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Perfect Kang Spammer

So i went against a dude today that picked liu kang and mileena for pretty much every match, while I randomed. Run away and sai spam or fireball spam was the tactic of the day. I beat him most of the time but occassionally he would get a win and I would get so mad lol.

I don't wanna leave against those guys as I want to beat them and show them that their tactic is lame and can be beaten with good old fashioned rush down.

Just needed to vent :p


IceyTruth said:
So i went against a dude today that picked liu kang and mileena for pretty much every match, while I randomed. Run away and sai spam or fireball spam was the tactic of the day. I beat him most of the time but occassionally he would get a win and I would get so mad lol.

I don't wanna leave against those guys as I want to beat them and show them that their tactic is lame and can be beaten with good old fashioned rush down.

Just needed to vent :p
If you can actually PLAY the game and all the really can is bs tactics, you're still the better player win or loose.

That said, good stuff :p
That type of play is loser ! Winning is something, but doing it the cheap way is nothing cool.
But it seems that some players forgot that it is video game and not a real life and death competition. WE PLAY FOR THE FUN... So WIN fairly or LOSE Fairly.