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New Krypt Mesa

I posted this in another thread but wanted to start one here to get some feedback and see what this community thinks of this idea.

Obviously this game is lacking a lot of content.

Since this games single player is focused around Invasions, how about adding in a seasonal krypt mesa? Here’s my initial thoughts on it..

1. This could be a way to introduce a lot of the content the fans feel are missing, and they already have the ability to create new mesas so you don’t have to build an entire new gameplay mode or anything. Prime example being the lack of custom gear pieces. A major complaint I’m seeing if that each character has only 1 customizable gear piece rather than the 2-3 you’d expect from NRS. If you’re going to add that to the game, this would be a viable way to do so. An Invasion seasonal krypt with chests and stuff that gets you this content. And if it’s seasonal, you can add a few pieces of gear per character each season without having to dump everything at once. I personally think every character should have various head pieces and customizable weapons if they carry one. You could also release new fatalities like this (brutalities, animality, babality, etc), palettes, skins or other cool stuff for both fighters and kameos. With this you could essentially get rid of the Seasonal Store but again, you’re getting seasonal skins, non-seasonal skins/palettes, gear pieces, finishers, whatever.

2. Since the krypt is seasonal, you can theme it to whoever the season boss is for that invasion. I actually don’t mind them recycling mesas if we get a new boss Mesa and new seasonal Krypt mess each time. Example: season 1 krypt would be a Netherrealm or hell themed krypt. Here you can add a lot of the nostalgic Easter eggs (since the invasion bosses are from different timelines) without disturbing the idea of the “new era” in this game. Kinda like how MK11 krypt had the goro throne and the old MK1 courtyard and statues and cool little throwback stuff scattered throughout, you can do this here. Season 1 could have references to Hanzo, his battles with Bi-Han, him escaping hell with Moloch and Drahmin - those little lore things for us actual MK fans that eat this stuff up. Season 2 could be a Vaternian themed krypt, season 3 a Lin Keui Temple (imagine the lore stuff there!), etc.

3. Again, seasonal rotation means you can add new content every season and it’s FREE to earn, mostly. Make it to where some chests are unlocked with koins, others with seasonal krowns, etc. And then make it so that if you don’t care to grind for the koins or don’t want to play invasions, you can opt to pay real money for the items in the store but at least your not forced to buy it. Or when a season is done, make those items available in the store for purchase. I get saving your high end skins and stuff as store exclusives too, but this way we don’t feel like we have to pay for/get ripped off on everything.

4. This one’s a stretch.. but The Krypt mesa can be where you access the other modes people want to see. Make an node where you can play Chess Kombat, Motor Kombat, a TYM only tower with with rubys and diamonds like the old games, or the classic MK 1-3 arcade games or something.

I think this would really satiate a bulk of what the fans are asking for as far as QOL and you wouldn’t have to rewrite the whole game to do so or come up with an entirely new mode. What do y’all think? Or what else would you want to see added to the Krypt Mesa.
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Its not the idea its the topic... it requires putting faith into NRS and i dont have none left for them when it comes to SP content. I am still surprised they managed to make a better story this time around (well the first 80% of it, then it went straight in the toilette)

The idea is fine but NRS aint ever gonna do it. They would probably just use the same formula they have for the other mesas... Krypt looking setting, some clues riddle like in the other mesas, a few ambushes and reset it every season.

I mean look what they do with the other Mesas... they could just make all those Mesas more alive and interactive but they give us just a generic tower put in a nice setting with pointless stupid names for every fight. They also could make the seasonal Invasion tell a real story with NPCs dialogues etc but we get a generic 3 lines story that looks like its written by a Kid. They could make non seasonal Mesas for each character telling their story, etcetc.

But they are not gonna do any of that. Before the 50bucks Expansion hits i wouldnt expect any real new type of sp content and even then i excpect it to be as lazy and barebones as possible. Only SP content they'll put effort in is the shop, especially in between expansions.

Major content complains are plenty... less customizeable gear pieces, less skins, no friendships, no babies, no intros, no outros, no stage fatality, lacking/bad SP content, net code and connecticity problems, missing QoL, input issues, alot of lazy Tower endings, Server suck, lack of communication, no SP banter, static tower design, no use for Coins etcetc. Not that hard to improve the game and player experience if they really cared atm.
Yeah I should say I don’t think this will actually happen. Just a thought experiment as to IF they were going to actually try and “fix” the severe lack of SP content, this would be a viable way to do so with the game code they already have written.

Again, that would be if they (and I more so mean WB than NRS) were in it for the sake of actually making a good game rather than a straight up money grab, which this game is.

It’ll come back around. I don’t think the next NRS or MK game sells nearly as well now that we see the product put forth