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My Tips on Fighting Raiden and Kung lao.

Raiden: Know what we all hate.. that teleport. First of all, Raiden cannot block string us, or keep us in constant poke, its just the teleport. 70% of every raiden (even on the professional level) Will jump over you to try and cross you up. Most of you might not have realized this... Just Nuetral Jump punch him, and juggle.. Although Raiden cannot be mix upped, so don't waste the bar. its smarter to just go in regular invisibility and let him teleport and dash to punish it, or NJP. it all depends on what you can read as the player. And thats pretty much all you will need to know, they will start thinking twice before they teleport. (if you have other tips, go ahead and post.)

Kung Lao: First of all, theres no point in trying to put a mix up or trying to hit him while hes down because of his wake up spin. My tactic is to take away his teleport, and his flying kick. Stay in the crouch position the whole match, don't move. Because, they are going to ground hat you. Its either that, or trade projectiles with acid spit. from here, kung laos are rush down lovers like us, but its smarter to not give in. They have two choices after they notice we are trading: flying kick, or teleport. This is reaction, assuming, and guessing. On the teleport, Upper cut this, and you are safe to throw an enhanced slow ball for pressure, but after one poke, back off, hes gonna spin. If he spins, acid ball this. On the flying kick, either Block this and punish, or you can definitly just throw up an enhanced acid ball, an keep it charged for an anti air. Those are my tips, if you have more, put some more down for both of the characters.

Keoki 808

ejtnazjh4yq4ry4q4 5y3y4y
not sure if this will prove useful but one strategy i constantly use for raiden is i try to get in close and use 3 2 D B+2 to give a good amount of distance incase he doest teleport just then.he usually teleports then tries to set up a combo but i just block high and interrupt his attempt to set up with a B F+2 and then a Acid ball just so i can either get some chip damage on him or hopefully catch him so i can dash and do a combo.

hope this helps a little bit.
Is it me or is dash the only thing that can punish a blocked spin and a blocked superman? seems like nothing else is fast enough. i know sometimes raiden balls up closer when u block superman but most times hes out of reach to punish with 32....

i don't enjoy the matches with typical raidens and kung laos. cause im forced into a certain style of play if i want to stand any chance. its mostly just dash, defend, punish when possible and wake up games. can never really open up and be offensive.

GNG Iniquity

#bufftaquito #punchwalk #whiffycage
Unfortunately, I do feel that against Kung Lao and Raiden it really does come down to just dash dash dash. I hate playing that way. I do not mind playing defensively against Mileena because I get to actually punish her rolls with actual combos and slide under her sais, that's a fun match imo.

But Kung Lao and Raiden I just find boring and aggravating.


Salt Proprietor of TYM
Is it me or is dash the only thing that can punish a blocked spin and a blocked superman? seems like nothing else is fast enough. i know sometimes raiden balls up closer when u block superman but most times hes out of reach to punish with 32....

i don't enjoy the matches with typical raidens and kung laos. cause im forced into a certain style of play if i want to stand any chance. its mostly just dash, defend, punish when possible and wake up games. can never really open up and be offensive.
When you block a superman you can punish with full combo, when he is in reach use 32 sfb, and when he isn't just sfb.