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need a little help with human smoke

First off i would like to thank you for the guides they have really helped my game. My question is with human smoke. The guide says anytime you hit a spear its 50% combo for every player, and 56 on most. I cant figure this combo out, it seems most of his combos wont let me do 2 spears in the same combo like HK, LP, JK, teleport punch, spear, HK, D+LP, D+HP, JK, air throw 10 hits 53%. Is there something else i should be doing??


I think off the spear you can go for spear, hk, lp, deep jump kick, spear, hk, d+lp, d+hp, walk in, aa.hp, hp, jump kick, air throw.

That probably does close to 56%, don't remember at the moment.

EDIT: Yeah that does 53% without the air throw.
hmm thanks a lot i will have to give that a try. also how do you manage to land the walk in aahp. I cant do it with ermac either. Do i have to run? I tried that but cant due to no run bar any ideas??
synbadd said:
... wont let me do 2 spears in the same combo like HK, LP, JK, teleport punch, spear, HK, D+LP, D+HP, JK, air throw 10 hits 53%
Only one spear in that one...

Anyway, there is time minimum between spears, so pause a little after the first one before continuing the combo.

Also, you can't use it after 5 hits.

dreemernj said:
I think off the spear you can go for spear, hk, lp, deep jump kick, spear, hk, d+lp, d+hp, walk in, aa.hp, hp, jump kick, air throw.

That probably does close to 56%, don't remember at the moment.

EDIT: Yeah that does 53% without the air throw.
That does 50% without the airthrow? I think the total (w/ airthrow) is about 56% so I don't think it's 53%

synbadd said:
...also how do you manage to land the walk in aahp. I cant do it with ermac either. Do i have to run?
When do you mean? before the JK=Air throw?


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For the extra aaHP, walk slightly after the pop up, and your bar will start to recharge, you'll get a tiny bit of run back, then tap Run (to burst), HP, Run(to cancel the HP faster), walk a tiny bit again, JK, and instantly air throw.

It reads pretty much like this:

Spear, HK, LP, JK, spear, HK, D+LP, D+HP, F, R, aaHP, R, F, JK, air throw
thanks a lot for everyones help i will try out the tips and hopefully they will work out. I am glad i found this site it is really helping my game.


Glad we can help! Its too often the case where people new to a game and still learning it are shunned and insulted, as if we weren't all new to the game at some point!
i not really new i played in the day on snes knew all the moves just this site is taking my combo ability to a new level thanks a lot for the help