stories have been horrible.

MK9's additions to the MK1-3 lore were:
-Sub gets turned into a cyborg instead of Smoke
-Kung Lao gets his neck snapped in the Arena
-Sindel kills half the cast in 1 scene
-an ending in which Liu Kang dies from Raiden's incompetence

As opposed to these, Vogel, Greenberg and Barrentine gave us in Deadly Alliance, Deception and Armageddon the best lore:

-Sub-Zero's race are cryomancers from the high mountains of Outworld and there are only a handful left in the world after a genocide. In the Deception comic he finds the old cryomancer Kings there frozen in their chairs

-Scorpion as a Champion of the Elder Gods

-Raiden's sacrifice in the incredible intro of MK Deception with Quan Chi and Shang Tsung having won the DA War agains Kung Lao, Kitana and the Forces of Light and the Dragon King, Onaga, coming back

-Kung Lao and Kitana stepping up in Deadly Alliance as the heroes

-Quan Chi being the most clever villain in gaming, but still getting punished by Hanzo in the Netherrealm for years, like he deserved

-realm exploration with lore enhancement and the Netherrealm actually feeling like a scary realm outside of normal physical laws

-Chaosrealm and Seido

-Edenia liberation and War against Outworld. Edenia-Outworld Alliance with Princess Kitana and Sindel making allies in the shokans and the humans lead by Bo'Rai Cho against the tarkatans

-Shao Kahn-Onaga interactions

-Shang Tsung-chained Liu Kang interaction on top of the Pyramid in Armageddon

-the Armageddon intro and story, with the ancient prophecy

-Gods and demi-gods

-Noob making his own army and becoming a major player, Noob-Smoke

-Ashrah vs Nitara

-Ermac and Kenshi becoming buddies on the blind swordsman's travels through Outworld and Ermac becoming a good guy to help Liu Kang's spirit release his friends

-Mileena posing as Kitana and taking over the rule of Outworld until she opened the gates for Shao Kahn in a Game of Thrones type of move

-Rain the Son of Argus, alongside Daegon and Taven


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Dojo Trainee
Fuck everyone who has ever done MK story mode. Especially Vogel. He is still around in NRS.
Vogel is supposedly a supervisor now, ever since MK vs DC. I doubt he has much of a saying in anything. He lets Cianciolo and others do their thing. First it was Cianciolo+Brian Chard and it sucked.

Kittelsen did a good job with the comic, but MK11 is just laughable


This is doubleknives
Yeah I'm not really a fan of the new writers, when young cage got beat the hell up does that mean somewhere out there present day cage was just as beat up? can someone tell me where the flying hell Takeda/Kung Jin are? as well as present day Erron Black?


Jesus Christ no. Oh god is the 3D era story bad.
Everyone gives the 3D era so much flak just because of the huge changes MK was going through. It is easily the best MK era in my opinion and that's coming from someone who has played since the first game and has played them all. I honestly cannot understand how someone can say the 3D era story lines were bad. Sure a lot of the characters left a lot to be desired, but the stories themselves were amazing.

MKX has the worst story line in the whole series and while MK11 is an improvement, there are huge inconsistencies with the established lore. There's a reason everyone keep asking for 3D era characters like Havik, Hotaru, and Onaga and there is a reason the 3D era is referred to a LOT in the rebooted story line.

Kiss the Missile

Red Messiah
The overall story was whatever, but this version of MK had way more heart than anything before it. That scene with Cyrax and Sub was worth it alone

For once they finally showed Outworlders as people. The Tarkatans reaching out for eachother, Kotal caring for Jade, Sheeva recognizing that Outworld needs to be united. They were more than just monsters for once.

It was also a blast seeing Kano interact with his younger self. They were like brothers.

Plotholes aside, this was a fun adventure story. It actually felt like there were stakes in this story. Seeing man eating Tarkatans fighting alongside Shaolin Monks, who they were slaughtering two games ago, really felt like the entire MK universe came together to battle this threat.

Also Liu becoming main hero again is always welcome.


Dojo Trainee
The overall story was whatever, but this version of MK had way more heart than anything before it. That scene with Cyrax and Sub was worth it alone

For once they finally showed Outworlders as people. The Tarkatans reaching out for eachother, Kotal caring for Jade, Sheeva recognizing that Outworld needs to be united. They were more than just monsters for once.

