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Only one side lagging?


Positive Poster!
It pisses me off somewhat fierce.
I'm fighting this dude, he's not even good. He's jumping around like a retard with subz but I have like, not even kidding, 90 frames of delay on everything so I can't even njp him while he's using nothing but d3 and f333.
He's clearly not lagging, but I'm lagging.
How does p1 not lag while p2 can't do shit?


Nobody's afraid of Bruce Wayne
i seem to have the exact same problem when im playing online pretty frequently and it's almost always sub zero for some reason that i'm fighting against. playing sub zero with delay is frustrating. i'd like to know what gives here as well.


Kono Dio Da
It pisses me off somewhat fierce.
I'm fighting this dude, he's not even good. He's jumping around like a retard with subz but I have like, not even kidding, 90 frames of delay on everything so I can't even njp him while he's using nothing but d3 and f333.
He's clearly not lagging, but I'm lagging.
How does p1 not lag while p2 can't do shit?
This happens to me a lot
It usually starts happening when I am mid combo.
Then it all goes to hell, while the other person is out here living.


Bug of tater's
I was fighting a Jason with Dvorah and I was like. "wow I wonder how well I can pressure Jason". Then the match started and I couldn't even do a single wasp cancel so I threw him the entire game.

I lost which made me very salty. He was able to execute his very scrubby combos and I just threw him
king of the hill lags, and gets more extreme with the lag when all those dial up customers get on..the ones with no bars or that one red bar. never fun to run into.


Happen a lot with me, while i drop every combo, can't counter poke, delayed block, delayed inputs the other one plays like if he was offline, jumping a lot and i can't do anything, can't even d2, taking risk of a full combo... This is so annoying. It will be less shameful if they took off this shitty netcode once for all.
That's incorrect. I seen no reason why two different people connecting from unknown locations to the same server couldn't both be lagging visually different amounts.
cause the server works with both hosts and holds the connection if one lags. so the other lags to or the connection cuts

at least in 1vs1 cause they use ppts connections

Sutter Pain

Your mothers main.
cause the server works with both hosts and holds the connection if one lags. so the other lags to or the connection cuts

at least in 1vs1 cause they use ppts connections
Maybe that is true for other games but this NRS and netcode we are talking about I would not discount anything. From experience though on PC I have took notice and I seem to have more input delay on p2 consistently with the same player.


Positive Poster!
lol sorry to say that but you can't lag alone in an online games. this is just stupid ^^
lol sorry to say but a lot of people are confirming that they are having the same problem on the PC version even on my skype as I'm posting this ^^
I'd really like some professional input on this and I wonder if there is a solution because now, I can't be sure whether my wins are actually me being better than a dude or him lagging like fuck and that bothers me. This is online so I can only take it seriously limited amounts, but it's also my only means of playing this game.


Does it matter?
Players experiencing lag moreso than others is usually a problem only found in other genres (shooters, etc.)

In fighting games, you're often feeling a mutual delay. The difference is how much it affects a player's decisions and execution.

You can't react and execute a counter strategy when there is a ton of delay. But, players like that Sub-Zero player would be doing the same thing, despite how good or bad the connection is.
That's incorrect. I seen no reason why two different people connecting from unknown locations to the same server couldn't both be lagging visually different amounts.
Well this is a hard question to answer. Do you know anything about internet communications technology and how connections in particular are created? Well, basically one hub is designated the server host and these are usually rented by the game hosts or the service providers. Depending on the distance your modem is from the hub (witch is likely 100 miles away), the number of additional connections needed to get to the hub where the game is hosted, then connected to the static addresses of the room you want to play in. So between you and your opponent online, there is usually over 100 different connections being made per second. The lag is real.


Looking for the MAWWPP Bucket!
I was lagging and beat this guy then he wanted a rematch. I told him I won't play on a connection like that. He said his connection was running smooth. Mine was like 2second lag for inputs.

This could just be the other lying about it just to get me to play him again. I always thought the connection lags both ways but was suspicious if one could lag while the other running around freely.

Bottom line............ Fuck this NETCODE!!!!!!


I am like the blue rose
I really don't have the know-it-all to explain this properly, but I have an idea as to how this works.

There are your standard bad connections, where the game is freezing up and pausing all over the place. This is usually experienced by both parties.

Then, you have ping, which can be vastly different between both parties. If your opponent has a ping of 20, while your ping is 120, you're gonna have a bad time. That means that you have an extra 100 miliseconds of input delay than your opponent does, which means he gets to combo, and you do not.


"You play weird" It's called being unorthodox ;)
Alright, I'm no expert but I know my stuff. Lag can vary between two connections but it's very minimal. Problem is that in the end it's the same lag for both players. When the connection is unstable it drops at random points and it simply comes to luck on what moment it'll do so.

For example, you saw your opponent doing combos. But then you couldn't do anything. It just happened to drop during your turn to combo.

Also, even if it lags, it doesn't mean you can't combo, you're just not used to playing in lag. The internet is so much better than what it was 8-10 years ago when I started playing online, and I learned how to play in lag. So, you'll see me doing long combos even if it's a horrid connection. Buuuut with the type of internet access we all have, I refuse to play in such a laggy connection just because people won't pay a couple extra bucks to get a decent connection. It just bothers me. It's 2015 for God's sake!


I really don't have the know-it-all to explain this properly, but I have an idea as to how this works.

There are your standard bad connections, where the game is freezing up and pausing all over the place. This is usually experienced by both parties.

Then, you have ping, which can be vastly different between both parties. If your opponent has a ping of 20, while your ping is 120, you're gonna have a bad time. That means that you have an extra 100 miliseconds of input delay than your opponent does, which means he gets to combo, and you do not.
so who's to blame in this case? does the person with 120 milliseconds have the bad connection or is it the ping of 20


Your hole is mine!
I played against @STB Hellbringer a couple of weeks back and the game told me we had 4 bars, I was thinking the connection was actually gonna work properly for once. Got in the game and it started off good but slowly got worse and worse. After the lag got too unbearable we confirmed it said 4 bars to me and 1 bar to him before the match... The connection definitely can be different for both sides + NRS' ping algorithm is ballshit, it's stupidly inconsistent, I actually seem to get better connections the less bars they have which baffles me.