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Online test - lag vs lag

Lag is the same for both players

  • Yes

    Votes: 13 37.1%
  • No

    Votes: 22 62.9%

  • Total voters
Hi guys, is there anyone on this forum that could do me this favor:

there is already for a long time a discussion going on whether lag is one sided or both the same in an online match. Is there anyone on this forum that can technically proof the difference in connexion while playing a match? So it would mean you would see how fast the other connexion is from one and the other one. I am sure there is a way to find out and it would be a relieve for a lot of us I think to finally know the scientific proof of this question. Personally I think that lag is not the same and is always different for both sides, still there are a lot of people that say its all the same, if one player has lag then the other player has just the same amount of lag. But how could this be true if we are talking about different countries? Different connexion? There was even someone saying I had 3 bars while for me he had one bar so you see? Still, I WANT THE GOD DAMN PROOF OF IT FOR ONCE AND FOR ALL! So please, if anyone is out there that is able to test this correctly and scientifically, please help us all out to finally have the right knowledge for all of us.


The most fucked up thing is probably not lag but latency affecting what we see.

What I mean by this is if you take a shooter for instance and run side by side with a friend. You do not see the same thing as your friend. So say your friend is 2 meters from the wall on your side, he might actually see that he is 1m away.

All games have this and that's why you have those Michael Jordan style jip's that nail you from across the screen and shit
Yes, still I hope there is someone out here that can give the proof, I am an online player, I dont have ability to play offline really and in Netherlands we dont have much competitions. However, a lot of people are bithcing about that lag is the same and they make me ridicule, saying I just play bad - at the other hand I am sure that my connex was slower. That kind of stuff you know?


Don't bother getting worked up. You can't beat lag. Some guys learned to play MK taking advantage of lag abusing shit like d3 and crossing you up. Some guys have pressure that you know is a fucking optical illusion because you can poke every thing he does but because it's online the guy appears to be the master of the fucking universe.

Online is funner to make fake accounts and play beginners and just jump kick around and throw crap out. I don't bother with online warriors, there is nothing you will learn fighting them because their tactics are not representative of an offline tournament player and thus anything you develop to counter that crap is poop.


Xbl: Johnny2Die
Hmm, this is interesting. My wife and I actually have two xboxes online, with both our tvs next to each other. We've never connected online in an mk match (no reason, if we wanted to play we'd play on the same console). But we used to play online together in Red Dead Redemption, and the positions of the characters would be different through each setup. I could test this to see if they always match up position wise, or if this michael jordan theory actually is present. I don't know how to intentionally put lag onto one of the systems and not the other though so I'm not sure how to test the lag situation.


Xbl: Johnny2Die
Make one of these

Grrr... I don't know if I can bring myself to make something like that... so awful... makes me so frustrated... but possibly if it were for the sake of science and providing proof for us so we would have a concrete answer. Interesting.


i couldnt see how lag wouldnt be the same for both... if it wasnt the game would get too far out if sync.

i think shooters are different bc theres a server that knows where everyone really is, its just your local game that has the wrong positioning info. but mk is peer to peer and so i think have to stay in sync.


i couldnt see how lag wouldnt be the same for both... if it wasnt the game would get too far out if sync.

i think shooters are different bc theres a server that knows where everyone really is, its just your local game that has the wrong positioning info. but mk is peer to peer and so i think have to stay in sync.
This is how I feel too.

Everytime I've ever had laggy matches with people I play regularly, we both notice it and mention it/laugh lol. I feel it's the same for that reason. It might seem different if one is used to playing online and the other is new to online, but that's external factors influencing perception.


Online Punching Bag
I'd love to see some of the people with horrible connections going to an offline tournament trying what they get away with online,
Reptile dash (blocked) wtf
dash (blocked ohh full combo punish) WTF IS THIS??
dash, dash, dash, (blocked full combo punish) Screw this broken game! I'm going to play call of doody.


