Fujin and Ermac for MK 11
It's bloody for sure just saying it's not MK's level of gore . Namely referring to the last few MK games especially, MK 4 fatalities etc. However, not so much the 2D classics(though for the time was gory by 90's standards) This game looks cool but I doubt SS will be that hardcore but for a japanese game I agree it's definitely more hardcore than SF. Don't get me wrong, not saying decapitations, slicing people in half isn't gory but it's like I feel like that's PG at this point in MK games lol and MK team raised the bar heavily in the past few MK's especially and they just go all out insane like say Ermac's intestine fatality is kind of not just gory but disgusting, the sounds, the way you die, and how you die...actually funny lol if you watch reaction videos on YT you'll see what I mean lol. Or that Noob MK 9 one still makes me cringe a little.Samsho is as gory as MK, there are decaps, people cut in half and shit, blood flushing out of body.
I'm curious to see another big name fighter in 2019 portray blood and gore, especially while we wait for MK 11.

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