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Not doing well against aggressive players


Double Dasher
So just last night I decided to bring my work with Reptile online and was pleased to do generally well against the average player and destroying scrubs along the way. However, I ran into some really good players, usually as Cage or Jade, that would unrelentingly keep attacking me while I was blocking so I couldnt escape. How do you guys deal with aggressive characters? I really need help because Reptile dosnt seem to be able to get out too easily for me.


Salt Proprietor of TYM
Elbow dash is a good way for me to get out of pressure, when they try to cross up on me I elbow dash out and start zoning immediately. If i know a characters strings when they finish a string I elbow dash. with a lot of cage players they like to 2 1 or f3 2 a lot, then frame trap with d1, but since elbow dash is a 5 frame attack, it beats out all his frame traps, with jade a lot of her strings are interuptable, so just try to dash out when you see a spot.