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Match-up Discussion Need help against green lantern

Hello all, been a lurker for a while first post...

Ill get to it then, green lanterns ridiculous lanterns might grab completely destroys me most of the time! He's such an easy character to play and can be very punishing!

My play style involves jumping in most of the time... Now before anyone suggests don't jump it, it's obvious and quite effective, I do much better if I only dive kick or begin my combos once lantern is air borne.. But I was wondering if there were any better alternatives, that grab seems to hit air normal and low, frustrates the hell out of me!

Additionally I honestly don't know any combos that don't come from a jump in or rather not skilled in them, B2 3 is amazing when toe to toe.. If anyone has some advice would be much appreciated ;) thanks

Vulcan Hades

After any knockdown around sweep range, first try to bait his Lift/Grab move. I backdash and whiff punish with Black Magic, dash, b23,u1+3 but I'm sure there are better combos than this. I just use this because there's not a lot of time to whiff punish after a backdash from that range.

Now after having punished his Lift a few times the GL player might become more reluctant to use it after you knock him down. Because of this hesitation/fear of being whiff punished, you'll be able to go in and pressure more freely.

Don't jump too much. I know you think jumping around dive kicking is good in this matchup but it's not. Any good Green Lantern will just lift you for a free 30% combo if you jump around too much. Or hit you out of the air with one of his numerous projectiles that cover air space.

There are only 2 times where you should jump in this matchup:

1. When you are far away to fullscreen distance and it's to avoid chip damage from his air rockets. Now obviously GL can't throw a rocket and Lift you at the same time, which is why you should Dive Kick right after having avoided an air rocket to close distance. But that's one of the only times you want to dive kick. The other time you want to dive kick is to whiff punish something.

2. When you are at cross-up distance after a knockdown and you have enough frame advantage (this is important). Then in this case -and only in this case- cross-up j2 will beat his wake up Lift.

A tip vs Air Rockets: If you walk back or dash under them you can catch GL as he lands with a well timed Black Magic. Most of the time you'll only be able to combo Lightning Strike or Far Boot Stomp but that's good enough.

Air Turbine Smash can be punished but only on whiff so try to avoid it if you can. Whiff punish with b2/11 xx black magic, black magic or dive kick.

Generally, I think you should block low vs GL and react to his overheads. Don't backdash too much because his low string can chase Black Adam's backdash unfortunately. If you're really desperate and don't want to deal with GL's mixups then you can always try MB b3 or wake up Lightning Cage.

That's all I know but hopefully it helps you a bit.

Check the new combo thread for BA combos.
Thank you Vulcan Hades!

I saw your video combo thread, very nice :)

I don't understand what whiff is, I looked it up and still not sure what it means or how to do it...

Thanks for the turbine move I forgot I wanted to ask about that too! But again don't understand how to punish it..

I'm doing better against lanterns online mostly because I don't jump unless I know it's safe... But im finding I'm lacking any way to get in from ground to combo...


Where is crossplay?
Jumping is your biggest issue. I love jumping myself and you learn VERY fast to never jump at GL. Like, ever. No reason to. He's the best at controlling the air in the entire game and he can be beaten on the ground.
Thank you for the reply Nori, yes I too learnt this the hard way... I'm researching other ways to put pressure and get combos in.

@KT if my topic was read all the way through you would notice that I call myself out on this knowning it's what not to do, and no I'm not trying to have a convo with myself...

I'm in fact asking for advice and strategies to adapt and change my game style. Since I mostly jump around I'm having trouble and want to learn new techniques, as well as get some advice from more advanced players... But thanks for the useless reply...
Thank you Vulcan Hades!

I saw your video combo thread, very nice :)

I don't understand what whiff is, I looked it up and still not sure what it means or how to do it...

Thanks for the turbine move I forgot I wanted to ask about that too! But again don't understand how to punish it..

I'm doing better against lanterns online mostly because I don't jump unless I know it's safe... But im finding I'm lacking any way to get in from ground to combo...
Whiff means when the opponent completely misses an attack and is still recovering from that move. You can punish him every time he misses. For example, you can punish GL air turbine when he misses and on his way back down to land, you can punish with something simple like b2,u3,1+3 if he's in range.
Black Magic and the lightning bolt are great for knocking him down. then you can get in close and use Lighning Storm, which GL players are usually open to if they are relying heavily on that lift move.


Black Adam can also whiff punish air rockets from full screen with bootstomp, hitting GL as he's still falling to the ground. Also remember that Lantern's Might is super punishable on block


Joker waiting room
If a GL player plays this right then you're gonna cry.

It's adam's worst matchup IMO and I have it as 7-3.


Most humble shit talker ever!!!
Have to agree with this, the match is def in GL Favour,
his low slide combo starter can punish Divekicks easily, they can punish normal cross ups easy
his low slide also wiffs BA's b2
,yes his BnB combo starter
his Jumping normal Kick beats out BA air attacks including Divekick

GL is BA worst match up me thinks, with Doomsday in second place
If a GL player plays this right then you're gonna cry.

It's adam's worst matchup IMO and I have it as 7-3.


Joker waiting room
Have to agree with this, the match is def in GL Favour,
his low slide combo starter can punish Divekicks easily, they can punish normal cross ups easy
his low slide also wiffs BA's b2
,yes his BnB combo starter
his Jumping normal Kick beats out BA air attacks including Divekick

GL is BA worst match up me thinks, with Doomsday in second place
doomsday is even at worst
Agreed doomsday is a worse match up :(

I pretty much learnt how to deal with green lanterns now... Plus someone posted a very detailed video on how to punish GL shenanigans.

I now have trouble against doomsday, superman and aquaman, with batgirl and a good raven following up.


Aww shit <REDACTED DUE TO FEELINGS> its Shapzam
Agreed doomsday is a worse match up :(

I pretty much learnt how to deal with green lanterns now... Plus someone posted a very detailed video on how to punish GL shenanigans.

I now have trouble against doomsday, superman and aquaman, with batgirl and a good raven following up.

I think he meant 'even' as in, its 5-5.

Doomsday isn't that bad. His worst tricks are ex venom and his corner game. Everything else is pretty benign.
Yeah I misread that (tired and got excited to respond maybe lol damn that DD)

I still think DD has some good tools to shut BA down, or maybe I just played a really good DD


Aww shit <REDACTED DUE TO FEELINGS> its Shapzam
Yeah I misread that (tired and got excited to respond maybe lol damn that DD)

I still think DD has some good tools to shut BA down, or maybe I just played a really good DD

Well, most of doomsdays specials are punishable. He is pretty slow, so you can poke him a lot and use your faster strings on him. Plus your own fast movement speed and zoning can really hurt him. Chucking down ex lightning when he uses trait still hurts him a lot and stops him in his tracks for a good time.
Well, most of doomsdays specials are punishable. He is pretty slow, so you can poke him a lot and use your faster strings on him. Plus your own fast movement speed and zoning can really hurt him. Chucking down ex lightning when he uses trait still hurts him a lot and stops him in his tracks for a good time.
I agree, at first I thought it would be an easier match up but ended up losing 0-3 all very close games maybe 20% HP left.

Ex lightning when he traited is great to keep him away then of rush him d1 until it was gone, he caught on and supernova.

Embarrassed to say that I did not punish one supernova, I know how but he kept using it to punish me.

Whenever I'd try to get in I'd get AA.

Wake up cage was real helpful in the match :)