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(new?)reptile insinvisibility set up

from just about outside of jump range or 3/4 screen length if you hit your opponent with a ffb you can shoot a sfb right after then immediately go invisible then you have time to do d4~ slide for 19% damage and your invisible

ffb sfb inv d4~slide
from just about outside of jump range or 3/4 screen length if you hit your opponent with a ffb you can shoot a sfb right after then immediately go invisible then you have time to do d4~ slide for 19% damage and your invisible

ffb sfb inv d4~slide
Its alright, but you opponent can kind of get use to that real quickly, I do that sometimes. I reccomend this: 321 Reptillian dash 122 Enhanced Slow force ball, 32 Inivisbility reptillian dash D4 Reptillian hand. After the invisibility in dash, you should have crossed them up WHILE invisible, I have a forum on it you should check it out, its pretty much Wake up proof.