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General/Other - Brood Mother Nerfed and Buffed


Xbl: Johnny2Die
For those that don't know, the buff to Brood Mother where she can combo off the projectile costs TWO BARS not one. The ex double blast is the version of the projectile she needs to use, which is the projectile that you meter burn once to shoot twice, then meter burn again for a third hit, thus requiring TWO BARS in order to combo. With this in place, the damage was also NERFED on the single bar ex projectile. Because of this damage nerf her midscreen bnb that she had in the previous patch went from 41% down to 33%. This creates issues that I'll discuss here.

Brood mother past patch vs current:

Past: Krawler, jip, f44, ex bug blast, b12, airthrow= 41% midscreen corner carry

Current: Krawler, jip, f44, ex bug blast, b12, airthrow= 33%

This is an 8% damage nerf. This was an important combo that wasn't necessarily easy to setup, because putting a krawler out then jumping in is exactly what opponents know to avoid when fighting her. I realize that she has great footsies, and doesn't need jump ins to start offense, but this was a primary tool in brood mother granting a good hard to blockable situation using krawler. In most matches this had to come from setting it up off of 212, ex puddle, b21 krawler. Hit confirming 212 usually came from a punish or landing f11 Bug Blast xx 212, which were both situations where you absolutely deserve a reward for actually getting your setup, because A, it came from a punish, or B you hitconfirmed and pulled off the f11 cancel combo which is the hardest thing I've seen in the game. Now however, the setup lacks the damage payoff that it had before.

What did we get in return? She can now combo from double ex blast, requiring 2 bars, but you can get the combo from f22, or b1, so now she combos from her 50/50, at the cost of 2 bars. What do we get for spending 2 bars? 32% from f22, ex double blast, 212, f34, d1, f44, into krawler setup, or 34% if you do f22, ex double blast, 212, krawler, f34, d1, f44, ovipositor, but then you just knockdown and don't have a krawler out for the next setup. So we got a 32% plus setup or 34% knockdown bnb that requires two bars.

Now, this bnb from ex double blast, could look like this: f22, ex double blast, 212, bug blast cancel, b21, krawler, landing us our best setup at jump distance with krawler out on their wake up. The only problem here is the difficulty of the 212 bug blast cancel into b21, with the run cancel the way it is in this variation, this is extremely tough. The other problem here is that the reward of this setup, the old jip f44 combo we talked about earlier, the 41% combo for one bar, now only does 33%. I know she builds good meter, but we just don't have all these bars.

What else did we get? Pressure from f112 krawler on block, into more pressure, but what do you do with it? Use 50/50 into new bnb combo? You need 2 bars, I hope you have it. Ok you landed your 50/50, but you don't get your good setup into damage anymore, kk. Lets say your 50/50 was blocked, you used low starter into the ex projectile, the projectile used to hit the tall characters in the head on block, characters like kotal kahn, now it whiffs due to hitbox changes, and kotal pokes you under the second blast and starts his pressure, the risk vs reward got nerfed here on block. I understand that the pressure is good with this tool, but the opponent still doesn't have much to fear in terms of combo potential because she needs the 2 bars to convert on the ground, and her best setup from before gets 8% less damage.

I know this sounds like a lot of theory fighting, but this is the way my matches look now compared to before. I get that this might be a kneejerk and I try to analyze and avoid being negative, but to me this all looks like a major nerf and not a buff. They took away our damage from one bar, and gave us a 2 bar combo that doesn't lead to anything, or at least doesn't lead to the same situations as before. At best the buff is a wash with the nerf, however I think the patch hurts more than it helped.

What do you guys think? I'm hoping people prove me wrong. I really try not to be negative or to knee jerk but this is what I see currently.


Xbl: Johnny2Die
*** EDIT: People found better combos*** Ignore this post!!!

I'm glad there are better options than what I outlined here. Shame on me for going ham before understanding the nuances of her buffs.

This thread can get locked.


for the record by the way, it's not the single bug shot that had the damage nerfed, it was the krawler... they added higher dmg scaling on the krawler so you don't get insane damage combos in brood mother, which is understandable