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New character ideas for Mortal Kombat 1 (MK12) with DALL·E

Egyptian Aphrodite 1

Egyptian Aphrodite 2

Egyptian Aphrodite 3

Egyptian Aphrodite 4

Egyptian Barbarian 1

Egyptian Barbarian 2

Egyptian Barbarian 3

Egyptian Barbarian 4

Create your own AI art for free: https://www.bing.com/images/create?FORM=GENILP

New character ideas for Mortal Kombat 1 (MK12) with Midjourney AI:

Egyptian Gladiator 1

Egyptian Gladiator 2

Egyptian Gladiator 3

Egyptian Gladiator 4

Egyptian Pirate 1

Egyptian Pirate 2

Egyptian Pirate 3

Egyptian Pirate 4

Egyptian Spartan 1

Egyptian Spartan 2

Egyptian Spartan 3

Egyptian Spartan 4

Egyptian Viking 1

Egyptian Viking 2

Egyptian Viking 3

Egyptian Viking 4
man AI art looks so terrible. Wonder how long it will take before it stops looking so generic and boring. You can spot AI art a mile off.
Don't get me wrong, it's fun to play with a AI but overal, you are right. Midjourney, Dall-e etc are all AI that are so generic. The only AI I think it's worth it is Stable Diffusion. Simply by the fact that you can customize the AI, use plugins, fine tune the AI, run it locally on your machine, you can even learn the AI yourself by making CKPT files yourself or give the AI "training" images.

And most important thing, it's absolutely 100% without watermark and without subscription and run it completly locally on your machine. Only thing you need is a bit of basic knowledge. But you have a lot of tutorial video's.

Most people use Dreambooth, and customize the AI how they want.
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