Wasn't dropping things what got us into this mess in the first place?Long story short, I say we drop this and don't make it a big deal anymore.
Wasn't dropping things what got us into this mess in the first place?Long story short, I say we drop this and don't make it a big deal anymore.
That's why I'm saying this needs to be discussed.Snip
Carl's gotta chill.
"I can't pause online, mom!"Someone paused in a video game. Why is this such a big deal?
Can we talk about that smileIts true, if u watch the video on youtube. King doesnt say a single thing. Hes just smiling haha
P2w turned face and 0-2 into a top 4 great performance ?People who take accountability/tell the truth at the cost of "blowing someone up" is utterly:
Thank's for the first hand account of what happened. I may have misjudged P2W...![]()
Ummm...did you get your airport hotel boos yet???? I'm ready to start training our BatGirls....I didn't ever expect for anything like this to happen at my first major, but I guarantee you PL would have taken it if roles were reversed.
Dat lagg option select was rediculous TBH.
LOL I didUmmm...did you get your airport hotel boos yet???? I'm ready to start training our BatGirls....
Yes. I believe we all deserve redemption in every sense of the word. Also, I'm a HUUUUGE FAN of people who set records straight with proof, even if it means calling out a friend. You seem like that kind of guy as well, yeah?P2w turned face and 0-2 into a top 4 great performance ?
What an awesome weekend
Discuss all you want, the second you allow any leeway to a rule people shall take advantage of it, the loopholes will be staggering, this rule alone would have to have so many exceptions from the time left on the clock, to the meter, to the position of the players, to the percentage of health that must be taken away at 100% accuracy. It just won't work, even if it was a genuine hardware malfunction, if it was YOUR equipment that malfunctioned then you must lose the match.That's why I'm saying this needs to be discussed.
People are to caught up on BLOW UP BLOW UP BLOW UP to actualyl discuss this, look at the pros/cons of the rules we barely follow now.
Again what does a "round" mean? if the person has 40% life left on their first bar, and they magically have an equipment "malfunction" when they are winning against someone but don't want to be against them in the corner, do they lose 40% to get away from the corner or to kill the other person's momentum?The rules should be changed for situations when a player is clearly going to win regardless of any unfortunate accident. In those situations it shouldn't be an option to take a round or a match from a winning player. Carl was going to win that round. There was no doubt of that. Carl was going to win, so he should have been awarded the round. I would say this, though, the opposing player should be given the option of starting over or playing it from position.
Obviously, position matters more in Injustice than in other games, because in SF the round would simply reset anyway. Anyway, the rule, as it stands, is stupid. For example, If you have 3% life in SF, and I hit you with an ultra, and my controller falls out I should not lose that round. You had zero chance of winning the round, so it's pointless and unfair to award it to you. Take MK9, you have 3% life and I hit you with xray--you are going to die--but my controller disconnects. It's asinine to award the round to the dead player. Stupid rule, but since the rule exists should FK have taken it? Yes. Should the rule exist? No. I can understand awarding rounds to pauses or disconnects during active rounds, but not when a round is clearly lost.
Who cares what happened the first match, what's important is what happened the 2nd match![]()
GREAT post.OK consider how badly this can go, a Cyborg player plays against a Grundy player and has the life-lead through zoning and he knows that the only way he could lose is if he was stuck in the corner. Cyborg has around 40% life left on his first bar, and Grundy has around 60% on his second bar but the Cyborg player realizes that he will soon be cornering himself in the corner where Grundy excels (can do 100%+ damage combos in the corner, And he can get his defense trait out nullifying Cyborg's Zoning). So this Cyborg player has a "Hardware malfunction" or "pauses" by accident, maybe his finger slipped because he was "concentrating" too hard and forgot where the buttons were, or the battery "fell" out because it was loose.
So what happens now? Does the Cyborg player lose the 40% off the first lifebar and that is all he lost to create space, or to cause the Grundy player to lose momentum? Perhaps he should lose around 60% of his second lifebar to make it even? How does one measure how much life a person should lose if they get paused, how can they be perfectly accurate? Because if you say a 100% life bar needs to go then you have to be sure to the to the exact percentage wise they have to lose that much and it would be impossible because every character has different damages. Grundy needs every pixel he can get in this matchup because it is so hard to catch a Cyborg so even if you give him a small inch of space he would be able to take advantage of the lost momentum and find a way to escape Grundy's loving arms, so even if Grundy and Cyborg have a similar life percentage, Cyborg is still heavily favored untill Grundy can catch him do huge damage and get his defense trait on and that can only be achieved by catching Cyborg in a combo.
How would you judge this? Well obviously the Cyborg player was "winning" so it couldn't possibly be his fault, it was just a "hardware malfunction"
This is the reason why that if someone has a hardware failure or malfunction they MUST lose the match.
This was just one example, there are probably a ton more that I haven't thought about, but as a Grundy player this immediately comes to mind.
This line/rule must
be crossed.