It was also a blast seeing Kano interact with his younger self. They were like brothers.

Plotholes aside, this was a fun adventure story. It actually felt like there were stakes in this story. Seeing man eating Tarkatans fighting alongside Shaolin Monks, who they were slaughtering two games ago, really felt like the entire MK universe came together to battle this threat.

Also Liu becoming main hero again is always welcome.

It may have been a little entertaining because it was Mortal Kombat and whatever these characters would do we'd love it, but this wasn't the work of good writers.

Look at their decisions in the last games. There wasn't anything imaginative in them. Their board meetings can be reduced to:
-let's have the Cages imbued with a mystical power, able to slay Gods. We'll have Johnny beat Shinnok in Chapeter 1 and go back to that in Chapter 12
-let's have past characters meet up with their present selves. How do we do that? Hmmm....let's introduce some powerful character who can bring them to the present!!
-let's unite all the races of Outworld to fight in the final battle
-let's have Sub-Zero instead of Smoke get cyberized
-let's make half the roster undead evil because they die in one scene when Sindel kills them
-all of their other scenes in MK9 were taken from the canon of the first games

And look at the characters they've created in these past games: 12 characters, that's it. And how imaginative are they?
-4 are kombat kids: let's take these iconic characters and make younger versions
-Cassie is younger Sonya with some Stryker moveset too
-Kung Jin is younger shaolin with a bow
-Takeda is a mix of Scorpion and Kenshi
-Jacqui......SF upgrades, like Jax
-aztec looking warrior, leader of Outworld
-Cetrion is already a flop. Elder Goddess with 0 development who uses all elemental powers lol
-Triborg- a mixture of all cyborgs

Compared to this, Vogel, Greenberg and Barrentine ACTUALLY BUILT WORLDS! They actually created entire new realms with lore.
They had imaginative ideas like the Soulnado to the Heavens in Deadly Alliance, the initial Edenia-Outworld Alliance against Shao Kahn, the Elder Gods and the One Being, the Champion of the Elder Gods, Havik and his chaos quest with Kabal, become a Master of his own, and his group, the Dragon King prophecy and War....

Now there's nothing being built anymore.

Kiss the Missile

Red Messiah
They're focusing on expanding already established lore. The concept of "Kahnum" alone completely rocked what we knew about the story.

Not to mention Scorpion, one of the most popular video game characters ever, finally becoming an actual, likable character. Before mk9 he was just an angry dumbass always getting tricked and taken advantage of.

The old writers made events and settings, but the new ones are more interested in fleshing out these characters. Which imo, is infinitely more important

Kotal Kahn did more for Mortal Kombat's story than any character before him. Big facts


Dojo Trainee
What did Kotal Kahn do other than being hailed as a better Emperor than Shao Kahn (though we never see the effects of that actually, the executions of the poor in Outworld seemingly continued in MKX) and acting like a fool at the end of MKX??

They just went "Let's make a more conversation opened Shao Kahn" "How should he look?" "Hmmmm.....Aztec? Covered in paint, eath hearts of enemies"

And Scorpion, the reason they made him human was so that they could have him and Sub-Zero team up, which was an idea ever since the Shaolin Monks game in the 3D era period.

Yeah, they made him human, but his fleshing out came more in the Shawn Kittelsen written comic. His only "fleshing out" in the MKX game written by the main MK writers was when he appeared as a dumbass at the SF camp and battled everyone to kill Quan Chi, crippling all Earthrealm defences before Shinnok arrived and dooming the Revenants to their fates.

And even in the comic, his fleshing out had a redone motif from the 3D era. Kenshi's telepathic connection which had been with Ermac was no what helped Hanzo Hasashi overcome his demonic past and become a Master of the Shirai Ryu.


"Omg 3D Era MK story was great!!!! WhAt Is ThIs ShIt???"
"Nah they were bad they were the woooorst!"

"Omg post MK9 stories were soooooo gooooood"
"Nah they were bad too!!!"

This is how all these posts go. How about MK has never had a "good" story. MK has always had a story riddled with plot holes and stupidity and OTT nonsense. That's what makes it fun. Stop thinking about the damn story so much and take it at face value and you might actually have fun.


You LOVE MK and that's why you must be critical of it? That's the equivalent of going into an Adam Sandler film expecting Schindler's List, good God.

