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Overcoming frustration


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One thing that has been on my mind with MK9 approaching is my frustration level when playing and losing a lot more then winning. When I play a higher level player, the common occurrence is that I win the first one or two, then lose the next 10 before I win again. My problem is that I feel like at a certain point in the game... I have literally run out of strategy and my opponent knows my every move before I do it to a point where I'm basically being held down and can't get a move in.

My question and also goal is... how and what is the best way to overcome this frustration? Is it to move on to a different character, do the opposite of what I'm doing in the match, not be so predictable? I feel like I have to break through a wall with this... as in I feel like I have to overcome something in order to get to that higher level in order to compete.

I know there's is no shame in losing to someone who is better than you, but getting beat 10 or 20 - 0? Something's wrong with that picture.

Anyway, my goal is to overcome this frustration in MK9. My game has come a long way but it is still not where I would like it to be and I hope to learn a lot as well as compete with all of the top players in MK9.


Fujin and Ermac for MK 11
I hear ya Storms, I used to get very frustrated but calmed down a bit since I first started playing others online. I was thinking about this the other day how many players really do play for fun and how many just want to win(despite tournament people or people who don't travel) you know although tournaments and even online play should be just for "fun and meeting new people" I really don't believe it's just that, let's face it people have more fun when they win, period. But nobody will say this because they're often afraid of others thinking they have an ego. This is understandable imo because if you play others despite how the relationships are with those you play with, and lose every, single match you probably won't have much fun deep inside....now....

Of course you will learn by losing and get better but one thing we all have to remember about MK9 specifically is everyone here will be new at the game, it's a clean plate so for one who might have sucked or struggled in say MKDC or UMK3 may be dominate in MK9, and vice versa....

I honestly do believe that the 3D MK players will have to get used to this being their first new 2d MK game and believe me, after I played some players who just liked the 3D games in UMK3 I can definitely tell this lol, and the 2D UMK3 players will also have to get used the "newer elements" such as dashing, throw escapes and not relying on Glitch jabbing, kara jabs. Sure, we'll be able to cancel into moves but it won't be the same as UMK3. UMK3 is uber fast paced, yet everyone I talk to who have played the game say it's not nearly as aggressive, the game is fast paced but what I mean is this MK won't be just about offensive players alone. Which I like, honestly my style is partially turtling and finess(not so much rushing nor just defense) besides mind games this game I know my foe won't be able to charge me down in a second from one side of the screen to the next like UMK3, the dashing has limitations to it and you have to keep doing it where as the run was hold it down and run for days lol.

MKK hanzo

One thing that has been on my mind with MK9 approaching is my frustration level when playing and losing a lot more then winning. When I play a higher level player, the common occurrence is that I win the first one or two, then lose the next 10 before I win again. My problem is that I feel like at a certain point in the game... I have literally run out of strategy and my opponent knows my every move before I do it to a point where I'm basically being held down and can't get a move in.

My question and also goal is... how and what is the best way to overcome this frustration? Is it to move on to a different character, do the opposite of what I'm doing in the match, not be so predictable? I feel like I have to break through a wall with this... as in I feel like I have to overcome something in order to get to that higher level in order to compete.

I know there's is no shame in losing to someone who is better than you, but getting beat 10 or 20 - 0? Something's wrong with that picture.

Anyway, my goal is to overcome this frustration in MK9. My game has come a long way but it is still not where I would like it to be and I hope to learn a lot as well as compete with all of the top players in MK9.
My friend: You may have a problem of being predictable/easy to read. Dont take offense bro Im not saying it ina bad way. You also have to adapt to what your opponent is doing. Obviously this differ from game to game. This happens only at MK games to you? Or at Sf Tekken etc too?

Myself, for the sake of God, I CANT get on Tekken or Soul Calibur. But I played Virtua Fighter 4 to a certain extent and did somehow well. Not a top player by any means but way better than I performed on Tekken. That could also be that in VF here the gameplay level is colose to 0 LOL while tekken is the most played fighting game here (yuck).

Check also that for being sucesfull at X game you must KNOW the game, know what you are doing, learn what move does X in X situation, learn bread and butters, ask other players also how to improve, etc.

I have hit walls while playing too, thing is that sometimes I had to accept that at that moment, XX player is better than me, I can master all the combos I want but if I dont know "the game" and its "shenanigans" I will never win (shao kahn voice)-

The read that Phi posted is awesome and THIS one is too, it covers mostly SF games but some applies to any game:



Hope this helps a bit.


Premium Supporter
My friend: You may have a problem of being predictable/easy to read. Dont take offense bro Im not saying it ina bad way. You also have to adapt to what your opponent is doing. Obviously this differ from game to game. This happens only at MK games to you? Or at Sf Tekken etc too?

Myself, for the sake of God, I CANT get on Tekken or Soul Calibur. But I played Virtua Fighter 4 to a certain extent and did somehow well. Not a top player by any means but way better than I performed on Tekken. That could also be that in VF here the gameplay level is colose to 0 LOL while tekken is the most played fighting game here (yuck).

Check also that for being sucesfull at X game you must KNOW the game, know what you are doing, learn what move does X in X situation, learn bread and butters, ask other players also how to improve, etc.

I have hit walls while playing too, thing is that sometimes I had to accept that at that moment, XX player is better than me, I can master all the combos I want but if I dont know "the game" and its "shenanigans" I will never win (shao kahn voice)-

The read that Phi posted is awesome and THIS one is too, it covers mostly SF games but some applies to any game:



Hope this helps a bit.
Thank you, Hanzo. One of my solutions or it seems I have to do from time to time is stop playing the game, step away and take a break from it and then come back to it after a few days, hrs, etc and it's almost like starting a clean slate where my mind is fresh with strategy, I'm more relaxed and confident, etc.

That really doesn't make sense though... you would think that the HARDER you play and the LONGER you play... you would become better that way.

Regardless, that just seems to be a trending situation for me when playing high level players.

I appreciate everyone's helpful posts. :)


Fujin and Ermac for MK 11
How to help? Ok, this is what I did, just remind yourself it's just a game and try to have fun. As someone who suffers from stress and anxiety, trust me getting nuts over a mere video game is not worth it.


How to help? Ok, this is what I did, just remind yourself it's just a game and try to have fun. As someone who suffers from stress and anxiety, trust me getting nuts over a mere video game is not worth it.
Excellent advice... and very true... The only place where I would disagree with this is when you're at a tournament and money is on the line... in that case, it's not about fun, it's about money...and therefore it's all business...

Also, Pete, check your PM's