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Re: ...

FrozenWorm said:
Ok, this is not fair... the girl is sexy, the problem is not her but the outfist, try a different hair style and different clothes for her. Don't stick to the official outfist so much.

Stryker is excellent, I'd like to see an Stryker like that in a real MK movie, for real...!

Do some research on the net, look up for make up tutorials and stuff that can help you a little for instance with Havik, or use a zombie mask, you know hallowin masks, it would be a lot better than the actual face you have for Havik.

The Skeleton part in Scorpion's mask is cool, but is way to big... If I were you, I'll look for a clasical ninja uniform instead of that mask, too big like I told you.

Noob is good, Darrius needs more work, Kira needs different outfist and hair style, but in general everything is acceptable, but yeap man... try to get the best outfist/looks you can before starting, it will make a lot of difference in the final product.

Good luck, and get ready because is normal to get bad opinions from people on the net.
Thanks I appreciate your feedback :D .

With everyone else, while I really need the critique, your opinions arent really... well they arent helpful. How can I make a better MK movie when all I'm getting is "Kira's not hot"? This isnt America's Next Top Model its a bootleg fan movie lol. It doesnt help with the production. We arent here for fanboys to jack off to the monitor. It makes me wonder what some of you all look like...

I'm guessing all the women here are sexy as hell with amazing bodies and all you fellas are ripped with muscles and a 10 inch dick? So lets take our hands out of our pants for a sec and get real before mommy or daddy walks in :roll:

So really FrozenWorm your the only one to actually point out what things I should work on. I appreciate it. I will def look up more stuff on makeup effects. YOu really gave me ideas with that. Glad you like Stryker. LOL im used to the complaining. People always complain but they never have the courage to make a movie of their own or step out of their confort zone. :lol:
Re: ...

EJAdams said:
FrozenWorm said:
Ok, this is not fair... the girl is sexy, the problem is not her but the outfist, try a different hair style and different clothes for her. Don't stick to the official outfist so much.

Stryker is excellent, I'd like to see an Stryker like that in a real MK movie, for real...!

Do some research on the net, look up for make up tutorials and stuff that can help you a little for instance with Havik, or use a zombie mask, you know hallowin masks, it would be a lot better than the actual face you have for Havik.

The Skeleton part in Scorpion's mask is cool, but is way to big... If I were you, I'll look for a clasical ninja uniform instead of that mask, too big like I told you.

Noob is good, Darrius needs more work, Kira needs different outfist and hair style, but in general everything is acceptable, but yeap man... try to get the best outfist/looks you can before starting, it will make a lot of difference in the final product.

Good luck, and get ready because is normal to get bad opinions from people on the net.
Thanks I appreciate your feedback :D .

With everyone else, while I really need the critique, your opinions arent really... well they arent helpful. How can I make a better MK movie when all I'm getting is "Kira's not hot"? This isnt America's Next Top Model its a bootleg fan movie lol. It doesnt help with the production. We arent here for fanboys to jack off to the monitor. It makes me wonder what some of you all look like...

I'm guessing all the women here are sexy as hell with amazing bodies and all you fellas are ripped with muscles and a 10 inch dick? So lets take our hands out of our pants for a sec and get real before mommy or daddy walks in :roll:

So really FrozenWorm your the only one to actually point out what things I should work on. I appreciate it. I will def look up more stuff on makeup effects. YOu really gave me ideas with that. Glad you like Stryker. LOL im used to the complaining. People always complain but they never have the courage to make a movie of their own or step out of their confort zone. :lol:
I made a post complementing on your efforts in the first page....but that's cool...
Re: ...

