the matter of fact is that consoles all around have stopped producing good games or anything interesting to me. I'm a hardcore gamer who likes challenging and unique gameplay, unique visuals and a creative storyline if need be, the shooters that come out these days are nothing in comparison to the my pc favorites of the past, they are embarassing and far to catered to the casual gamer... games liek mario galaxy blow me away but those are few and far between, right now its pretty much fighting games, valve and blizzard that i trust my money with, everything else just bores me. Can't wait for counter-strike global offensive or a new half-life sequel, but tbh donkey kong for the snes, mario 64 and fucking mario kart have provided me with more entertainment then any new=age titled released outside of my own hardcore competitive games which are mk and counter-strike. Mass Effect makes me wanna cut my dick off, not that the story isnt great, its just the gameplay is so bland. Super meat boy was a good game though.