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NEC16 Offstream MKX Matches playlist

Jeremy KO

*insert kotal kahn gibberish here*
I recorded several notable offstream matches over the weekend at NEC16 with my camera. Some of them I didn't get the complete sets of, but I got most of the em. Here are some notable ones!

@EVB_VenDeTTa vs @Madzin which ended in a great pop off. Many of you have already seen this one already but just in case you haven't!

@hayatei vs IFC Yipes

@YOMI SLAYER vs @gross

You can check out the complete playlist here


Jeremy KO

*insert kotal kahn gibberish here*
do you have anything to say about the first video?
I think Madzin shouldn't let the patriotism and the heckling get to him. American FGC likes to heckle foreign players all the time. It's never personal and it's never malicious, however. It's all fun trash talking. Plus, several people in that crowd were rooting for him. However, in due time, Madzin will become used to and maybe even embrace the heckling!