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Newegg.com Wanfest MK9 Tourney Video

Pig Of The Hut

Day 0 Phenomenal Dr. Fate and Darkseid player

Below are videos of me in the Newegg.com Tournament (91 entries) that took place online oct-Nov on xbox

Matches included are VS Mr Grumpypants, PhantomStars (who was on his friend's account) Imblackjames + Shujinkydink (grand finals and winners semis)

I also played TS_SABIN but he streamed our matches so i didnt bother recording them.

There were two others i played but have forgotten their names and didn't record :(

Also me training w Forever King in order to get ready to get my revenge on Dink's quan - playing King worked like a charm for my rematch. I learned millions

I played dink so poorly in the winners semis it makes me wanna facepalm - I didnt know the MU and proceeded to bash dink every way i could (poor taste). Making him leave quan and go to another character was a win :)


