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Only 3 weeks left, and and 7 character breakdowns remaining


The Immortal Tiger
Besides Noob I really just NEED to see my girl Kitana ASAP. I need to know if they went like Kung Lao, Liu Kang, and Jax where they look phenomenally improved or more like my other two mains Scorpion and Johnny who look badass and fun but nothing that makes you sit up and go holy shit they gave them THAT. Somebody (sorry I forget who I've been watching ALOT of MK youtubers lately) was saying on their videos that the last couple reveals have been so insanely good looking that they hoped they revisit some of the earlier ones that looked great so far but pale in comparison to the latest ones in terms of the raw effort that was made in making them unique.

I'm interested in the others as well particularly the new ones and Shao Kahn it's simply that Kitana has been my second fav char since MK2 sooo, lol.


Mr. Righteous
I think Frost and Cetrion are vital to story twists and won't be revealed.

So Noob and Kitana

Erron Black and Kollector

Then D'Vorah and Shao Kahn at some live event
I think D'vorah will be one of the last they show off. I mean, NRS did say she has the most gross fatality of them all. Gotta save the best for last ;)


Juiced Moose On The Loose
Lead Moderator
I'm leaning toward that too. I wish it would be Frost but it makes sense to reveal her kinda near the end to show off her drastic design change.
Yeah and Kitana's also a classic character I think they'll leave all the newcomers for the last Kast. Maybe Noob, Shao Kahn, and Kitana this week?


The Immortal Tiger
I can pray for Noob and Kitana but I'm not getting my hopes up, lol. I mostly need her reveal so I don't keep imagining all the cool crazy animations they could have for her and movesets she could have and set myself up for dissappointment IF somehow their vision doesn't completely blow me away like a lot of the ones for chars I don't even like, lol.


Shirai Ryu
Didn't they say somewhere that they wouldn't actually show every character before launch?
No they said there wouldn't be breakdowns for every character, which is true since 5/7 of the MK Day Reveal event won't have breakdowns.

Then naming her achievement 'Cyber Initiative' was a pretty fuckin dumb move....
Maybe, but technically nobody was supposed to see that before April 23rd.


What a day. What a lovely day.
I don’t see them not showing a female two weeks in a row, so I have to assume it’ll be D’Vorah or Kitana shown along with Noob.

Hoping for Kitana, but Christ, we see how that’s worked out for me so far.


Lin Kuei Scum, yellow robot enthusiast
Judging by the gameinformer reveal trailer that teased Cetrion, in that trailer they show 3 characters that have yet to be on the Kombat Kast. Cetrion, Noob and Erron (they show a snippet of his xray again). So my guess is those three. NRS have shown that they usually show characters that got a trailer the same week or a few days before- just like Liu Lao and Jax.