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"Noob Diaries" Editorial Idea


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I had an idea today to create a new editorial kind of like the Test Your Pulse entries, but this one would focus on your greatest mistakes in a match that essentially cost you the match... you would explain what happened, against who, why you think you either panicked and made the mistake or were simply facing a better player.

In the end, this would be aimed to inspire players to learn from their losses and continue working to level up.

Does this sound like something any of you would like to be a part of?


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Did you mean to post this in MK Classics?
Eh, kinda... as I was typing the idea changed a bit. It's whatever.
I have no clue what Test Your Pulse is, is this like a multi person blog of sorts?
Test Your Pulse was "Kommunity Pulse"... basically showcasing a hand-picked member of the community asking them questions and learning more about them in an editorial fashion.