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My thoughts on specific hardware for tournaments, having had every platform released since 2001.


Are ya' ready for MK11 kids?!
Okay so, after reading through Soonk's thread on the supposed problems there were at NEC, there has been a lengthy debate on whether or not the game should be ran on PS3 or not.

Sure, this has been an ongoing argument for over a year now, but let me start by saying, why does this game even have a set tournament standard console in the first place? Personally I play on PS3 at home, and every tournament I've been to has ran the game on 360 (actually, every European major except Super Vs Battle 2011 has ran MK9 on 360 for that matter), and I've had no issues with this, besides my arcade stick obviously not working because of Microsoft's asinine lock out chip in their controller PCBs. Granted, this is an issue that will apply to any game, in any genre, on any platform. Are certain regions taking it upon themselves to play on PS3 JUST for EVO? AE is predominantly ran on 360 all across the U.S. despite this with acknowledgement of a proven PS3-specific issue.

But anyway, the reason why I question this, is because of this supposed "random lag" that the PS3 version, and only the PS3 version supposedly produces. Yes we all know of the severe framerate dips during the completely aesthetic animations of X-rays, but what else is there? If I leave at this then well, this thread is only going to be a clusterfuck of "random instance of lag on PS3 A" and "lawl PS3 is such a shitty system B", and nobody will learn anything from it. The only direct argument I've seen is how this intense disruption during the X-ray is going to result in a fuckton of dropped post-Xray combos from 5 whole characters. Yes, I don't main Liu Kang, Cage, Kung Lao, Rain or Cyrax, but that's the irony of it, I sporadically play Lao (and Cyrax but well, I can't say I've ever used his X-ray) and have never dropped his X-ray BNB on either system, if this is a problem for any other player, please refer to an optician, immediately. Yeah I might be just as unprofessional as the guys that want the game ran on their favorite system to fuel their own fanboyish agenda for saying that, but I honestly can't fathom how this is being brought up at the highest level.

Now bringing this up does go against the very thing I discouraged, but just for the record, the first setup I used at this summer's Madcatz championships, on a 360 I might add, was lagging and freezing to high heavens, but here's the difference, I took some initiative and concluded that it could've been that specific console that was having performance issues, I didn't throw a hissyfit and demanded that the TEOs scoop up all the 360s and replace them all with PS3s. I went on a next setup and the issues were nowhere near as intense, they were still there, but that's to be expected when you have about 20 setups all with different monitors.

The funniest thing about this? There's a chance that tournament mode might just eradicate all of these issues, but since Tom Brady and only Tom Brady wanted first hit bonus so he could fall back on his precious unescapable reset with his flowchart Sub-Zero when the game was released the community is intent on justifying a mechanic that they usually waste armor on trying to get in the first place, we may never know the entire perspective on the rules and intricacies that tournament mode provides for the game.

Long story short; both platforms are acceptable for the game and it should be left up to the TEO which they use, as long as each and every setup is identical and anyone can buy/dual-mod controllers that reliably work on either system. If you're competing in a game that runs off of the backbone of developers that have already put out EIGHT fighting games with questionable mechanics, you should know what you're getting yourself into before throwing out baseless assumptions on things you're not disciplined and educated on to begin with. And God forbid TEOs do not simply have a fix button for the nuance of malfunctions in technology.

EDIT: By the way, to this day 16 years later, UMK3 STILL doesn't have a tournament viable version released on any console, nobody bothers to mention how version B sucks less than version A, or how NRS can possibly screw up a direct emulation of the arcade version (although you guys wonder why AU_IM_DIGIMON chortles at your claims that Injustice will run silky smooth and 100% bug free), it's still widely acknowledged that they're just not suitable at the highest level and deal with what they're given accordingly.

GGA soonk

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I'll have to record some of the slowdown bullshit that happens when you have kabal/kabal or kabal/cyrax on the screen, then run the same stuff on xbox and record that, and people can decide for themselves.