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Nobody likes Kobra!


Scrubby nice guy

Everytime i see this guy, i remember of how Raiden (Metal Gear) used to be called gay and nobody liked him until MGR (only because he was completly redesigned and turned into something else).

Question is, if This Kobra Ken's look alike suffer a major transformation and actually turn into a sinister badass character instead of the generic white guy, would you like it? Or you would still hate him?

I think Raiden used to be called gay untill MGS4 dude.


In order for anybody to give two shits about Kobra, he would have to be redesigned from the ground up. In his current state, he's the only "new" MK character that I don't want to ever see return along with Mokap.
How is Mokap an MK character? lol


Nightwolf of the galaxy
How is Mokap an MK character? lol
Mokap is the character, Mocap is short for motion capture. Hes a human in a black skintight suit with white balls on him, hes arguably the single best character design in any game ever.


Mokap is the character, Mocap is short for motion capture. Hes a human in a black skintight suit with white balls on him, hes arguably the single best character design in any game ever.
He should definitely replace Scorpion in the next MK. Mokap IS MK.

Kiss the Missile

Red Messiah
I said is on another forum, just make Kobra what he was originally supposed to be. A Ken ripoff.

Give him a Hadouken looking projectile, a Shoryuken and a Hurricane Kick.
Rip off of SF? You bet
Original to MK? Yezzir

It's better than the generic fireball character he was in Deception.


Infinite Meter Kombos
What is the point of Kobra?
To be part of the Reformed Black Dragon.
His overall design was a reference to Ken from SF, and Ed Boon said that he was one of the more easy characters to master, in MKA bio kard. He could be very nasty in the alternate timeline, with a wicked move set.

My question is how will the design of Kira and Skarlet be different? Both have a Black/Red outfit.


Skarlet who ?
What is the point of Kobra?
To be part of the Reformed Black Dragon.
His overall design was a reference to Ken from SF, and Ed Boon said that he was one of the more easy characters to master, in MKA bio kard. He could be very nasty in the alternate timeline, with a wicked move set.

My question is how will the design of Kira and Skarlet be different? Both have a Black/Red outfit.
Pfft. The only question I have is how such a horrible waste of slot as Skarlet got in the game in the first place.


Hsu Hao was fun and it was always hilarious beating people with him.

Kobra was indeed a wtf character because he was such a ripoff in so many ways. His alt was boss and his moveset was hella decent.

They just fucked up by trying to portray the character in this serious and coldblooded when they should've gave him a lighthearted or casual persona. As a complete ripoff, they should've been making fun of him or he of himself. Whoever came up with the Black Dragon angle should've been fired promptly. Dude screamed Earthrealm warrior through and through. MKDeception didn't introduce enough of those. Every newer character was some coldblooded villain who looked like a clown. Furthermore, Johnny Cage was dead. Stryker wasn't in MKD. That was Kobra's role to fill right there. Hell that's what I initially thought he was in the game for when I first saw screens of him.

And that's why something about MKD was off balance to me. A fucking Ken, a bitch with pigtails, a black Ahmed Johnson/Jim Kelly with blades, etc. who were all bloodthirsty killers. Plenty of neutral characters. I don't even remember who was good in that game besides the obvious, BoRaiCho, and Ashrah. They even turned Li Mei evil. That game became dark and grim if you followed story. Heroes were fucked. And then they had jackasses like Kobra being bloodthirsty killers.

I wouldn't mind if they brought dude back exactly as he was though. It's done now. Just flesh out the story as to why a prick like him is involved with Black Dragon. Make him a little grizzled as well. Or run with the hoodie. He cannot be a karate kid antagonist in MK10 without a proper setup.


Play Monster Hunter!
They should combine Mokap and Kobra into one character.

Kobra was Cages stunt double, and Cage hates him because he doesn't need or want one, but the movie studios insist, because they don't want their star to be hurt in some of the more dangerous stunts. He should be a earthrealm warrior, be super nice, and completely oblivious to the fact Cage hates him. Maybe make Sonya hit on him a lot to further piss off Cage.

And ya, have him have a hadoken, a shoryuken, but maybe avoid the tatsu, that might be a little much.

Also, if MK10 still doesn't have projectile clashes, make his fireball unique and actually clashes, would be a fun easter egg.