Try anyway, Fr0zenKold. Even if you don't make it, one of us will gladly help you level up. In fact...add NRF_Rude. I'll run sets with you.
So...I have a lot I want to say. First off, great trainings session, guys.
BDMao88 We could try for Sunday morning, definitely. Also, I really appreciate your input vs. Lex. Once I can punish Corps Charge successfully and get the spacing of the match down, I think we'll be good to go. That said...if your Lex gets going, he's a god damn freight train. I love playing against it.
usedcarsalesmang I want 30 games with you, sir. I will figure the Black Adam match out. I have no idea what the match number is, yet, because you're the first good one I've ever played. I don't think it's unwinnable at all, certainly not worth counterpicking. That're an intelligent, skilled, and very hype player. You should pop-off at every training session.
SoundsLikePAUSE That Green Arrow is getting very, very scary. I was loving the hell out of watching you and Ecodus fight the GA/Catwoman match-up. I really need more sets with you. Like...30 of them.
Ecodus Tight Catwoman as always. Your GA is beastly as well. Wish we would have had more matches.
Treadmill I'm really liking your Martian Manhunter. Give him some more time, some more practice, and you're golden, baby.
@Infra_Dead Thank you, very, very much for the 50+ games we ran today. I feel more comfortable now in the MMH match than I have in a very long time. I also would love to fight more of your Ares. Great games, today.
@Everlast I wanted to say this in chat, but didn't. Your default should now and forever more be Cyborg Superman. I will also petition to have you named as Cyborg Superman of the Universe. Because robots.
I hope I didn't miss anyone. If I did, I apologize. I had a blast tonight, gents!