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Negative edge and input scheme.


Nightwolf of the galaxy
What have you guys been using?
street fighter inputs, with negative edge
Street fighter inputs, no negative edge
MK inputs, with negative edge
MK inputs, no negative edge

Also, do you think these options transcend personal preference, and that some characters may benefit from using a specific control schema?


bad at things
mk inputs no negative edge. using ps2 pad. feels easier to hit combos without neg edge. i never played a game with sf inputs

W E S T N I N E 9

Currently hijacking the planet
Coming from a purely Capcom background; SF inputs with no negative edge.
MK inputs and its ridiculous leniency has cost me countless matches.
Never made use of negative edge in any fighter I've played, but in this game particularly negative edge makes undesired special moves come out for me.


"Heaven Will Fall!"
It all depends on who I'm playing I found the MK inputs work better for Doomsday but I like the SF inputs when I play Nightwing and I never use negative edge in any fighter I play.


Lawless Victory!
Negative edge off. SF Style inputs (I use DS and his low gun shot kept coming out every time i hit down+back 1, when all I actually wanted was a down 1)

Ironically, the input for DS low shot in SF mode is too awkward (back, down+back, down) and now I can't do the motion when I need to - I end up hitting forward at the end and get standing gun shot instead!


Dropping Combos like a MotherFucker!
I remember that MK9 had negative edge, but I'm still not 100% sure what it is. Something to do with button releases?

So far I've been using the default controls, without giving it a second thought.

W E S T N I N E 9

Currently hijacking the planet
I remember that MK9 had negative edge, but I'm still not 100% sure what it is. Something to do with button releases?

So far I've been using the default controls, without giving it a second thought.
Negative edge treats the release of a button the same way as a button press.
Press 2 and the game interprets a 2 input.
Release 2 and the game interprets another 2 input.
Two inputs for the one button press.
Some people find this useful and others find it to be a hindrance.


Dropping Combos like a MotherFucker!
Negative edge treats the release of a button the same way as a button press.
Press 2 and the game interprets a 2 input.
Release 2 and the game interprets another 2 input.
Two inputs for the one button press.
Some people find this useful and others find it to be a hindrance.
Thanks. I'll try it later today without the negative edge, and see if that does anything positive (or negative) for me.

W E S T N I N E 9

Currently hijacking the planet
Thanks. I'll try it later today without the negative edge, and see if that does anything positive (or negative) for me.
If it was giving you issues it'd be blatantly apparent.
Example: I'd try to do :d2 :d:l1 and negative edge would always make the game register :d2 :d:l2.
If you buffer directional inputs and the window to cancel a normal into a special move coincides with the release of any button; the desired special move won't come out. Assuming your character has special moves that share the same :d:l input. Very annoying and may be character specific. Before I knew I was able to disable negative edge I would have to do :d2(hold) :d:l1(release 2) just so the second 2 input wouldn't register and make me do the wrong special move.


I believe it all comes to personal preference.

I tried with both negative edge on and off.
The way to do combos is different for both, however if you know how negative edge works then its really no problem.

negative edge : Use of button release in place of button press within a command sequence; most Capcom fighting games allow special and super moves to be performed by this method

So as long as you know how this functions, you should understand what needs to be pressed.

I would suggest trying your main character on all the control schemes and see what feels most natural to you.

BTW guys, negative edge is in almost every fighting game you have played.

W E S T N I N E 9

Currently hijacking the planet
I've also found that MK inputs drastically cut the inputs required for certain specials.
:l:d:r with MK inputs only requires :l:r.
SF input:l:qtl:d:qtr:r versus MK input:l:r is a huge change in ease of execution and execution time.
..Something to consider for anyone is still on the fence about input schemes.


Nightwolf of the galaxy
I remember that MK9 had negative edge, but I'm still not 100% sure what it is. Something to do with button releases?

So far I've been using the default controls, without giving it a second thought.
There are several parts to negative edge. The one explained to you already is release check, the other part is the allowance of incorrect inputs. So your special move is back forward 1. You can hit back up forward 1 and it will still work, or back down forward etc...

Vulcan Hades

Negative edge doesn't even seem to work for directional inputs. On some moves at least.

Like with Killer Frost, you can't go from holding down (crouch) then do back, forward. No you have to release down, then press down again. It's super annoying.


I hate getting accidental db1's with MK style, but I hate strict half circle motions even more. I'll swap depending on the character, but for someone like Captain Marvel there's no way in hell I'm playing with half circle psycho crushers.