TheRagingStorm said:
I made a post complementing on your efforts in the first page....but that's cool...
I appreciate your post as well, I'm just poking fun at some of the comments on here. :D So many people take MK as such a huge deal that its like a life or death situation or something you know lol. They expect a bored guy with a video camera to have the same resources and quality of a Hollywood film. You were very helpful and my friends are reading the posts here too to get ideas so thanks :) .
What's the point of making a movie with your own creativity if you're just going to go on a mortal kombat website and ask people how to make it better?

the actor playing kira is a fucking construction worker
the actor playing kira is a fucking construction worker
the actor playing kira is a fucking construction worker
the actor playing kira is a fucking construction worker
the actor playing kira is a fucking construction worker
the actor playing kira is a fucking construction worker
the actor playing kira is a fucking construction worker
the actor playing kira is a fucking construction worker
the actor playing kira is a fucking construction worker
crayola77 said:
What's the point of making a movie with your own creativity if you're just going to go on a mortal kombat website and ask people how to make it better?

the actor playing kira is a fucking construction worker
the actor playing kira is a fucking construction worker
the actor playing kira is a fucking construction worker
the actor playing kira is a fucking construction worker
the actor playing kira is a fucking construction worker
the actor playing kira is a fucking construction worker
the actor playing kira is a fucking construction worker
the actor playing kira is a fucking construction worker
the actor playing kira is a fucking construction worker
Wow crayola I'm impressed. I did not realize you cared so much about this project. :shock: I'm flattered. The time and energy you have put into this thread is amazing! This must really consume your life. The will power to continue to wake up each day, login, and type in a thread on a subject that you dislike must be very overcoming for you! Your like a heroin addict in rehab :D

Unlike you I did not get a PHD in Mortal Kombat video games. :roll: You see if I'm gonna make something based off a certain source material I would like to improve upon my work by speaking with those who may know more about it than myself. But hey, curse and scream at me for trying to do things right.

PS: You might wanna fix your computer. It's displaying the same sentence over and over :roll:
The guy behind the camera did a great job. I look professional with the angles and stuff I couldn't do it like that...

Also I recomend you not to fight everyone who tell your project is this or that because you're gonna waste your energies... and never win.

Tim Static

EJAdams said:
crayola77 said:
What's the point of making a movie with your own creativity if you're just going to go on a mortal kombat website and ask people how to make it better?

the actor playing kira is a fucking construction worker
the actor playing kira is a fucking construction worker
the actor playing kira is a fucking construction worker
the actor playing kira is a fucking construction worker
the actor playing kira is a fucking construction worker
the actor playing kira is a fucking construction worker
the actor playing kira is a fucking construction worker
the actor playing kira is a fucking construction worker
the actor playing kira is a fucking construction worker
Wow crayola I'm impressed. I did not realize you cared so much about this project. :shock: I'm flattered. The time and energy you have put into this thread is amazing! This must really consume your life. The will power to continue to wake up each day, login, and type in a thread on a subject that you dislike must be very overcoming for you! Your like a heroin addict in rehab :D

Unlike you I did not get a PHD in Mortal Kombat video games. :roll: You see if I'm gonna make something based off a certain source material I would like to improve upon my work by speaking with those who may know more about it than myself. But hey, curse and scream at me for trying to do things right.

PS: You might wanna fix your computer. It's displaying the same sentence over and over :roll:
You came here posting this looking for reactions and feedback, and you got some. You may not like it, but what did you expect?

You didnt get any feedback from me because after I looked at the pics of the "actors", I lost all desire to watch it. I'm glad the subject IS MK, and not another fighting game, or what not for subject matter, but that doesnt mean everyone, especially here is gonna like it.

Anything regarding anything in 3-D MK's = no interest at all to me.

So I'd lose that smart ass attitude with the quickness....
Tim Static said:
You came here posting this looking for reactions and feedback, and you got some. You may not like it, but what did you expect?

You didnt get any feedback from me because after I looked at the pics of the "actors", I lost all desire to watch it. I'm glad the subject IS MK, and not another fighting game, or what not for subject matter, but that doesnt mean everyone, especially here is gonna like it.

Anything regarding anything in 3-D MK's = no interest at all to me.
LOLOL I never asked for anyone to like or agree with my project, so I'm not "expecting" anything. Whats the purpose of dismissing feedback just because its negative? That's pretty lame since I'm looking for imput. LOL if anything its helping me to understand how others may view our work.

Interest of ANY kind, good or bad, is ok as far as art goes in my book.

