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NEC 20 - Stream Schedule - Last stop in Pro Tour 2019


Administrator and Community Engineer
He would have been "the guy who eliminated NinjaKilla with Kollector."
Ninja's still in winners so it wasn't an elimination match; but it would have been an amazing scalp and a really memorable upset.

Excitement comes to crashing halt with geras and Jacqui, two of the most boring characters in the game to watch... thank god this tourney has a lot of character variety
My blood pressure needed a break.. Haha


Administrator and Community Engineer
amazing 1st streamed pool... I mean some of those matches were just out of this world.
So the D block has Splash, Dragon, Deoxys, Sylverrye, K7 Showoff, Kevo, Rewind, Semij, Honeybee, and Curbo.. Should be a good time.


some heroes are born, some made, some wondrous
Bio's Terminator is brutal.. as expected. Pity it was DLC... and released so late in the pro tour.


Administrator and Community Engineer
This tournament has been phenomenal so far, i enjoyed pretty much every match. Great job everyone.
The number of sheer nailbiters, comebacks, and last-round insane low-life finishes is stunning. Honestly props to everybody competing, they are putting on a show.
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I just saw deadly rebel vs ninja killa. Whoa. That has to be the choke of the year, deadly rebel had that match.
I'm loving all this Kollector play and getting a kick out of salty chat hating on him.

Especially great showing from Deadly Rebel vs Ninjakilla as well, I know those drops hurt but going up so close against one of the best Liu Kangs is an accomplishment itself and you made to Top 16 too. Good shit dude, I hope to see you in more tournies.