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PC / Gaming Related Deals

Tim Static

Lead Moderator
ScheissNussen said:
Playstation Network (PSN) is offering free full version Rag Doll Kung Fu game for download (623MB) on your Playstation 3. The game is located under Playstation Store > New Releases > Sprint icon. Thanks ultimatedragon1
Yeah, a week after I paid $10 + tax for it. Fuck you Sony & Sprint.

Tim Static

Lead Moderator
StoneSUCKS said:
Don't you hate that? Any good Gamestop sales coming up?
yeah, fuck PSN.

No sales or anything that i know of. Then again, they dont let anyone know too much ahead of time.

PS- the sku for GH Van Halen was deleted. :( But GH5 was added....

black album

Tim Static said:
yeah, fuck PSN.

No sales or anything that i know of. Then again, they dont let anyone know too much ahead of time.

PS- the sku for GH Van Halen was deleted. :( But GH5 was added....
Why was it deleted? I already reserved it.... Was it because they added it by mistake and then were forced to take it off, but it will come back?

Tim Static

Lead Moderator
black album said:
Why was it deleted? I already reserved it.... Was it because they added it by mistake and then were forced to take it off, but it will come back?
Probably, but i havent a clue. Go to the GS you put the $5 on it and move it to GH5 ;)


For students Sun Certifications only $40 USD ( commercial price $300) & Participation the Sun Academic Initiative is free to any one!

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Don't know if this is all Best Buys, but I found the Resident Evil 5 collector's edition for $29.99. The collector's edition is NOT available on their website anymore.


black album said:
I love external HD's. I bought a 1TB Fantom Green II drive.
I usually only buy ones on sale so I can rip the HD out. I have plenty of external cases sitting around in case I need to go external.


yh external hd r awsome. i put all my dl shit in there. 2 bad NTFS format drives dont work on xbox 360 and ps3 which sucks. But FAT32 format drives do work on ps3 and xbox 360


any uk person wana buy samsung g600 moblie phone. everything works fine but the camera is smashed and the camera dont work

u get the moblie phone and charger and brand new o2 genie sim (300 free msgs if u top up at least £10 every month) and a 2gb memry card

if any uk person interesd pm me. payment will b by paypal. £25


ScheissNussen said:
Xbox 360 Arcade $199 w/ $100 GC on Saturday @ Walmart (Not available online)

This deal is fuckin ridiculous, it was confirmed by the dude at Cheap ass gamer.
Any of you PS3 cats want a really cheap 360, now is your chance.

Wal-Mart gift cards are pretty much cash in hand.
I never thought I'd say this, but I'm getting a crew together to get a grip of these. I'll use the gift cards to buy ps3 games, and mod the xboxes to resell to get my money back :D

*edit - I should note, by modding I only mean painting and stuffs :laugh:

*2nd edit - NEVERMIND! modded 360's are selling for like 90-150 bucks on CL now a days!