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ok ok ppl Im wondering if Nightwolfs EX hatchet will do 4 x hatchet. Man I would laugh for like a week. It's hard to say from the footage but it looks like his shoulder ram initiates his X-ray move too... ouch. an also His X-Ray isn't damaging either, at least in comparison to Reptile and Sektor (Does 35% I think).
An i also saw these pic when looking for some news on nightwolf.http://media.photobucket.com/image/nightwolf%20mk9/Merc_77705/SSPX0104.jpg?o=2# seem to be like his new costume an him using the glow shield or a new move oo
Yungprince said:
ok ok ppl Im wondering if Nightwolfs EX hatchet will do 4 x hatchet. Man I would laugh for like a week. It's hard to say from the footage but it looks like his shoulder ram initiates his X-ray move too... ouch. an also His X-Ray isn't damaging either, at least in comparison to Reptile and Sektor (Does 35% I think).
An i also saw these pic when looking for some news on nightwolf.http://media.photobucket.com/image/nightwolf%20mk9/Merc_77705/SSPX0104.jpg?o=2# seem to be like his new costume an him using the glow shield or a new move oo
I would of thought that alot of the moves being shown off in the demo arn't gonna be the same in regards to damage by release time next year. With any luck the design team will heavily test the game before it comes out, maybe get some actual MK players in to test the balance etc :p
Hopefully. They need all the testing so they can make this game Great. so far so good. an most likely the damage will be change by next year


EFL Founder
NW doesn't have a popup combo does he? I was searching for the best way to initiate a hatchet combo and it looks like the hatchets themselves or a SUJP are the only options. Hmmm.
Dreamcatcher said:
NW doesn't have a popup combo does he? I was searching for the best way to initiate a hatchet combo and it looks like the hatchets themselves or a SUJP are the only options. Hmmm.
those are the only ones i could find