The only way the story will ever appeal to any of these kind of posts/posters is if time was actually spent developing a 20 hour story. And I sure as shit don't want to was 15 hours worth of cinematics with 5 hours of actual gameplay.
Or reduce the story down to 4-5 characters max and flesh them out wholly. But with the amount of legacy characters the game now has, that's never going to happen.

You love MK so much, accept it for what it is. It's an Adam Sandler flick.


Yes. Yes it's completely OK. She was born into a family with special green powers and with the additonal power of love and family she overcame her physical limits and tore through him.

Stupid? Yes. OTT? Yes. Deus Ex Machina? Yes. Hilariously fun if you allow it to be? Also yes.

Yall stuck wearing nostalgia glasses. If this exact story came out during MK's hayday people would be foaming around the mouth, discussing this on the school playground going on about JC's ancestry and wanting to know more and going crazy that Cassie got it too and it allowed her to defeat a God.

Cause 10 year old everyone didnt care about continuity and plot holes. Hell, 10 year old everyone was satisfied with one shitty paragraph at the end of arcade mode as far as "story" was concerned.


Dojo Trainee
This is how all these posts go. How about MK has never had a "good" story.
Yes, yes, it did.

That's the equivalent of going into an Adam Sandler film expecting Schindler's List, good God.

MK stories were not the equivalent of Adam Sandler movies in the time Vogel, Greenberg and Barrentine were writing in gritty, dark tones. Ths is the main idea of the thread.

Maybe that's the difference between us, I'd never go to see an Adam Sandler movie, so I expect something else from the MK stories


Yes, yes, it did.

MK stories were not the equivalent of Adam Sandler movies in the time Vogel, Greenberg and Barrentine were writing in gritty, dark tones. Ths is the main idea of the thread.

Maybe that's the difference between us, I'd never go to see an Adam Sandler movie, so I expect something else from the MK stories
Subjective and debatable. Also keep in mind older games had fewer characters and 0 cinematics. Easier to flesh things out and when you're given one paragraph as "story", you tend to fill in the gaps yourself with whatever you damn well please.

And if you're talking strictly post MK9, then you need only look at this thread that even then, the vote was split across the board about how good the story actually was.

Fine mate, you're too good for Adam Sandler. You're still craving champage on a beer budget.
Unless they do a Sub Zero Mythologies type game for every character you're never going to be satisfied.


Vampire mommy simp
jfc I just don't think developing the same 5 characters for 3 straight games while shitting on everyone else is good character development that's all
and I honestly don't how how people think resetting the timeline to then jump 25 years forward just to introduce the kids to then reset the timeline again is compelling as a story in any way
and let's face it, they've shown they're unable to introduce new characters and develop them well. MKX was ok in that sense because there were a lot of new characters and they couldn't possibly mess all of them up. MK11's new characters were awfully developed.


Dojo Trainee
Subjective and debatable. Also keep in mind older games had fewer characters and 0 cinematics.

Ummm....about that....is there ANY scene in Mortal Kombat in the last 3 games that is as good as these??

And, sure, they were short, not like an entire chapter based cinematics, but the flavour was in the konquest modes.


Dojo Trainee
Ppl talk about character development or the "lack thereof" in MK11. But back in the MK2/MK3 days, all you got was a bio as a slab of text and that's it. Now you get all this character development in story mode (I think story mode in mk11 pretty good) with Geras and Cetrion developed quite well throughout. Character interactions before a fight, all that stuff add to that. I don't see how the new guys in MK11 are worse off than the ones introduced in Deception or Deadly Alliance or even MK4, now some of those were horrible. Writing a story for a fighting game story when all you have is text is much easier than writing one for an elaborate cinematic mode as MK11's. So I'm not convinced that the other guys would do a better job than MK11.


Fine. 1 cinematic. Damn, talk about pedantic.
So 1 good cinematic and konquest "flavor" = Good storytelling. Cool.

Also notice how Konquest mode only truly fleshed out ONE character in the case of Deception. It dedicated it's entirety on basically telling one characters journey. And even then it was RIDDLED with plot holes and gaping unexplained questions.

Going back to my original point:

Was it ass, with terrible voice acting and weak plot? Yes. Was it still fun? Also yes.

Nostalgiiaaa glasseees.