Graphics by the master: WEEDOSHI
It's NRF....or nuthin.
NRF is an active, warring team on Xbox/Offline focusing on Injustice: Gods Among Us and Mortal Kombat. We are an extremely motivated group of players striving to compete at the highest possible level. We are committed to helping each other excel in any way possible and proudly represent NRF at every opportunity.
Our core values are respect and discipline. We expect nothing less than the best out of ourselves and our members.
1. No rage quitting, sending hate mail, or complaining about spam. Good sportsmanship must be exhibited at all times
2. Attendance for scheduled practices is mandatory. Repeated absenteeism without notifying the leadership beforehand may jeopardize your continued involvement in NRF. Your regular participation in clan activities is vital to everyone's success.
Practice nights are Thursday and Sunday nights, with attending at least one of those nights a week being mandatory. We will announce what times we are getting together on the day, every Thursday and Sunday!
3. Must join NRF Xbox chat
4. Creating an XBL ID with the prefix NRF_ is
not mandatory, but encouraged

. Please report in to the official clan thread.
(Please check with us on open spots in the roster as we are always looking for talented players!)
The tryout process is simple, just follow this link to the tryout thread:
All of the information you need is in there.
***We have a decentralized leadership structure. Each player listed below can be thought of as the leader of NRF***
Zoidberg747 - GT: Zoidberg747
SEV - GT: SEV 007
Vagrant - GT: vagrant42791