Xbl: Johnny2Die
This is how I feel too.

Everytime I've ever had laggy matches with people I play regularly, we both notice it and mention it/laugh lol. I feel it's the same for that reason. It might seem different if one is used to playing online and the other is new to online, but that's external factors influencing perception.
This is true for me too. I notice the lag and so does my opponent. I've also played in matches where I can hardly move and the opponent is doing perfect NDC with kabal... I'm not sure how that could be. I do know that getting used to online is a major factor, I have 6,000 ranked wins with Skarlet, I'm used to it, however there are times when I feel like I'm moving through mud, and the opponent is free to do anything. But like you said Espio, a lot of times you both have the lag equally.

My thought is: The way the match is connected causes a match to be lag free, or to have lag (This is the first factor), then your own independent upload speed can be different and affect your own lag (This is a second factor). I don't have evidence, these are just ideas from what I feel when I play. Feel free to correct me or offer other variables or theories. I suppose building the lag switch would put an end to all this, it might be worth it just to test it and see.


Dead Kings Rise
I'd love to see some of the people with horrible connections going to an offline tournament trying what they get away with online,
Reptile dash (blocked) wtf
dash (blocked ohh full combo punish) WTF IS THIS??
dash, dash, dash, (blocked full combo punish) Screw this broken game! I'm going to play call of doody.
Sorry. :(


Online Punching Bag
Lol it's not everyone, some people just have ass connections and get away with bullshit, like that guy Franakin, he's a decent player but lag definitely plays to his advantage when you see him use nightwolf, shoulder you from midscreen you see it coming, you press down and nothing happens until it's too late. Or Serato you see him doing Kung Lao teleport 3 and if you are lucky you can block it before he tries again, but counter it? doubtful. Dj Big CG's Sheeva, telestomp, grab, grab, grab, it's like an infinite because he has such a bad connection you can't move out of it. He's TS 37 Sheeva, and uses like 2 moves. Those are the people I'm talking about not you.


This is true for me too. I notice the lag and so does my opponent. I've also played in matches where I can hardly move and the opponent is doing perfect NDC with kabal... I'm not sure how that could be. I do know that getting used to online is a major factor, I have 6,000 ranked wins with Skarlet, I'm used to it, however there are times when I feel like I'm moving through mud, and the opponent is free to do anything. But like you said Espio, a lot of times you both have the lag equally.

My thought is: The way the match is connected causes a match to be lag free, or to have lag (This is the first factor), then your own independent upload speed can be different and affect your own lag (This is a second factor). I don't have evidence, these are just ideas from what I feel when I play. Feel free to correct me or offer other variables or theories. I suppose building the lag switch would put an end to all this, it might be worth it just to test it and see.
I have a theory about this. I think its those that have asynchronous connections, and your inputs get dropped in favor of theirs.

Have you noticed that on the select screen they'll be moving all around but you can't get to your character? Then when they stop with their inputs now yours are fine.


Xbl: Johnny2Die
Lol it's not everyone, some people just have ass connections and get away with bullshit, like that guy Franakin, he's a decent player but lag definitely plays to his advantage when you see him use nightwolf, shoulder you from midscreen you see it coming, you press down and nothing happens until it's too late. Or Serato you see him doing Kung Lao teleport 3 and if you are lucky you can block it before he tries again, but counter it? doubtful. Dj Big CG's Sheeva, telestomp, grab, grab, grab, it's like an infinite because he has such a bad connection you can't move out of it. He's TS 37 Sheeva, and uses like 2 moves. Those are the people I'm talking about not you.
Yes, Franakin jump in punches all day long, I can't anti air against him I know this from playing him a lot, so I choose to block, only the block doesn't come out in time. Dude gets free jordans all day. Then he babies like it meant something.

Deleted member 9158

You know what the absolute worst is?



I'm not exactly for sure, but I have heard that one person in the match could be feeling alot more lag than the other person. You guys don't both see the exact same thing at all times