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these people must have really short hands i put the edge of my wrist on the plexi and my fingers were still hovering the ubttons perfectly fine and i even tried to rub the plexi like this and i felt no pop up inoticed it does it towards top of the buttons but it dont go high enough to even feel

so i have no idea what you guys are on about i need to see a video or else i just think is bs cuz i see no way for it pop up that high


I Got Guiled
these people must have really short hands i put the edge of my wrist on the plexi and my fingers were still hovering the ubttons perfectly fine and i even tried to rub the plexi like this and i felt no pop up inoticed it does it towards top of the buttons but it dont go high enough to even feel

so i have no idea what you guys are on about i need to see a video or else i just think is bs cuz i see no way for it pop up that high
If you are not feeling it, consider yourself lucky. This may be because you have a third or fourth run stick in which Madcatz replaced the plexi to help alleviate the problem. Even so the squeak remains. But for many first adopters we have felt this. I am not saying its horrible stick, many of its problems can be fixed with mods. I am just saying there are better sticks out there for your value.
yeah i have no clue what your talking about my pexli dont pop up to feel it all i feel is the smoothness from the ring around the buttons lol. when i get a ps4 i might buy a hori stick but i already got my te2 modded for ps4 and i dont own one yet so :(
the only next gen sticks i know of for xbox one are the hori which i tried felt cheap the kuros sucked ass i tried the atrox and i like the case better its just like the t2 but with no squeakingn and the madcatz te2 only gripe is the squeaky plate that holds the buttons and the slidy plexi on top but other then that no isusues i reccomend it over any the other sticks cuz its easier to find artwork for and easier to find videos working on it im sure theres older sticks that can be modded that feel great too but everything about the te 2 was what i was looking for in a stick an only way id get new stick if someone made me a wooden custom stick and i wont go that route cuz i like being able to change artwork on the fly


I Got Guiled
yeah i have no clue what your talking about my pexli dont pop up to feel it all i feel is the smoothness from the ring around the buttons lol. when i get a ps4 i might buy a hori stick but i already got my te2 modded for ps4 and i dont own one yet so :(

Like I said, you may have gotten a more recent run of the stick in which Madcatz replaced the original plexi to a newer version to try and solve the problem. If you read the link I posted earlier, you can see all this play out, from the initial complaints to the design change to some newer problems associated with how the latch works.
yeah my madcatz is about 4 months old from day i bought it ive had no issues like i said other then squeaking but it only happens when i get over zealous with the thing in game i dont think ihear it squeak i might try a hori one day maybe i already go the hayabusa stick and im still unsure on it stock spring feels a bit to soft and softer then the sawna jlf 8 but i bought a 2lb spring and i perfer that i was going to buy some kinda qanba and mod it for xbox one but i heard its harder to get some joysticks in there

and i plan on trying out a semitsu l56 soon and a korean stick for tekken and far as i know both those fit directly into the madcatz


I Got Guiled
yeah my madcatz is about 4 months old from day i bought it ive had no issues like i said other then squeaking but it only happens when i get over zealous with the thing in game i dont think ihear it squeak i might try a hori one day maybe i already go the hayabusa stick and im still unsure on it stock spring feels a bit to soft and softer then the sawna jlf 8 but i bought a 2lb spring and i perfer that i was going to buy some kinda qanba and mod it for xbox one but i heard its harder to get some joysticks in there

and i plan on trying out a semitsu l56 soon and a korean stick for tekken and far as i know both those fit directly into the madcatz
I prefer and LS-40 (its got some tension and a very short throw and engage). If you like the heavy spring mods then you will most likely the LS- 56 and korean sticks.
yeah i felt the difference from the hori and sanwa instantly but to me the hori has more of a hallow sound and i perfer square gate my excution in ki is better with octo gate but i feel like the sticks too lose and i dont wanna buy a 4 lb spring lol so i stick with 2 lb and square gate on my sanwa with 1.0 kowal and 2lb spring i kinda dont like the agutatro after using the hori

how does the hori compair to the ls 40 and ls 56 i might pick one those up in a few months i already spent 30 on the hori and 40 on buttons and few things here and there.

i need to buy some grease tho for the hori and sanwa so they don dry out but not sure if theres one i can use for both or if it matters


I Got Guiled
I prefer the LS-40 because it does not feel loose at all which is my biggest problem with the JLF and Hayabusa. The Hayabusa is just a better JLF that actually feels like an LS-32.

For grease I have the molykote stuff but a tube of it is too much (had mine for close to 8 years). You can use the dab stuff focus attack sells.
could you link me to your grease you use or which i should buy?

i put on 2lb spring on the sanway and it helped alot same with the haybusa i might try an ls40 next then im thinking i might buy a wwe brawl stick and learn to sodder and all that i really want to find an empty razer atrox case with the pcb still lol