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Out of curiosity, is anyone going to play the game for the storyline?

Obviously, this is a site that has more people contempt with playing the game at a competitive level than people who would rather talk about the storyline. But this game, seeing as it is based around some of the iconic comic characters around, anyone going to plunge into storyline mode before even thinking about breaking stuff down like frames and setups?

Since I'm into comic books, I fall right into the group of people this question is aimed at. Maybe it's because I was never really into the mainstream DC books, but I'm just looking forward to actually seeing where NRS takes these characters.

Lou Kang

i like story mode because it lets you get a feel for a vareity of characters while providing a story for some added interest....assuming its similar to the MK story mode.


I don't know much about the dc universe so I'm going to play the story first so I can get a general sense of the characters personalities and their play styles.


I highly enjoyed the story from MK9 so it only seems right that I give this one the same treatment. I also want to see how well they get the personalities of everyone in the story as well.


A well executed story can make fighting game characters more interesting and give you a reason to pick them up in multiplayer. Story is good.

STB Sgt Reed

Online Warrior
I will be playing the story first (just like I did in mk) for...

1. To see the story/get any unlockables.
2. Get a general sense of each characters feel and playstyle


Yes, I always play the games for their storyline. From MKD to now (I never got a chance to play DA's Konquest), i've been a firm believer of going through the story and learning all the lore, they worked hard on that.


Man of Tomorrow
I will go into training mode with any characters I like for a bit and then it's all story mode until I finish it.


Blue Blurs for Life!
I most certainly am. A well-written story can truly bring out the magic in a game, movie, book, etc. MK9's Story Mode brought me great pleasure.


Premium Supporter
I'm hoping my wife sites with me and checks out story mode for a few hrs.

Everyone for the most part has to admit though.. they WILL go to practice mode real quick with Aquaman or Doomsday first thing.. hehe.


The 6'4 King
Definitely, it's going to be the 1st thing that I do. Honestly, this game would be worth it with the story mode alone. I've been VERY excited about it, ever since I read Kingdom Come.



While I appreciate the technical aspects of fighting games, I'm just more drawn to awesome stories.

I've probably played through the MK9 story mode like 10 times now. It's also a good opportunity to be forced to use characters you normally neglect.


bye felicia
there's bound to be unlockables, so story mode is a must. Unless the mission mode is off the chain, then that's first.


I'm innocent, I mean..not guilty.
I'll spend some time in training messing with my faves, then jump into story. might even play it more than once


Main reason for going through story mode: Unlock characters.

Yes, the story intrigues me and I'm looking forward to it...HOWEVER, just like most people, I'll try a few characters in training mode to see who I like first. Hopefully Doomsday is unlocked in the roster from the get go...