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General/Other - Bojutsu New Persective For Kung Jin (Bojutsu Players) (IMPORTANT INFO INSIDE)

Clark L.

F1 ftw.
Hey guys, Clark here. This video is for a specific group of Kung Jin players, NOT ALL. The ones who have been crying super dramatically about their character getting nerfed. Most and smart kung jin players have accepted the nerfs and will continue to grind. But ive seen a few who are just heartbroken from the new patch. "OMG how will we adapt?" , "He got the nerf hammer really hard." , " His damage is gone!" , etc etc. So this is an educational video specifically for those players who feel super shafted. Enjoy:D

PS/FYI = I only used Kung Lao as an example because he is my main. im most familiar with him, yada yada yada. (In no way do I think Kung Lao is bad, hes way good)



Pew pew pew
Anyone who thinks Kung Jin isn't top 5 anymore is either stupid or bad. Even Slayer admitted he's no different after the patch. Also yes I agree with the above posts, great video.


Beware my power.
the damage output is right on point with my main character, reptile, and i feel that is suitable for a non-meter dependent character like kung jin. great video Clark, you should release a new one everytime a character gets toned down since you seem to be one of the only sensible/realistic people on TYM

Clark L.

F1 ftw.
the damage output is right on point with my main character, reptile, and i feel that is suitable for a non-meter dependent character like kung jin. great video Clark, you should release a new one everytime a character gets toned down since you seem to be one of the only sensible/realistic people on TYM


Beware my power.
OK so I and we still haven't received the latest patch, so I mirrored the combos you did in the video

meterless: 35% (3% diff.)
1 meter: 39% (3% diff.)

So overall it was a whopping 3% difference, its almost negligible entirely. Theres nothing more to really say, this character still occupies a top 10 spot in the roster. Anyone who disagrees is full o sheeet


Anyone who thinks Kung Jin isn't top 5 anymore is either stupid or bad. Even Slayer admitted he's no different after the patch. Also yes I agree with the above posts, great video.
wtf lol

i mean i was down for the kung jin nerf and i think that after the nerf he is still a good character possibly top tier still... but saying that he is no different to how he was before the patch it is more stupid than saying he is no good anymore. ( no disrespect)

his game plan has change just the nerf in 11 changes the way he plays by itself i do not even have to mention f3 been -2 now or no been able to hit crouching oponents with an ijf2 anymore.


Hat tier ftw
Its the free button smashing he used get that sucked where it was hard to trade with him that sucked. I main kung lao after trying a lot of chars and Lao/jin was fine for me but sucked for a lot of other chars.