Tim Static said:
So I'd lose that smart ass attitude with the quickness....
Well that's awesome that you would to that Tim! But lets not kid ourselves, what I do or say on the internet makes no difference in your life. LOL it sounds strange that you claim to have lost interest in the project yet continue to post here. But hey after all, your posts are keeping this thread alive. :D

PS: Some may be taking this project way too seriously. LOL i'm not here to win Oscars, we are just kids having fun guys. Lighten up... as Tim Static would say "with the quickness" :wink:

Anyone here from CT? We've hooked up with other MK fans from online boards during shoots.
Ok don't go Emo on us. If you don't like the opinions of the posters than don't ask for it. If someone dislikes it than you shouldn't get offended. Just simply ask for reasoning and despite if they seem rude, take what they say into consideration and move on.

Attention Whores get Banned :wink: *ask TempesT*
Thanks Scheisse I did not know the 3D games were so disliked. That's interesting because I thought the recent games have been selling pretty decently :?:. The things you said was excellent feedback! Putting older characters always seem kind of dated to us, but now we may consider changing some things.

This is the FAQ from our website


Han :

20 Years after the events of Mortal Kombat Annihilation, Han, a regular college freshmen finds himself having horrible nightmares about an other worldly dimension known as Outworld. When it is revealed that he is a descendant of Lui Kang.

The Elder Gods have gone missing... stripping everyone of their supernatural powers. Han and his friends must fight against the darkness of those who are still strong enough to tap into their mystical abilities.

Tony Vegga :

As a good friend to Han, they join forces during the suspicions of a government cover up, especially after an assassination attempt by the Black Dragon.


Nikki feels that something is just not right about their history professor Miss Edenia. Nikki's obsessive nature leads her to discover something she never would have imagined.


Kitana now hides within Earthrealm living an regular every day life, secretly watching over Han. Since the absence of the Elder Gods she has become a key target of the Black Dragon when they discover that her death would allow anyone to claim the Outworld throne.


The Shadow Priest resurrects Mileena from the dead to kill Kitana.

The Black Dragon:

After a prophecy from the Shadow Priest, Havik and Kira discover that Han and his friends will play a key role in Earthrealms fate. They plan several attacks, but little do they know that Kitana has been secretly watching over them for several years now.

Scorpion :

Scorpion is resurrected by our Earthrealm heroes in attempt to stop Noob Saibot, formally known as Sub-Zero.

Noob Saibot :

Havik recieves a bottle from the Shadow Priest, which in it contains the soul of Noob Saibot .


Kurtis Stryker becomes a rogue cop who has been hunting down the Black Dragon.

Bo Rai Cho:

Bo Rai Cho gives warriors the ultimate training at the Wu Shi Academy.


As the leader of the Black Dragon, Jarek plans to overthrow the Shadow Priest and claim the outworld thrown.

Character Roster (New Characters) :

Han (New)
Nikki (New)
Tony Vegga (New)

Game Character Roster (In order of importance to the story) :

Shadow Priest
Noob Saibot
Bo Rai Cho
Quan Chi


Who is directing?

Effrem J. Adams from Hartford CT is writing & directing. No one special. Google for more info.

Which GAME characters are in the film?

See list above. However the actors for Kobra and Quan Chi have not been cast yet.

Why are there NEW characters in this movie (Han, Nikki, and Tony)?

I decided to go the "Mortal Kombat Conquest" route. Meaning new characters that interact with game characters. The key word in this production is fan film and it has a very thin line between copyright infringement. We don't need Threshold knocking at our doors. Although no actor has been cast to play Han due to being unable to find Asian actors.

I don't like how Havik looks, where is his horrid face?

Be patient, did you think we would upload everything and leave you with no surprises?

When does the story take place?

As far as movie continuity it takes place 20 years after Annihilation.

Why are there scenes that take place in the city?

Stryker is a riot control cop from New York. Let's not ask idiotic questions.

Do the actors know any martial arts?

No, but they are doing the best they can. Tony Vega is the only martial artist.

What is the films budget?


Who makes the costumes?

My mom, and me and friends help.

How do you pick locations?

Well it's snowing here which is not something good for filmmaking. I try to find free locations to shoot at.

It doesn't "feel" like MK…?

