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Only one side lagging?

Its p2p. You connect with each other so you always have the exact same lag. There is no host player. At least on ps4, dont know on pc.


Arez | Booya | Riu48 - Rest Easy, Friends
One side experiencing more delay isn't new to online play. Other games experience it I'm sure. But the more optimized the netcode, the less noticeable this probably would be.

This happens in p2p and server based online.
I played against @STB Hellbringer a couple of weeks back and the game told me we had 4 bars, I was thinking the connection was actually gonna work properly for once. Got in the game and it started off good but slowly got worse and worse. After the lag got too unbearable we confirmed it said 4 bars to me and 1 bar to him before the match... The connection definitely can be different for both sides + NRS' ping algorithm is ballshit, it's stupidly inconsistent, I actually seem to get better connections the less bars they have which baffles me.
1 bar usually means that ping bars are not loaded or are unavailable for the moment. To actually have 1 bar with someone when he has 4 with you is impossible.


Has anyone here played other Unreal Engine games? The net code started off for FPS games actually and in all those games, lag was different for everyone connected. This isn't like very old school fighting game net code where the whole experience is slowed for everyone connected based upon the slowest connection. In MKX, the game continues to progress at 60 FPS, high latency or not, unless there is packet loss for both parties. When that happens, the game freezes and tries to re-sync. It's not true slowdown as experienced on other fighting games.


Kono Dio Da
I was lagging and beat this guy then he wanted a rematch. I told him I won't play on a connection like that. He said his connection was running smooth. Mine was like 2second lag for inputs.

This could just be the other lying about it just to get me to play him again. I always thought the connection lags both ways but was suspicious if one could lag while the other running around freely.

Bottom line............ Fuck this NETCODE!!!!!!
Hey don't be that guy. Netcode did nothing wrong. It didn't chose to be this way. The netcode was born this way. It's that type of bigotry that makes this country look bad.


UPR Methademic
cause the server works with both hosts and holds the connection if one lags. so the other lags to or the connection cuts

at least in 1vs1 cause they use ppts connections
The problem with this logic is it doesn't account for any connections other than client to server to client, which isn't how it works. It's perfectly reasonable to think that the problem could be somewhere between player a and the server on the way back which would never affect player b


I am like the blue rose
so who's to blame in this case? does the person with 120 milliseconds have the bad connection or is it the ping of 20

With regards to ping, the lower the better. 20 ping is godlike, and that is what I seem to ping in most other games (the ones that actually display your ping, ffs).

120 isn't too bad for an fps or most other games, but is absolute shit for a fighter, where timing, muscle memory, and instantaneous and largely subconscious reactions to visual cues are a thing.

The way everything connects together in this game is shit, so my ping, usually very low in most games, fluctuates wildly depending on who-the-fuck-knows-what.

The people who designed online are to blame.


Characters loyalist :)
I have the same problem online. Some guys do combos, have weird advantage on their attacks and I drop even easy BnB. I don't know WTF :(


I have had this happen to me before. I fought a player one time who was landing 10 + combos while I was struggling to get an uppercut to come out, but one time I fought a Scorpion player, who was good, but on the final round something happened, I was doing fine while all of a sudden he seemed to be struggling to do anything, it was odd.


1 2 3 drink
1 bar usually means that ping bars are not loaded or are unavailable for the moment. To actually have 1 bar with someone when he has 4 with you is impossible.
It happens multiple times when i play a friend that sometimes we have different bars. Often i have red bar and he has green bars, or vice versa, but never more then 3 bars


Your hole is mine!
1 bar usually means that ping bars are not loaded or are unavailable for the moment. To actually have 1 bar with someone when he has 4 with you is impossible.
I understand they're just displaying the wrong reading but that's my point. It's ballshit that it shows the wrong ping. I've challenged people online who have 3-4 bars and they decline and when I ask why they say I've got 1 bar. It's also happened where it shows the connections the other way round, where it says bad for me and good for them.

The online is just hella inconsistent. It seems difficult to draw any kind of conclusion when everyone has such a different experience with the same game.


I am like the blue rose
I have the same problem online. Some guys do combos, have weird advantage on their attacks and I drop even easy BnB. I don't know WTF :(
Sometimes, some people are just better at adapting to online than others. I have trouble online with the simplest combos, while several people I play with seem to consistently land the most complicated ones.

I'm finding that I play much better offline, as I am in the sucks at online combos category myself.


『T R I G G E R E D』
I play with someone who can counterpoke my d1s and such in an instant and can hit combos/punish nearly everytime, but i cant even Fuzzy guard overhead,low/low,overhead strings properly because of the delay or punish moves that are like -25. He says that the connection is fine on his end except for some rare lag spikes, while i have at least a 20-25 frame delay


Characters loyalist :)
Yesterday I played against some weak Liu Kang. Hie operator can play but not as Liu Kang. I used Tremor and that was disater. I dropped every Bnb and must did combos with lesser damage. Sometimes inputs failed. I tried to use f12 db2u and I got........f122.

That's online :)