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Netherlands|Project MrE's, "Traditional Kombat Trailer"


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Recently on April 21st Project MrE ran a "Kharacter Kombat" tournament in Rotterdam, The Netherlands where you had one restriction entering and that was picking ONE character and sticking with them no matter what through the entire tournament. Well, they have just released yet another hype trailer that is advertising the next "Kharacter Kombat" tournament. If you would like to see the finals footage from their most recent event, go here! Check out the newest trailer!

For additional information, check out their Facebook page!



AT Gaming
mr e im gonna sue you for using me in the trailer without any premission..
i will see yo ass in court LOL..

Good shit man, 2 bad i cant play :(


I strongly approve of this format, if tournaments where run this way the level of play in this game would elevate quickly as people would have to learn how to fight those tough MU's


In Europe!
By the STORMS, this next tournament will have 'traditional' rules so you can pick whichever character you like and also counter-pick when you lose.