The original films are very dated. What made the first MK movie so great is that the characters actually interacted with the real world. Unlike the unrealistic sequel Annihilation where characters have no contact with anyone other than video game characters, we wanted to give the characters in our film the sense that they really care about humanity. It has a much more of a real world setting.

The government?

Let's not pretend like "Mortal Kombat Special Forces" was never a video game.


Suspense, rock, and techno.

Running time?

Hour and thirty minutes.

Special effects in the movie?

A few characters use powers and special moves, but this isn't Power Rangers.

Blood & Gore?

I'd say this is rated R!

When is the release date?

Originally it was the end of Feb, but we have experienced a few setbacks due to casting and Kira's injury. We are aiming for the end of March. MARCH 28TH to be exact.

Why not make a movie based on the original story?

It's been done before and may be done again (remake) according to Hollywood rumors. I think its time to move on to new things and shed light on characters that never get to enter the spotlight. I doubt characters like Havik or Darrius would ever make it into a hollywood MK movie.

Why does it take place so many years later?

It has been 13 years in real time since the first movie. I don't see why a few more years would be an issue.

Kabal is no longer in the film?

No. We decided to go with Jarek. He was easier to portray plus Annihilation seemed to have skipped over him entirely. Plus the actor we have is great.

Do Kitana and Mileena fight?

Of course or what's the point?

Some characters don't wear the right clothes…?

We are saving the best release photos for last. Most "costume rendering" takes place during the final fight. Besides, if characters didn't change clothes for days at a time then that would just be kind of gross!

Where do you find your actors?


What are you editing on?

Imovie and Windows Movie Maker.

Why isn't Sub-zero in the film?

Brush up on your history of Noob Saibot.

Do you have a day job?

This question makes me laugh, but yes lol. I'm the parking attendant at a concert theatre (well during the summer at least). I make $8.30 an hour. Although right now I'm currently out of a job.

Can you shed light on some matches?

Sub-zero vs. Noob Saibot and Kitana vs. Mileena are give-ins.

Bo'Rai is white?

We have an actor, but that is subject to change. We have held off the production of his scenes in hopes of finding a more suitable actor.

What's going on with Kira? Is she okay?

Kira is back with us as of Jan 28th 2008. She has fully recoverd from her car accident.
Phoenix said:
Ok don't go Emo on us. If you don't like the opinions of the posters than don't ask for it. If someone dislikes it than you shouldn't get offended. Just simply ask for reasoning and despite if they seem rude, take what they say into consideration and move on.

Attention Whores get Banned :wink: *ask TempesT*
That's cool Phoenix I get what your saying 100%. I guess people did not get my sarcasm or sense of humor in my post. I could tone it down, but I find it strange to have to do that when others are cursing. LOL seriously, cursing over my project? That's a stretch. It just screams "I'm 12 and should not be playing a M rated game" LOL. People can be so uptight you know.
GameOver said:
Hey man, I gotta give you your due props for getting your shit togather and actually being dedicated and motivated enough to put the insane amount of work it takes to do something like that. An hour and a half if you did a good amount of editing is a ton of work.

As for all the hating, you should just ignore it. People fail to realize that this is a fucking FAN movie with 0 budget. You can't hold it to any type of hollywood standard and you've got to cut it some slack. Given the campiness and absurdity of the story and characters from the source material your working with I find it hard to believe that everyone is taking this shit so seriously. Constructive criticism is what the dude asked for.

With the actual movie itself, I'm assuming you've already filmed a major portion of it so nitpicking at this point seems kind of trivial. What I would mention is something I noticed about your background in the scene you have the clip of. The location you chose is actually great. The bridge looks tight from the side angle where the arch is in the center frame. It's taking place in a gritty and realistic area just as you said you were going for but it still manages to be aestetically pleasing enough cinematically to not lose the viewer in the sense that it looks home video-ish. When you change your angle to the pair of talking actors you expose the ugly and overly normal looking parking lot. The dead leaves and the bare trees are too much of a reality check. You need to keep a certain element of suspended disbelief even when your trying to get a more "real" feeling for your flick. I'd consider re-shooting that particular bit of dialogue from a less unflattering angle. I mean that may not even be an option at this point, but it'd be something to think about next time your making a movie or even in some other scenes. When it comes to low budget stuff it's a thin line between amature and enjoyable and tricks like proper framing will really help you out. I'd recommened checking out the Korean movie "The Host" as they use an almost identical locale and splice fantasy into a realistic setting(its a monster movie) and make you forget how silly all of it really is. The directing is flawless.

