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Offense or Defense?

That depends on your character. An obvious defensive character would be USubZero, as for offensive Nightwolf for sure. Kabal can be used for offense or defense, whichever best counters your opponent. I play Reptile defensively and it works on a lot of Kabals tho i dont know if thats the smartest way to play Reptile. Good Rsmoke players are a mix of offense and defense, quickly rushing in with run jabs and countering with big damaging combos with a simple aahp. I think some characters require more than a simple offense or defense strategy to be effective. Kano, I could imagine, would be tricky with his horizontal cannonball coming out randomly and connecting. I'm sure theres more to offense/defense/trickery than what ive posted maybe someone else can give you more info.
Depends on what the other person is playing. And who your character is. I play Offensive with everyone but Reptile but alot of my matches I switch it up depending on what the other person is doing.
Boostjunkie said:
It really depends on who I'm using, but overall, I would say I'm generally defensive and look to exploit mistakes on your behalf.
When i played you you were more offensive than defensive
ButtManV3 said:
Boostjunkie said:
It really depends on who I'm using, but overall, I would say I'm generally defensive and look to exploit mistakes on your behalf.
When i played you you were more offensive than defensive
Must not of played him enough. Both his Sub and his Robo smoke are Defensive.
Boostjunkie said:
It really depends on who I'm using, but overall, I would say I'm generally defensive and look to exploit mistakes on your behalf.
Ain't that the truth... I think I beat your Jax one round entirely with chip damage. And any time I messed up, bam, 37 percent off my meter.

But to be fair, I'd say your Robo Smoke is pretty offensive. It offended the hell outta that one guy tonight, anyway... :-P
I'd say overall, a good offense is very important, but it can go both ways. I find that I win more and faster when I play offensively, and when I play defensively I often

A. exploit mistakes made by nooby players


B. try to exploit what I thought was a mistake but end up getting attacked for a huge combo by experienced players
PapaJester said:
But to be fair, I'd say your Robo Smoke is pretty offensive. It offended the hell outta that one guy tonight, anyway... :-P
Well like I said, it depends on who I am using and I tend to be more offensive with Robo Smoke than being defensive. I'm surprised that guy didn't quit on me when I picked him again. :lol:
I change it up, which is why I like Kabal so much, as I can play offense and defense with him. I'm starting to pickup Sektor now.. and it seems that I have to play more defensively, but he can also go to offense rather quickly as well.