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New Years Resolutions


Lose without excuses
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What are your New Years Resolutions?

Mine will be:

1. Dedicate most of my time to my School work. I need to have my priorities in order, unlike I did in High School. School and work comes before my social life and video games.

2. Try my absolute hardest to get the best grades possible in College. If I actually am determined to do my work and study, I know I will get the grades I want.

3. STOP PROCRASTINATING! I procrastinate with every thing. I need to stop being lazy and make an effort to get things done.

4. Actually finish the P90X program completely. And once finished, continue working out 5-6 days a week. Exercise is very important. I always feel so amazing after a workout and even in general when I'm working out regularly. I love the energy it gives me and how it makes me feel. Plus the ladies don't mind it either ;)

5. Be more willing to try new things. I'm pretty willing already, I just am too lazy honestly.

6. Go to as much Tournaments as possible! I won't have nearly as much free time in 2012, but I think I may have the financial support.

7. Make an effort to choose happiness. Happiness is a choice. Instead of being in a bad mood all the time or always reacting too quickly in a negative way, I need to calm down and not automatically be an asshole for no reason. In a way, treat others as I wanted to be treated.

8. Start eating more healthy! I have a fast metabolism so I can almost eat anything as often as I want and never gain much weight. But that doesn't mean since my outside doesn't look bad that my inside doesn't as well.

All I can think of right now. Post yours!

Tim Static

1. get my health in order

2. be a better father (every parents wish, i would think)

3. improve my UMK3


Dojo Trainee
1. stop making fun of people who use P90X
2. Troloolol

Edit: LMAO Zumba fitness banner advertisement after i posted that.


Last year was the worse at my gym.

We had a huge group of people who make it their new years resolution to get in shape but just wind up chatting in the hot tub with their slushies from QT.

I like to end my work outs in the hot tub, so I was not happy.


My blades will find your heart
1. be more social

2. Be able to dunk a basketball(only two damn inches away-_-)

3. Make at least a 4.0 GPA

4. Get a 5(out of 5) on both my AP exams

5. Keep my health in order

6. Play less xbox

7. Make a couple offline tournies

Mainly though I just want to enjoy life


1. Become more confident to talk to people

2. Get great grades this semester (enough to get me a 3.2)

3. Work out more regularly than I did this semester

4. Attend more offline get-togethers and tournaments

5. Get my driver's license so I can attend said get-togethers and tournaments

Lord Beef

Death Metal and Trance
Start working out and Get my skinny ass in shape.

Manage my money better.

Quit smoking (already have, started early lol)

Stop dating women I meet at metal shows.

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Gesture Required Ahead

Get on that hook
I don't believe in new years resolutions.If you want to change, just change.Don't wait for a whole nother year to change.There might not be a tommorow.

Though I really am lazy and should stop being so.


"More stealthful than the night"
Premium Supporter
1. by this time next year i want to be competent enough in 3D sculpting to be able to re-imagine an existing character and make it look decent.

2. go to Evo.


Cock Master!!
To finally get off my ass and get back to working out, remove my gut and get some abs.

to finally vote in the presidential vote this november for the first time ever..

this past year was a good one, so hopefully it continues...


I Break Hearts, Not Combos
Be a nicer person in real life.

Get drivers license (already have a permit)

Attend many offline stuff.

...and learn how to iaf like a boss.

PND OmegaK

Drunk and Orderly
I'm going to start going the gym more because I got a little lazy and stopped towards the end of 2011.
Also going to try and 'sieze the moment' more, make the most of oppurtunities that come up for me rather than just passing them by.
I really want to properly pick up my fightstick too, no matter how frustrating it gets.
I need to revise hard if I want to get it into uni, so that smy fourth.
And my last one is to go to WGC in Feb, or if not attend as many offline tournaments as possible anyway.


1. Get back to the gym and get my head into working out like I was before. I've gained back some of the weight I lost :(
2. Eat healthy like I was.
3. Fix some specific things aroud the house I've been putting off.

[MENTION=11]OJuggernautO[/MENTION], you're spot on with choosing happiness. People don't seem to get it, I understand, its hard. It took me until I was 25 to figure that out. For things you can change, that if were changed you'd be happier, try it. But there's lots of things you can't change, so you can accept it and still choose to be happy or choose to be pissed about it.

Also, does that p90X work? Does it include meal plans (not actual food, but telling you what to eat)?

Dr Doggystyle

The #1 MK Kollector from the Netherlands
1. fix things in the house / reorganise / cooking island in the kitchen (has to be done around april)
2. watch my healt & weight
2. Sortout my MK items and find out what i have double and try to display them all
3. making a lot of pics of the MK items and share them on my website
4. Complete my cars (Rover 45 & '86 Toyota starlet) with bodykits & nice 17 (starlet) & 18 (Rover 45) inch rims (around march i hope its done)
5. Try to make a mini (mame) arcade cab in MK styling

i have a year to do all this :D

GNG Iniquity

#bufftaquito #punchwalk #whiffycage
1. Get my ass back in school/get a jibbity job; either or both I suppose
2. Be a better father
3. Start lifting again, I have no idea why I fell out of this - oh right, I lost my mp3 player...
4. Start actively building the offline scene here
5. Get a second car so I can actually get around

Stop dating women I meet at metal shows.
Oh I could've told you that one, I stopped that a long time ago. They're only good in one department and we both know what department that is. You've gotta go to Europe or at least Canada if you're even going to attempt to find one who doesn't have issues up the ass!

Lord Beef

Death Metal and Trance
1. Get my ass back in school/get a jibbity job; either or both I suppose
2. Be a better father
3. Start lifting again, I have no idea why I fell out of this - oh right, I lost my mp3 player...
4. Start actively building the offline scene here
5. Get a second car so I can actually get around

Oh I could've told you that one, I stopped that a long time ago. They're only good in one department and we both know what department that is. You've gotta go to Europe or at least Canada if you're even going to attempt to find one who doesn't have issues up the ass!
yeah,, its a tough thing to resist. But willpower will prevail. happy new year man. Make it a good one ^_^
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