Another thing I'd point out is your volume to sound effects level. A lot of times when people make their own movies they make the mistake of not making their actors talk loudly and clearly. They become kind of muffled and come off as unsure and unconvincing. I mean I know this dialogue is obviously not shakespear, but it helps things move along better and is a sign of overall polish if you can get them to do it right rather than simply rellying on overly noisey sound effects and or background music.

Finally, like someone said avoid over doing the quick cuts in the fighting scenes. Its effective in small doses, but too much of it can be nausiating and really disjointing after a while. It becomes gimmicky.

Anyways, like I said nice to see someone getting off their ass and doing something. It's not hard to to sit on your ass and make fun of someone...it is REALLY fucking making a watchable movie....especially a 90 minute one. Congrats.
EJAdams said:
Phoenix said:
Ok don't go Emo on us. If you don't like the opinions of the posters than don't ask for it. If someone dislikes it than you shouldn't get offended. Just simply ask for reasoning and despite if they seem rude, take what they say into consideration and move on.

Attention Whores get Banned :wink: *ask TempesT*
That's cool Phoenix I get what your saying 100%. I guess people did not get my sarcasm or sense of humor in my post. I could tone it down, but I find it strange to have to do that when others are cursing. LOL seriously, cursing over my project? That's a stretch. It just screams "I'm 12 and should not be playing a M rated game" LOL. People can be so uptight you know.

Well... this is a forum. People can say whatever they want with little to no punishment/consequence. They wouldn't be saying anywhere near what they're saying here in person no matter who they are. And if their always just plain out stupid and rude in real life, they've probably already got the shit kicked out of them, or will in the future. But most likely they're are just criticising your project because they have nothing better to do.
GameOver said:
GameOver said:
With the actual movie itself, I'm assuming you've already filmed a major portion of it so nitpicking at this point seems kind of trivial. What I would mention is something I noticed about your background in the scene you have the clip of. The location you chose is actually great. The bridge looks tight from the side angle where the arch is in the center frame. It's taking place in a gritty and realistic area just as you said you were going for but it still manages to be aestetically pleasing enough cinematically to not lose the viewer in the sense that it looks home video-ish. When you change your angle to the pair of talking actors you expose the ugly and overly normal looking parking lot. The dead leaves and the bare trees are too much of a reality check. You need to keep a certain element of suspended disbelief even when your trying to get a more "real" feeling for your flick. I'd consider re-shooting that particular bit of dialogue from a less unflattering angle. I mean that may not even be an option at this point, but it'd be something to think about next time your making a movie or even in some other scenes. When it comes to low budget stuff it's a thin line between amature and enjoyable and tricks like proper framing will really help you out. I'd recommened checking out the Korean movie "The Host" as they use an almost identical locale and splice fantasy into a realistic setting(its a monster movie) and make you forget how silly all of it really is. The directing is flawless.
Wow you know I've never really thought about it in that manner. When shooting at locations its always been "well this might work for MK movie" and then I just shoot. I'm about 50% through shooting so I will def think about this. Right now I'm trying to come up with a treatment for outworld. Will be shooting at night in rocky/cave areas and lighting it with purple and red bulbs. Hopefully that and filters in editing will work. If not then the whole movie may take place in Earthrealm. I wanted to try it out sooner but even just bulbs are so freakin expensive.
I think it looks good except for the lack of getting the characters looking just right. Noob Saibot should be completely black and gray. His eyes should be solid black, they have contacts for that. Same with scorpion, his eyes should be like a solid white. As for the other characters I cant really say much becuase I dont know who the hell they are. Well stryker the only flaw I have for him is he looks really small. Stryker is a big muscle beefy looking guy. The guy you chose, yea he has muscles but he still looks so small.